Mayor Edna DeVries gets award, standing ovation at Palmer City Council meeting


The Palmer City Council meeting was more packed than usual Tuesday night. A small contingent of Democrats had decided to make a stand and try to force Mayor Edna DeVries to resign her seat, since she has filed as a candidate for mayor for the Mat-Su Borough.

They let it be known on social media that they would be at the meeting to set forth their demands.

But that plan was superseded by a special award given to the mayor by organizations and members of the public, who packed into the city council chamber to thank DeVries for her service as the mayor of Palmer.

Mayor DeVries was given a standing ovation by nearly the entire room of supporters, which took the wind out of the sails of the couple of people there to ask her to step down.

Elected as mayor in October 2016, with a term ending in October 2022, Mayor DeVries previously served as a Council Member from 1979 to 1982; 1996 to 1999; and 2010-2016. 

She is a former Mat-Su Borough Assembly member, former Mat-Su Borough Mayor, and State Senator. 

She is a former City of Palmer Treasurer/Finance Director. Mayor DeVries served as Secretary for the State of Alaska Republican Party and as a Board Member of Kings Chapel in Wasilla.


  1. Truly truly worthless Dems/leftists/ communists. And all Dems currently supporting the Dem party must admit the leftists/communists own their party.

  2. I always wondered why would Democrats move into a place where they have the minority voice as they do living on the Matsu Borough. While These democrats are unhappy with the more Republican leadership shouldn’t they just go to Southeast Alaska, Kodiak, Dillingham and Southwest where they will find a more agreeable crowd to their democratic political ideology. Those places are needing more businesses starting up there, they can make up their democratic utopia in those dry economic communities needing new energy. These Democrats can show how it’s done right by going somewhere thats declining.

    • It’s not about moving where they are happier, it’s about destroying the conservative ideas of freedom. And to do that they must invade conservative strongholds. They push their way into a community little at a time and grow like cancer while conservatives fail to stay involved in local politics,, watch, complain and do nothing until it’s too late.

  3. Glad to see the conservative majority finally turning out! Now let’s get on board with electing conservatives to school boards, city councils, District Attorneys and voting out leftist Judges. Join your local district GOP. American patriots it’s time to take back our country.

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