Liz Vazquez for Assembly fundraiser


Assembly Seat 6, now occupied by Kameron Perez-Verdia for West Anchorage, has another candidate running — former Rep. Liz Vazquez.

A fundraiser-meet-and-greet is calendared for Wednesday, Dec. 22 from 6-8 pm at Round table Pizza, 800 E Dimond Blvd #208, Anchorage, AK 99515. The restaurant is in the Dimond Center.

Hosts include Larry Baker, Liz and Hugh Ashlock, Brian Hove, Frank and Jeanie McQueary, Mike Robbins, Steve and Olga Zelener, Steve Strait, Joan Priestley, M.D., Bern Davis, Matthew Fagnani, Stan and Candice English, Chris and Bud Duke, Loren Leman, and Win and Audrey Faulkner.


  1. I really hope she can unseat KPV. Her campaign is rather slow moving, but she’s smart and has a good message. It’s going to be tough to unseat KPV, particularly when his day job as president of a NPO allows him to keep himself out in front. West Anchorage needs to replace KPV & AQD PDQ!

  2. I have met her in a service roll, she is a great person. She has common sense values and would be a great pick. I will show up to support.

    • I performed a service for Elizabeth Vasquez 4-5 years ago. Her $150 check to me bounced, and it took multiple emails and finally a threat to sue before she made good on it. Keep that in mind when you vote, West Anchorage.

  3. You can thank Liz for looking out for CIRI and guaranteeing a private corporation a profit from the Fire Island Wind Farm at the expense of CEA rate payers from when she was on the CEA Board. She also voted against Medicaid Expansion when she was in the State House, Medicaid expansion has saved the State of Alaska $Millions. Apparently Liz does not understand we have a tax cap or is confued about the office she is running for

    • Frank, I did not support and I did not vote for the CIRI wind farm on Fire Island. I knew that this was an added cost to Chugach Electric ratepayers. The Board voted for the wind farm after my term on the board had expired so I was not on the Board when it was voted on.

      • Frank, I opposed the Medicaid expansion as proposed by Governor Walker because it should have been implemented as a pilot project and results and consequences monitored. It does cost the state more miney and will continue to increase in costs as the federal government reduces its contribution.

  4. I fully support Liz Vasquez! Her campaign might be off to a slow start during the holidays when everybody is overly busy with family activities, but I am confident her campaign will pull everything together easily in the New Year. I see her cruising to an easy election victory when we have the opportunity to vote to kick KPV to the curb.


    He needs to go. I discovered in his last election that he will say anything and everything to get elected. He will make promises to certain actions and causes knowing full well that he is bound *only* to the actions and votes directed of him by his superiors (i.e. “owners”) on the assembly. He is worthless and useless and dishonest. I am shocked he has a full time job; or does he? West Anchorage/Spenard deserves much better!

  5. One thing about Liz I noticed years ago was her willingness to investigate medical providers for improprieties. I was concerned that we could cause practices to close. After events of this year I believe Liz was more prescient than I. For some reason perfectly excellent doctors in other states think happy Alaskan thoughts of practice in Alaska and their applications go nowhere. The doctors report they don’t understand that all 49 other licensing boards are great to work with, but not Alaska for some reason. Shortly after that the ADN reports that criminal doctors are wanting to practice in Alaska. Some of the most skilled doctors are practicing in the northwest. How vulgar to refuse to let them into the now highly politicized professional societies in AK. This discriminatory treatment of the state toward particular people is unexpected and beneath ethical standards. What are they hiding? How many new docs have been “let into” AK to practice during covid? Anyone at all or no one?

  6. Had unpleasant experiences working with her when she was an assistant ag. She was ineffective. I will not vote for her, EVER! Find someone else to run against KPV!!

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