Mayor Dan gives his endorsement to Bill Evans


Anchorage Mayoral Candidate Bill Evans announced today that he has been endorsed by former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan.

Sullivan said “Evans was the right person, in the right place, at the right time for Anchorage.”

“I am proud to have Former Mayor Dan Sullivan’s endorsement. Dan and I share the same goal – a safe and prosperous Anchorage,” said Evans. “Because Dan spent two terms as Mayor and has a real world understanding of what the job requires; his confidence in my ability to succeed is not only important but also very gratifying.”

In addition to Evans, Mike Robbins, David Bronson, Forrest Dunbar, Bill Falsey, George Martinez, Jacob Seth Kern, Darin Colbry, Heather Herndon, and Nelson Jesus Godoy have announced they are running for mayor. The election ends April 6.

The video endorsement by Former Mayor Dan Sullivan is posted at Youtube:


  1. I like Mayor Dan but he’s wrong on this one. Way wrong. Bill Evans is not a conservative. When Alaska Family Action asked Evans in 2015 one question on our survey, he lied.

    The question? Would he support ordinances allowing men to access women’s bathrooms ? He said no and we endorsed him.

    He then worked behind the scenes with liberals on the Assembly and activists in the LGBTQ community to INTRODUCE the exact ordinance.

    This may not be your issue and of course their are multiple issues to resolve in our riddled city but Evans is not a conservative and cannot be trusted. Sounds like what we have currently.

    We can do better.

    • Agreed, I recall the election and the 1 term Bill served, he did not act as a conservative, not sure he was even a Republican until just before that assembly election. Dan did a good job until the end, decisions he made led to a liberal majority that has been growing ever since (we need to do something about mail in voting in Anchorage)

  2. I see the “conservative” option for a mayor candidate is getting muddy. While the left seem to be pushing one candidate forward (Dunbar) the right still can’t figure which candidate will be the best to rally behind.

  3. It should be Dave Bronson or nobody. Haven’t we had enough of these wishy-washy, Lisa Murkowski RINOs already? The middle of the road is where skunks go to get run over!

  4. Anyone can make conservative “noise” and statements. Mike Robbins backs his conservative statements up with study and plans on how to achieve each measure he proposes. There is no “middle of the road” here. At a recent AMAC meeting I asked Bronson “how” to many of his “I will” statements and did not get very thoughtful or insightful answers. Robbin”s answers and ideas were exceptionally good in comparison! Bronson is well intended, forthright and honest but not as well prepared for the job.

  5. I agree with the “no conservative” comments. In the 2014 election for Assembly there were two candidates referred to as conservative. One was Bill Evans and the other was myself. Bill had been a registered Democrat and had changed his registration to Republican before the election. I lost the election because Mayor Dan supported Bill. I had been supported by conservatives as well but Mayor Dan’s support through it to him. The only thing he accomplished on the Assembly was writing and supporting the “gay” ordinance that the city must now live under. He wasn’t particularly active in the district and after his first term decided not to run. I called and asked him why and he told me it wasn’t what he expected and didn’t want to do it any longer. Please folks, don’t be fooled by Bill Evans, he is no conservative and will most likely keep us going down the terrible path this city is on.

  6. Suzanne …we need you to help us find the electable conservative here.

    The Lefties already have their man …we know who it is by simply driving by the IBEW Hall on Denali
    So we start off behind them w/ 3 conservatives all looking to split the vote & keep the city liberal

    If these “conservatives” are worth their salt, they will meet & pick 1 candidate for us to follow
    Why has the Left taken our town? …..because they are organized, that’s why.

  7. The criticism of Bill here is way off-base. Anchorage will elect a Republican, but it has to be the RIGHT Republican. The reality is that neither Bronson nor Robbins have a shot at the general, and that means Mayor Dunbar. Yeah, am I a fan of Evans’ bathroom bill vote? Maybe not. But that doesn’t affect me at all and doesn’t seem to have caused a single real dustup. But you know what does affect me? Crime. Taxes. Homelessness. The fact is that Evans is conservative where it really matters AND he’s actually electable. We gotta stop thinking we can win Anchorage by nominating Amy Demboski types over and over again.

    • This town needs government gridlock and a local government that is constantly bickering amongst themselves so that everyday people will not be put upon by these lawyers, politicians and carpet bagger Californians and Texans. Evan seems like some mush who’s gonna allow the Assembly to stomp all over residents and spend wildly. So in the end What’s the difference between him and Dunbar?

    • I agree with you, Robert. We must get behind the RIGHT Republican From my perspective, Bill Evans is our guy!


      Lest anybody think that Dunbar gives a rip about crime and homelessness in the assembly district he was elected to represent, ask him about his adamant refusal to do one single thing for five years during which groups of homeless people moved in and out of the house next door to mine after the homeowner died. Those of us on our street experienced decreased property values, theft, dilapidated and unlicensed vehicles all over the place, dangerous behaviors in the backyard, “fencing operations” conducted from the house in plain view, and lots of unproductive police calls. Dunbar knew all about it. But he chose to do absolutely nothing! Anchorage deserves better.

    • He us not electable currently. Poser dabling in this and that. Finally settled on… The easy road …a friggin attorney. He’s a poser rino at best.
      No thank you. His webpage is generic statement crap… not for real.
      Prove us wrong Bill, come out with something of substance other than generic junk. Everyone out here is not as dumb as you think.

  8. Let’s definitely vet the three candidates (Bill Evans, Mike Robbins, and Dave Bronson) carefully to see which one is most suitable. For better or for worse, the Assembly has seen to it that we have the time to do that carefully.

    An example of how to do that is what Jim Minnery did above by relaying a specific historical example that may indicate something about one candidate’s character and/or beliefs. An example of how not to do that is by calling someone names who is simply trying to do the same thing (albeit with a bit more opinion that specific facts).

    Once we’ve had some time to vet these three, then we need to pick one, and everyone who cares about the survival and success of Anchorage needs to rally behind that one candidate.

    All three candidates need to get busy and do the hard work of communicating effectively their positions and how they intend to accomplish them. And those of us who don’t support the leftist progressive movement need to do everything possible to support election integrity; because the other side WILL cheat. That’s the how they roll because they can’t win on issues and policy. They understand politics and they have no other standards than to win.

    What we can’t do is any of the three things that Conservatives/Republicans/etc. very often do that helps ensure the other side wins. We cannot: 1) Sit back and be complacent and just hope things will work out this time; 2) We cannot be wishy-washy or lazy in doing due diligence in vetting the candidates and accept someone that just seems like a good conservative only to find out they’re a chameleon (aka wolf in sheep’s clothing) after they get elected; and 3) We cannot engage in the ever popular circular firing squad where we call each other names and do other types of damage to each other while the left sits back and laughs all the way to the electoral win.

    And with regard to #3; if you disagree with Mayor’s Dan’s assessment of Bill Evans, that’s fine. But instead of calling him names, how about making a cogent statement as to why you disagree along with a sound supporting argument.

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