Mask mandate proposal for Palmer goes to third public hearing on Dec. 4


An emergency ordinance offered by Palmer City Council Deputy Mayor Sabrena Combs for a face mask mandate is going to its third meeting on Friday, Dec. 4 at 5 pm.

The first meeting to consider the emergency ordinance, Nov. 18, generated over 500 email comments on the topic, and each one of those is being read into the record.

The council had heard about 300 of them read by the end of the second meeting on the matter, held Nov. 25. In addition, in-person testimony is not completed. The testimony so far has been more than 2-to-1 against the ordinance, but the remaining testimony appears to be weighted heavily against a mask mandate.

Because it is an emergency ordinance, the mask mandate would require six of the seven-member council to vote in favor of it.

Palmer has an estimated population of 7,658. Mask mandates are in effect in Anchorage and Juneau, which have much larger populations, but most other communities’ elected leaders have voted against such mandates and the governor has said he will not enact a statewide mask mandate, because such rules are best left to local communities.


  1. The public’s opinion in this matter is irrelevant. Your betters in elected office know what’s best for you.

    There is a lesson here, if the right will bother to learn it. The left never, ever stops until it gets what it wants. The right never starts until it’s too late.

  2. Sad really. Palmer used to be such a conservative town. Well.. When you have communists teaching at PHS, it happens. Look no further than “Suzanne LaFrance” as a role model for the communist party.

    • Well, I have been in the valley for 35 years and I always thought of Palmer as conservative until someone said: “Heck, no they were founded by a government socialist program. It’s in their blood to be more liberal!” It made me laugh at least.

      • I guess you did not go to PHS and have Mrs. Nord (communist) for your U.S. Government class teacher. And I take it you have not had jury duty recently at the Palmer court house. The conservatives picked (ordered) for jury duty were working stiffs who were losing money being there. The socialists had no issues.

  3. What an immense waste of time. Do these mask people understand there are real topics and issues a community must address?

  4. Will the council listen to the public, it sounds like the local public wants to be the judge over what they know is best over their own health.
    Whatever happen to the liberal’s pro-choice statement, “My Body My Choice” during this time when government is intruding on peoples healthcare rights.

  5. How big is Palmer city? How will this effect choosing to shop n the city? What power does the city have to enforce? Fairbanks mayor has refused to order any mandates as it may push shoppers out of the city. Police have better things to do than enforce mask wearing.

  6. Say no or it will never go away. We can’t live our lives forever in a mask! Life carries risk regardless. If people want to wear it good for them, but masks should not be mandated.

  7. Mask mandates violate the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the US Constitution. Government may only mandate a mask can be worn after they have provided evidence in a court of law that proves beyond a reasonable doubt the accused is infected, contagious, and a threat to the public. It is called “due process” and it is an individual right guaranteed to everyone in the US.

    We acknowledge these rights to all those accused of even the smallest of crimes, but now our constitutionally protected rights suddenly don’t apply because some fascist politician wants to seize absolute control and impose an illegal mask mandate? That may be how it works in other nations that do not recognize the rights of others, but that is not how it works in the US. The US Supreme Court has repeatedly stated that the US Constitution, including our rights, must be upheld at all times. Declaring an emergency does not negate the US Constitution.

    We will hold those politicians seeking to violate the US Constitution with their mask mandates accountable and expose them for the fascist freaks that they desire to be.

  8. Wow….Maybe if everybody would fully accept this is part of a globalist takeover happening in real time things would look different.

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