Man aims replica gun at cops, ends up full of holes

bb gun

Anchorage police say a man near the Dave Rose Park in the Russian Jack neighborhood of Anchorage, was pointing a gun at houses. When officers arrived on the scene, he pointed it at them.

After being told to drop the weapon, according to the Anchorage Police Department, the man manipulated the weapon and pointed it toward the three officers. The officers fired at the man and, after determining he was no longer a threat, administered first aid. He was taken to Alaska Regional Hospital.

Police released a photo of the style of gun: It is a Crossman replica 1911 BB gun. All three officers are on leave, per department policy. Their names will be released in 72 hours. Police didn’t release the man’s name, pending further investigation.

The case will be given to the Office of Special Prosecution for review. An Internal Affairs investigation will be conducted as well. Crime scene investigators and detectives are assisting with this investigation.


    • Or…

      If you want to die, aim ANY gun at the cops.

      Our law enforcement officers are heroes.

      Sadly, “suicide by cop” has become very popular.

      • Question: if this same idiot pulled the exact same BB gun on a civilian, who happened to be carrying concealed, and the civilian pulls out his hidden .40 and fills the idiot full of holes, could the civilian be charged with a crime?

        • I’m no expert, but I’m sure a lot more is going down besides a 72 withholding of your name. Hypothetically, of course, I’d make sure I killed the person pointing a gun (or fake) at me so there is one side to the story or you’re guaranteed in litigation to kingdom come even if you didn’t get charged with a crime.
          But, I also think it would depend on what your name is and who you know. Political party helps too it appears. Seems that is how it works these days…..

    • Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. RESPECT our LEOs and FIRST RESPONDERS, and treat them accordingly! They are there to protect and serve the citizenry of our community. I for one do not expect LEOs to second-guess anyone with what appears to be, a real firearm. They have families to go home to. And should, after every shift!

    • Whidbey, your comment makes no sense whatsoever. The PFD issue is completely separate from the budget that affects the funding of the pioneer home. People have forgotten, thanks to the past move by Gov. Walker who stole more money from Alaskans than Gov. Dunleavy’s budget cuts, that the methodology is currently IN LAW. IN STATE STATUTE. But, a LEGAL workaround is, if you do not want your PFD, simply do not apply for it. You and anyone else in the state that is eligible for the PFD, I am begging you now: DO NOT APPLY! OR IF YOU WANT TO APPLY, PLEASE PICK, CLICK, GIVE ALL OF YOUR PFD TO THE CHARITY OF YOUR CHOICE! Maybe choose one of those whiney non-profits that are claiming the sky is falling. I’m sure they would appreciate it. Problem solved. You no longer have to feel guilty about taking any PFD money!

  1. I blame 0bama for this. He ramped up ammo purchases for agencies like the IRS and National Park Service causing ammo scarcity. Ammo scarcity had people buying “replica” air pistols to keep up training on a similar frame.


    Of course there is always the idiot that pointed this at police officers, but where is the fun in that?

  2. The punk was a total….well…punk. Got exactly what he deserved. His charming “homeboy” explained it all on the news tonight. Point guns, real or not, at cops……get shot.

  3. To I art laughing: Obama’s ammo purchases did not cause a scarcity, every one believed that he would try to enact some sort of gun control. So everyone rushed out and bought as much ammo and guns an mags as possible. .22 lr was almost impossible to buy for the first 6 years of his administration, the government does not buy that. Now the gum and ammo manufacturers and retailers are having the worst 2 years in recent memory, some are close to bankruptcy.

  4. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. RESPECT our LEOs and FIRST RESPONDERS, and treat them accordingly! They are there to protect and serve the citizenry of our community. I for one do not expect LEOs to second-guess anyone with what appears to be, a real firearm. They have families to go home to. And should, after every shift!

  5. Minimum response for an armed threat is two rounds to center mass to neutralize the threat. Two rounds of .40 S&W to center mass will usually be lethal to the threat. I find it incredulous that three officers barely wounded a suspect they thought was aiming a firearm at them. Obviously APD needs to better train their officers in firearms proficiency.

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