Mayor Dave Bronson introduces ballot prop to ask voters if they want Muni Clerk elected, but Assembly puts it on ice until August


Anchorage Assembly Mayor Dave Bronson on Tuesday night offered a ballot proposition to ask voters if they wish to change the municipal charter and have the Municipal Clerk elected by the people. It’s a system that is done in many other large cities around the nation, while in smaller communities, the clerk is often an appointed role.

The clerk oversees elections, takes and keeps minutes of Assembly meetings and performs other official functions at the direction and oversight of the Assembly. The mayor has no authority over her, and yet yer position is extremely power, as evidenced in the handling of the last municipal election, when many ballots were rejected over signature issues.

Immediately after the mayor introduced the measure, Assemblyman Felix Rivera moved to have a public hearing on it in August — seven months from now. Vice Chair Chris Constant seconded the motion and in an unusual move, even for him, Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar “third-ed” the motion. That makes so it is not debatable.

The move to essentially table the ballot proposition means will not be considered by the Assembly for inclusion on the April 5 ballot. With the likelihood that the liberal majority on the Assembly opposes having its power over the clerk stripped from it, it’s unlikely to be presented to voters ever, unless there is a voter petition.


    • Let’s do it! We need a petition and an organized signature-gathering effort. There are a few companies who hire and pay people to collect signatures for petitions, arrange for financial contributions to fund this work, and then count up signatures from all of us who believe strongly that Barbara Jones’s position should be an elected one.

  1. It is time to take Anchorage back!
    The behavior of the Leftist Assembly is bringing the city down….

  2. The Anchorage “Assembly” no longer works for us. Who knows who they work for. If they worked for me they would do one quarter of what they do. I don’t consent to over half of their agenda. It is compulsive and insane. Stop. What you are doing. Only one quarter of it is desired by your employer – the people. Your wild tangent is evidence of your tyranny. Do not even try to delimit the people. You are out of line in a compulsive way. Please, see a psychiatrist.

  3. PS. Dustin Darden will make an excellent US Senator and will represent Alaska in an authentic manner as long as he stays true to the US Constitution which I believe he will do.

  4. Power and your throne should be earned not appointed from knowing the movers and shakers nor being in the right family. This is america where your bloodline, status, nor education matters. Or did we turn into europe the last 80 years.

  5. The word “assembly” is our word. We “assemble” on chewsdee to determine among ourselves using plenty words in a place we paid for out of the rain, wind and snowbanks to figure what we “want”. Do we “want” what is being dished out and thrown in AnchreeeeeaaaaaChes faces on chewsday nights? I truly wonder. There is ample evidence this is exactly NOT what we want. “Put the evidence in the car, Junior.”

  6. I can’t wait to vote. Wish I could vote them all out.I plan to do what I can to make it happen Come on Dunbar you lost so if you can’t get over it go to Therapy. You have no ideal how sick and tired many Anchorage voters are of you and your comrades.

  7. You keep voting these people in, Anchorage. This is all on you. You must like being ruled and treated like 5th graders.

  8. Curses, another takeover plot foiled again.
    There’s this meme about insanity, but then, we all pretty much know it. We just don’t believe it.

  9. Myself and everyone I know will be eager to sign the petition and vote to make the clerk an elected position! More scrutiny is required of the Municipal Clerk, not less! Barbara Jones has proven to be untrustworthy!

    • Are they ready to do the work to get it done, or do they just want to complain “somebody should do something”?

  10. There are 5 Assembly seats up for re-election in April and filing to run opens this Friday, January 14th. It would be very refreshing to see some sane, non-toxic locals challenge these tired activists. Anyone?


  11. What’s sad is that most folks who are disgusted by the actions of the assembly now deep resistance futile and won’t bother to vote. Perhaps feeling that their votes – no longer are counted.

  12. This is a direct result of the leftists voting and the conservatives not voting. The voting percentage is disgusting.

  13. How about 1 D and 1 R from each district. That way that have to work together to pass regulations as they cannot force legislation along party lines.

      • Yeah, and the sky is brown and grass is purple.
        Like every other radical leftist extremist, Frank, you mistake the nominal for the actual. But nuance is not and never has been the forte of the radical left.

  14. In my small hometown the City Clerk is an appointed position, the County Clerk is an elected position. What matters most is transparency and high ethics. Anchorage has had a great Clerk for many years and is a leader in mail in elections which have been well run and has increased turnout. While I am interested in listening to the public hearings and becoming more well informed my initial reaction is this is a solution looking for a problem

  15. Not at all surprising to see the Assembly do something like this. I think they see the writing on the wall that a majority of Anchorage do not believe in the guiding principles of their governance. The only way they can stay in power is to ensure the current corrupt mail in voter system stays in place. The continuing pissing contest with the Mayor may be exciting for the crazys over at r/anchorage on Reddit but again the majority of Anchorage sees it as totally counter productive to making Anchorage grow and prosper.

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