Mayor Bronson proposes to name Port of Alaska after Congressman Don Young


Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson announced today that he is initiating Assembly approval for a citizen naming panel to convene and begin the process of officially renaming the Port of Alaska as the “Don Young Port of Alaska,” in remembrance of the late congressman.  

Anchorage Municipal Code 3.97 permits the naming and renaming of municipal facilities in recognition of one who has “substantially contributed to the municipality, the state, or the nation.” 

“As the longest serving U.S. Congressman and Dean of the House, Don was one of Alaska’s biggest champions. As Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee he was instrumental in bringing federal dollars to the Port of Alaska,” Bronson said. “His tireless work for Alaska over the last 49 years has made a tremendous impact across generations for the Port of Alaska, which provides food and supplies for 90 percent of the state. He met with my administration multiple times to help expedite permitting, secure funding, and advance the Port Modernization Program. I am asking for the Anchorage Assembly to join me in honoring Congressman Young in recognition for all that he did for the Municipality.”

Once convened, the panel will hold public meetings, consider code requirements, and make a recommendation back to the assembly. The memorandum will be introduced at the special Assembly meeting March 22.


  1. Countdown to the assembly to throwing the Mother of All Hissy-fits!


  2. Hello NO!
    Mayor Bronson will lose a LOT of support from me if he goes ahead and pushes this shameful action! It utterly galls me every time I see any public facility named after some damned politician. THEY did not build anything, nor contribute anything to this state. There is virtually no politician whom I know who deserves so much as a wastewater treatment plant named after them.
    What is it about Alaskans, of all political persuasions, and their perverse LOVE of politicians? I find this attitude completely inexplicable and absolutely contemptible.

    • Agree – the public trust in politicians at all levels has been ruptured for many years, mine included.

    • Anchorage’s wastewater treatment plant was named in honor of John M. Asplund (1913-1994). Asplund was chairman (mayor) of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough from 1964 to 1972, and prior to that served as chairman of the Spenard Public Utility District. In both roles, he championed aggressive expansion of infrastructure in unincorporated areas within the Anchorage bowl. This fact alone contributed significantly to Anchorage’s modern-day status as a major American city. Therefore, I would call that naming appropriate.

  3. Uhhhhhhhh no! How about something more inclusive like Keri Kerrigan’s mud hole or Mr. Whitekeys wash up or Keegan Randall’s flat…or my favorite mad Myrna’s shiphole.

  4. I am not much into naming anything after anyone. Doesn’t matter who and whatever symbolic gesture it regognizes, i just don’t dig naming ceromonies nor land recognitions. Politicizes too much ignoring the countless alaskans who designed and built alongside don young during the same time period. Its just like east high additional name betty davis, it just politicized the place of learning, or the ted stevens airport, or scf
    gotlieb building. It was wrong. A form of idolatry.

  5. An easier, and IMHO better, choice as a tribute to Don Young: I suggest the Governor nominate Fairbanks International Airport as the Congressman Don Young International Airport – plenty of space to have a memorial display where lots of people will see it and learn from his legacy. Avoids the ANC meltdown.

    • Na. Forget Fairbanks International Airport being renamed. That was tried 25 years ago with Dr. Wood, president of UAF and mayor of Fairbanks. It didn’t work. Besides, Don Young was not a Fairbanksan. Fort Young instead of Fort Yukon? There you go!

    • The FNSB Assembly attempted to pass a resolution to that effect in 2005. My response? My father was an elected official in Fairbanks and prior to that flew in and out of the East Ramp for many years. Why not name the airport after him? It’s just as appropriate. As for NPP’s comment, I believe the proposal to name the airport after Dr. Wood was advanced by Dimwit Cole, so the less said about that the better. Also, districts in the state legislature were much different in the early years of statehood than they are today. Young represented Fairbanks despite having his official residence elsewhere. Speaking of that, does anyone remember a news story about 30 years ago, where a photo of his boarded-up trailer in Fort Yukon appeared alongside a photo of his stately manor in Virginia? Do people in Fort Yukon today even know Don Young? When he moved there in 1959, there was an influx of outsiders due to construction of an Air Force station, so it was a much different place.

  6. Hell Let’s just name the State after Him! He was a man not a Saint, it’s sad He went the way He did but a lot of people knew His time was up!!

  7. Why wouldn’t State of Alaska ? Name something after this politician?
    Yeah! Maybe he was in too long! But he is snd was a big part of Alaska? I say! Name it!

    We have roads, buildings, airports named after great characters of Alaska!
    Oh snd lakes! Rivers! Ponds!
    So! Get over it! Young needs his mark!

  8. Don Young in good faith devoted his years to strengthening Alaska out of love for his state. Respect is not idolatry. Just simple respect. Naming things after a respected person is a popular western contemporary custom which is essentially spiritually neutral.

    • Harrah!..agree. Even though in his later years he did pass a few bills not enduring to this group, he has supported Alaska and with Ted Steven, brought alot to Alaska and obtained many rebuilding projects through using our taxes via US government taxes, for Alaska. They BOTH worked to update Alaska and without their help, we’d still be living with “outhouses”(ha..ha) Yes, Don was caught with a few mistakes here and there, (spoken)but who hasn’t..but over all he provided many opportunities for Alaska to grow.

  9. Please, no more virtue signaling by naming public works projects after deceased establishment politicians. Don Young’s role in securing funding for the Port is no more worthy than any other person who pays federal income taxes!

    • Well said, FFF!
      I have always found the political pandering inherent in naming, well, ANYTHING after a politician to be shameful and inherently corrupt. It reeks of the worst of third-world politics. But maybe that is what we Americans are aspiring to nowadays?

  10. It would have to be named after the pre-2016 Don Young because the most current one was anti-Alaska.
    “The Pre-2016 Don Young Port of Anchorage”

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