Mat-Su considering change to 1st class borough


Two big ordinances are being considered at the Feb. 2 meeting of the Mat-Su Borough Assembly.

One would allow the elected mayor to manage the borough — this ordinance could not be enacted without voter approval, however. This is called a strong mayor form of government and would repeal the current manager form of government.

The other would change the borough to a “first class” from its current second class status, which would give the borough numerous powers that would not require voter approval.

The titles of the ordinances are:

OR 20-046 – Strong Mayor: An Ordinance Repealing The Manager Plan Of Government And Submitting The Proposal To The Qualified Voters At The November 3, 2020, Regular Borough Election. 

OR 20-061 – First Class Borough: An Ordinance Proposing A Reclassification Of The Matanuska-Susitna Borough From A Second Class Borough To A First Class Borough And Submitting The Proposal To The Qualified Voters At The November 3, 2020 Regular Borough Election. 

The Assembly meets at 6 pm on Feb. 2, at the Assembly Chambers, 350 E. Dahlia Ave., Palmer.

The agenda can be downloaded here:


  1. Not good…voters in the Mat Su do not want the dictator form of government we are seeing in Anc.

    Do not kind yourselves for one min…this is all about MASKS and forcing the rural residents to cover their faces when looking at one another.

    Voters will not approve this direction for our borough.

        • Neither Steve nor I mentioned “mask mouth” or wearing masks for any extended time. Just plain old wearing a mask when looking at one another appears to be a problem for Steve on the order of giving up a kidney IMO. You don’t like it tough noogies AK.

          • My body my choice. A government that forces you to mask can-and will-force other mandates upon you as it deems ‘necessary’. Wearing a mask is not without imposed risk. And tough noogies to you, thankfully my town says nothing about masks and very few bother with them.

          • Says plenty about your town there AK. And if few wear them that says plenty about your town’s people and who they care about (nobody). You evidently also think wearing a mask is like giving up that kidney. Heheh!

  2. About time. Let’s see how many of us are willing to take responsibility for ourselves.
    And be afraid. Be very afraid. We’ll be on our own, so don’t come cryin’ to me…

    • Greg, what exactly are you referring to? Are you alleging that Mat Su residents have so far failed to take responsibility for themselves? In what way? What do you feel should have been done differently?

  3. If it’s a move for more power without the consent of the people it’s gonna be a no go. The valley has been referred to as one of the most conservative strongholds in Alaska. I hope this holds true

  4. Be very careful what you ask for folks! Is this really what We, The People want? Or will this make us more like MOA? Yes, the Borough is growing but do we need more Government to overreach?
    Think very carefully. Attend the meetings if you can. Write in, call in and voice your opinion. We need to be diligent!

  5. The only people who wanted this, are the people in power now. Be wary of this ilk; those who crave power this much? Are seldom ever worthy of it..

  6. This is a great way to ensure more local control. For a conservative area to be able to keep the liberals out of lives.

  7. This isn’t leftist Anchorage, we love our freedoms, the voice of the people needs to remain strong. We have seen politicians promise the moon and after elected go rouge. The borough is served well as is.

  8. Having a ‘STRONG MAYOR’ is a good thing. as it is now no citizen has any say with what the Borough Manager does or says. The Manager is not elected but hired by the borough HR. With a Strong Mayor he can be recalled or voted out by the citizens. Becoming a 1st class borough is something to ponder… We don’t need a Berkowitz type mayor that is power hungry just Like Biden who is running the country as a Dictator with all his ‘Executive Orders’! and who also said in an interview speaking against Trump that you can’t run a country that way you need a consensus!

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