Lt. Gov. Meyer to host town hall on crime


Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer and members of the Dunleavy Administration will host a town hall on Monday, May 13, 6-7 pm, to hear from Alaskans about the ways crime has affected their lives. The event takes place at the Marston Theater, in the Loussac Library.

Meyer will be joined by officials from the Departments of Law, Corrections, and Public Safety.

“Alaska can no longer be a safe haven for criminals. Our number one priority is to protect law abiding citizens while taking criminals and predators off the streets by enforcing stricter penalties. Action needs to be taken on the Governor’s proposed crime legislation to repeal SB 91 this session,” said Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer. “We cannot put this off any longer.”
Legislators are currently deliberating HB 49, which will unwind some of the more egregious problems that SB 91 created with lower sentences, and a revolving door for car thieves, shoplifters, burglars and other criminals.