Mayhem like me: Torey Tuttle wrecks three police cars in five minutes?



Anchorage police were called to the 600 block of East 16th Ave in Anchorage on May 21 because a vehicle was reported to be there, and it was known to be stolen. By the time the incident was over, four cars were damaged and one was on top of a patrol car.

When police approached the 2005 green Chevy Suburban Chevy parked in front of an apartment complex, they were looking for one person, said to be lying in the back seat.

 Officers discovered two people inside the Suburban, and blocked the vehicle from behind with their two squad cars. They then used their loudspeaker to order the people to exit the vehicle.

That’s when police say Torey Tuttle took the wheel of the Suburban and put it in reverse and rammed the patrol car. He then pulled forward and repeated the action, at a higher rate of speed, forcing one patrol car to slide and hit the second one.

But Tuttle wasn’t done. He pulled forward again and reversed for a third time and hit the patrol cars again, causing them both to move.

At this point, another patrol car arrived and blocked the Suburban from the front. Its final resting place was with its rear end on top of the front end of the first patrol car.

Tuttle was taken into custody, handcuffed, and his female passenger was also arrested.

Tuttle, 38, had a warrant out on him for a felony, and he was charged with three counts of Criminal Mischief III, two counts of Assault III, and Theft II.

Passenger, Nicole M. Webster, 33, went to jail on an outstanding felony warrant and was also charged with Criminal Mischief V and Misconduct Involving a Weapon III.

Three police cars and the Suburban all sustained damage.


He’s got a long rap sheet, filled with domestic violence and protective orders, guns, beatings, and evictions.

In 2002, he was with a group of men who robbed another man. Tuttle was found by the judge to have shot several rounds at the victim, although he missed. Seven men, including Tuttle, were indicted for first degree robbery.

One of the co-defendants told the court that Tuttle had yanked the gun away from him, saying “he didn’t have the balls to use it.”

There was an incident of resisting arrest, and having a gun in the house; as a felon, there are laws about that.

There was a car theft in 2016, and he was out on the streets causing trouble while he was awaiting trial. But he failed to show up on May 9 for a court appearance and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Then, this week, he wrecked three police cars and a stolen vehicle before being sent back to jail. Must Read Alaska will keep an eye on his case to see how he fares under the “tightened” catch-and-release policies.

A look at his recent rap sheet:






  1. I have no idea whatsoever what the dollar amount would be that this felon has cost taxpayers but the justice system owes us an estimate. My wild guess would be that with public defender costs, other court costs, incarceration costs, public equipment damages, LEO time and the rest it would be seven figures.

  2. People like this are not wired for a normal society. They therefore should not be free to roam in one.

  3. This is unacceptable! Good grief! What an incredible waste of taxpayer money, and property. Not to mention the safety of the officers! This person needs consequences!!!

  4. It tells you how much the political climate has changed. Not so long ago most cops would have simply shot him and the World was a better place.

  5. I wish ANC crime would move to Juneau, maybe the politicians would notice. Maybe if THEIR (our Reps. and Senators) houses and cars were ripped off…or maybe the prosecutors and the judges….maybe then we would see changes.

  6. Tired of the crap. Lock them up throw away the key. Let’s change it from them keeping score to them running scared and us keeping score on how long they get locked up

  7. Put people like this in prison and work them every day to make improvements to the community. The chain gang is a concept that needs to come back again. They should not be defended, then housed and fed at public expense without some kind of recompense to society.

    Oh yeah, but lawyers… the bane of society.

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