Low voter turnout is doing Rivera, unions a big favor as recall advocates fight AFL-CIO money, ad blitz


The low voter turnout so far in the Anchorage municipal race may have an effect on the attempt to recall Assemblyman Felix Rivera. So far, only 700 of the 2,700 people who signed the Recall Rivera petition have voted, and the group trying to recall the far-left assemblyman are up against a massive union-fueled campaign to save that seat for the candidate they’ve supported for the past four years.

The AFL-CIO has flooded the airwaves of television and radio with ads extolling the virtues of Rivera, who came onto the Assembly after serving as an aide to former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, who resigned in disgrace after a sexting scandal. The AFL-CIO’s group is called Putting Alaskans First and it has spent $30,000 so far to pluck Rivera out of the frying pan. The group also backed him a year ago when he ran for re-election.

“Felix Rivera has led the Anchorage Assembly through the pandemic and is getting our city back on track!” the group states in its literature, a message almost identical to that offered by mayoral candidate and Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar. The union calls opponents of Rivera “bullies” on its Felix Rivera website.

“Ever since he was elected to the Anchorage Assembly, Felix has fought for a more prosperous city,” the AFL-CIO wrote.

Rivera led the effort to illegally spend Federal Covid CARES Act funds to buy and renovate the Golden Lion Hotel and other buildings, using a shell game to move money from fund to fund, according to the group trying to recall him. Last summer he said he would not support any use of the CARES Act funds for businesses unless there was an equity factor to favor minorities.

But in municipal races the most reliable voter has been the union-enrolled public employee, a voter type who can almost always be relied on to cast a ballot for big government.

The Recall Rivera campaign has sent out three mailings and has a few door knockers in the neighborhoods where voters have the recall question on their ballots.


  1. IF this election is being managed above board and fairly, then the people of Anchorage deserve what they get. Of course 110% of all union members will vote, whether they intend to or not.

  2. “BS” you have a stacked voting mechanized system in Anchorage this is FRAUD 100% the left knows if this gets squashed it’s progressive ways will continue!!!

    Hey Suzanne why have you not posted the VETTED facts on COVID worried about the PPE hand out???

  3. The Anchorage Vote by Mail situation is suppressing the legal votes. Because the mail-in system can be abused so easily, (i.e. voting without an I.D., filling out and submitting someone else’s ballot, etc.), many have given up on the system and are no longer even making the effort to participate. The result is truly a form of political suicide. But of course, that was the plan by the liberal big government crowd in the first place. I urge everyone to vote, even if you think the system is rigged. It’s the only way we will ever get our city back from the liberal goon-squad…

  4. Anchorage gets what it ask for. I will no longer make trips to Los Anchorage to spend my money. If this was important, businesses would be pushing for it but they are too busy hiding in the shadows. So sad to lose another city to the socialist.

  5. Come on Conservative voters. You worked this hard to steady the ship. Now is not the time to quit bailing.

  6. This is scary! Could it be most will vote in person? It is hard to imagine that people in Anchorage will do nothing to stop their city from becoming like LA, San Fran and other socialist cities.

  7. Felix getting the city ‘back on track’ is laughably false.
    It got off track entirely because of action by him and his ilk.

  8. So Michael Coons you do not live in Anchorage, and do you know what socialism means? So repairing roads and bridges? airports and harbors? police and fire protection? building schools? is that what socialism means? If everyone gets a check from the government is that socialism? If you pay very few taxes but benefit from the services is that socialism? If you expect to receive money from the government just for living and doing nothing in a certain state is that socialism?

  9. Lazy voters don’t vote so tax the snot out of us and them. Maybe they will care. The unions control us with a few thousand votes while we have thousands of votes. Lazy people will pay.

  10. This is why Alaska can’t have nice things. Alleged conservatives can’t be bothered to vote, usually hiding behind the excuse of having to work. Even with mail in voting.

    The left, however, gets organized and votes.

    If, after months and months of Felix’s arrogance, abuse of power, and acts of political war in Anchorage, people can’t be bothered to actually try to put him out….

    You deserve what’s coming next. More, you earned it.

  11. Anything the AFL-CIO or unions in general support are bad for the tax paying citizen. I’m a dues paying member of 939 and any Mail I get from them goes straight in the recycle can.

  12. Creating a more prosperous City? That is laughable! At least the deluded people at the AFL-CIO offer up some hearty laughs at times. I not an Anchorage resident despite it being my place of birth, but something tells me that most folks who oppose Felix the Cat and the rest of this crowd will drop off their ballots on Election Day. So, please don’t fret , at least not too much.

  13. Not sure why Anchorage voters should believe anything that city officials report about their easily corruptible mail-in vote scheme.
    Who knows whether reports of low voter turnout might be intended to discourage conservative votes or might be an indication that large batches of ballots are accidentally getting misplaced.
    Could be the easily corruptible mail-in vote system’s too fragile to handle massive voter turnout or maybe massive voter turnout could overwhelm whatever might be in place to assure no bond or incumbent gets left behind…
    or maybe not that many voters actually give a damn anymore because they perceive the city and its education industry are simply too far gone for anyone, especially anyone conservative, to fix.

  14. Voters are shell shocked after the last presidential election. Dominion voting machines, mail in ballots, biased poll workers , incompetent/corrupt judges, phony ballots, etc. have led many folks to believe the system is rigged. We are truly a Banana Republic!

  15. I do not live in Anchorage. Is there regular in person voting on Tuesday? This election isn’t all mail in is it? I would assume most conservatives likely would vote in person on Tuesday.

  16. I live in district 4, I signed the petition, contributed to the recall effort and voted to have him recalled. Rivera is sadly in over his head. I have never received a response when I contact him. I have better Assembly representation outside of district 4. He doesn’t care about his constituents, we can do better.

  17. We have only three places for in-person voting.. Downtown anchorage at City Hall and Mid Town Loussac Library and Eagle River.

  18. We voted in person at the Muni office down town. There was no one there when we arrived. There was another couple when we left. Even though today is Easter, I was quite surprised to see no one else there on the last weekend day before the election. Lord have mercy on us Felix survives the recall and Dunbar gets in.

  19. Surprised how many are still unaware that every voting precinct turned out at over 100%…which means fraud. Until a hand count happens, expect low “voter” turn out and increasingly more turmoil.

  20. If you do not vote, then you deserve to have wackos like Dunbar and Rivera running your city because you let it happen. If you don’t vote, you don’t care, and therefore you don’t deserve to complain about the direction Anchorage is going. VOTE people! VOTE!!!

  21. Why would anyone vote now? Not only has it been proven to be totally corrupt, but its in your face bragging about it now. Buy food.

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