Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer will not run again in ’22


During a press conference on Tuesday, Alaska Lt. Gov Kevin Meyer said he will not run for reelection. He made the announcement at the end of a press conference about a bill he and Gov. Mike Dunleavy are presenting in 2022 to beef up voting integrity.

Meyer said he wants to devote his entire focus in 2022 to ensuring a fair election. The election will be conducted for the first time in the brand new “jungle primary” and “ranked choice voting” for the general election, a system that was ushered in with Ballot Measure 2, passed by voters last November.

“I think this is going to be an election unlike any other,” Meyer said, and emphasized that he needs to be impartial, without appearance of bias or conflict. “That is extremely important as far as voter trust and confidence in our election process.”

After 30 years of elected service, he said he has been in 19 elections, and “I kind of look forward to sitting this one out, and focusing on having the best election process in 2022.”

His announcement gives Gov. Dunleavy the opportunity to choose a new running mate for his reelection campaign. In the past, lieutenant governor candidates ran separate from gubernatorial candidates, but with the new voting scheme, the governor and lieutenant governor candidates must run as a pair.


  1. Say, are you allowed to sunset “things”? Could you look around a little and see if you could like sunset some old law that went out fashion? There are too many old laws taking up space. Could you sunset something on the way out? Thanks ever so much. It means a lot. You know smaller government etc. Thanks btw for not doing too much. It means a great deal to me.

  2. And, one more thing, sir? I noticed your room full of documents does not have a signed copy the Alcan Highway Treaty signed with Canada. Washington state can’t find it either. It’s kind of a thrilling document and so many of us would like to know what was negotiated away among the covid international players. Who is supposed to negotiate that international stuff away? HINT: no one less than or other than the US President is delegated that authority. So if you or your secretary could hunt down an authenticated copy it would speak volumes about your kindness, service and straightforwardness. It would mean a great deal to so many. Thank you fellow patriot.

  3. I hope he breathes down the election officials’ neck like a dragon! It’s about time someone took control of them!!

  4. Will Gov. Dunleavy select a woman of color? I doubt it but it might help -lol.
    The Lt. Governor pick rarely affects people’s vote anyway. So he might as well go with David Eastman.

    • Mike will need to get a lot of the moderate Murkowski vote, since Kurka will be running to his right. Mike will need a RINO, or even a Democrat, as his running mate to appease his “new base”

      • Oh please! Mike a Democrat? When hell freezes over.
        But wait! What’s all this about global warming? Maybe we should call it “global WARNING.”

    • You mean “rig” it so it works fairly instead of promoting the idea of the Big Lie.
      Show me the evidence that there has been any fraud in AK elections. Other than, of course, gerrymandering.

  5. The Governor will need to find someone to replace this great man, I only hope he finds someone that can fix the broken oil and gas laws so oil and gas investors don’t run from Alaska because of all its red tape and harsh treatment toward small oil and gas companies and it’s workers!

    Maybe Bill Armstrong and other oil and gas leaders will help the Governor pick a winner to save Alaska from the tree huggers and the unreasonable laws and bureaucrats.

    Happy 2022! God Bless Alaska!

  6. It would have been nice if he would have devoted even a little time to ensuring the 2020 election was fairly run. But I digress.

    • And you have evidence that the 2020 election wasn’t fair. I mean the real kind of evidence, not the made up kind. The kind that actually proves something.

      • Homo, reams of evidence of voting fraud was and still is available on the 2020 presidential (s)election, but like a typically hypocritical and uncritically-thinking radical leftist extremist, you refuse to honestly examine or consider any of it. One cannot see what one refuses to acknowledge.

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