Lynn Gattis files for lieutenant governor


Former Rep. Lynn Gattis filed a letter of intent to run for lieutenant governor on Aug. 3.

Gattis grew up homesteading in the Gulkana area and attended the University of Alaska, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in aviation technology. She has worked for several aviation companies around the state and is a pilot. Until recently, she grew hay on her farm outside of Wasilla and has run her own businesses.

Gattis, a Republican, moved to the Mat-Su Valley over 25 years ago. Before being elected to the Alaska House of Representatives in 2012, she was elected to the Mat-Su School Board, served on the Goose Creek Citizens Advisory Board, worked on the Pt. Mackenzie Comprehensive Plan, and was named to the Alaska Transportation Council. She has also been active in the Boy Scouts, supporting scouting endeavors for many years.

While in the Legislature, she served as Chair of the House Education Committee, Co-Chair of the Mat-Su Valley Delegation, and as a member of the Transportation, Fisheries, State Affairs, and Economic Development & Tourism Committees. She also served as Co-Chair of the Statewide Sustainable Education Task Force and was appointed as a member of the Education Commission of the States.

Gattis says she’s been talking with people from around the state and forming her thoughts on what kind of lieutenant governor can best serve Alaska.

“I think leadership is needed, and the elections are certainly an important part of the job. I’ve talked to city clerks from around the state, some of whom I’ve known for almost my entire life, and they say we have problems with some of our election machines, that we’re going to have a meltdown if we don’t address that. I also think being an ambassador for our economic growth is important, especially because we’re at a crossroads. And of course I would be supporting the governor as this state moves forward.”

Gattis, who lost to David Wilson in 2016 when they both ran for the Senate seat that Sen. Charlie Huggins vacated, has identified a campaign manager and has her core team working on the foundations of a statewide campaign.

Earlier this week, Republican Sen. Gary Stevens of Kodiak was the first to file for lieutenant governor. The primary is Aug. 21, 2018.


  1. Is she running as a Republican or a Demorat? Just curious; I vote in MI. I lived in AK 1978-1981… Loved it very much; I was also a Scoutmaster in Muldoon (Troop 232), and my wife was a Girl Scout Leader at Ft. Richardson.

  2. We need an outsider as in a regular Alaskan filling the seat of Lt Governor. I will be involved and will announcement 1 October of my run for Lt Governor. We need to reverse the attackd on the PFD and strengthen the state through a strong private sector growth and Make Alaska Great Again.

  3. “on what kind of lieutenant governor can best serve Alaska.”
    The lieutenant governor is the protector of the state seal, so don;t lose it, that is the best served Lt. we can have.
    Unless your going to be like Governor Mallott?

  4. Sounds to me like she is all for what Walker is doing and I don’t agree with him at all so I won’t vote for I’d rather see somebody that wants to reverse everything he did run for this office because he I believe has probably got money in offshore accounts from what he’s stole from the Alaskan people we don’t need more of that

  5. Lynn is the one that wants all the senior citizens to move to the lower 48 if they couldn’t afford to live in Alaska. She will take everything away from the people who worked hard to make Alaska great

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