Listicle: Who has the House Select Committee subpoenaed for Jan. 6 inquiry? Republican leaders from around country


The House “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol” has published subpoenas for over 80 people, including members of the media. The subpoenas are released to the public nearly every week. The committee has no meetings scheduled for this week.

The list of those subpoenaed so far includes moms, veterans, Trump supporters, and Republican Party officers. This list has been compiled from CNN, New York Post and the committee itself:

1. Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff

2. Daniel Scavino, former White House deputy chief of staff for communications

3. Kashyap Patel, former Defense Department official 

4. Stephen Bannon, former Trump adviser. He has refused and is charged with contempt of Congress

5. Rudy Giuliani, former Trump adviser, former mayor of New York City

6. Eric Trump, son of Donald Trump, phone records subpoenaed

7. Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancee of Donald Trump Jr., and speaker at Jan. 6 rally, phone records subpoenaed

Organizers of rallies and events preceding Jan. 6

8. Amy Kremer, founder and chair of Women For America First

9. Kylie Kremer, founder and executive director of Women For America First

10. Cynthia Chafian, submitted first rally permit application on behalf of Women For America First for the Jan. 6 rally, and founder of the Eighty Percent Coalition 

11. Caroline Wren, listed on rally permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as advisor

12. Maggie Mulvaney, listed on rally permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as VIP Lead

13. Justin Caporale, of Event Strategies, listed on rally permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as Project Manager

14. Tim Unes, of Event Strategies, listed on permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as Stage Manager

15. Megan Powers, of MPowers Consulting LLC, listed on permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as Operations Manager for Scheduling and Guidance

16. Hannah Salem, of Salem Strategies LLC, listed on permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as Operations Manager for Logistics and Communications.

17. Lyndon Brentnall, of RMS Protective Services, listed on permit paperwork for the Jan. 6 rally as On-Site Supervisor

18. Katrina Pierson, former Trump campaign official, reportedly in direct communication with the former president about the rallies.

19. Ali Alexander, somehow connected to permit applications for the “Stop the Steal” rally

20. Nathan Martin, connected to permit applications for the “Stop the Steal” rally

21. Stop the Steal, LLC

22. Dustin Stockton, a key player in the “Stop the Steal” movement after the 2020 presidential election who helped organize a series of rallies including the rally held at the Ellipse in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6.

23. Jennifer Lawrence, engaged to Dustin Stockton, also helped a key player in the “Stop the Steal” movement after the 2020 presidential election who helped organize a series of rallies including the rally held at the Ellipse

24. Taylor Budowich, according to the committee solicited a 501c(4) organization to conduct a social media and radio advertising campaign encouraging attendance at the Ellipse rally. Budowich is currently the primary political spokesperson for Trump and serves as communications director for the Save America PAC. Budowich is suing the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 event to block it from getting access to his banking records.

25. Roger Stone, Trump ally who was reportedly in Washington D. C. on Jan. 5 and 6. Stone spoke at the rally on Jan. 5 and was slated to speak at the rally on Jan. 6 where he previously said he was planning to lead a march to the Capitol from the rally. 

26. Alex Jones, of the Alex Jones Show, who allegedly worked with rally organizers to facilitate a donation to provide what he described as “eighty percent” of the funding for the Jan. 6 rally. The Select Committee claims that Jones said he was told by the White House to lead a march from the Jan. 6 rally at the Ellipse to the Capitol. 

27. Bryan Lewis, who had a rally permit for outside the US Capitol on Jan. 6 and whose purpose was to urge Congress to invalidate electoral votes, the committee says.

28. Ed Martin, an organizer with the “Stop the Steal” movement, who the panel says was involved in financing the Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse.

29. Kimberly Fletcher, who is tied to an organization called Moms for America. Fletcher helped organize the January 5 rally at Freedom Plaza and the Jan. 6 rally at the Ellipse, according to the committee. 

Individuals who advised on election fraud claims and rallies subpoenaed 

30. James P. “Phil” Waldron, retired Army colonel who spread information about election fraud and circulated a PowerPoint document detailing ways to undermine the 2020 presidential election outcome.

31. Andy Surabian, strategist and adviser to Donald Trump Jr. and was communicating with individuals including Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle regarding the January 6 Ellipse rally.

32. Arthur Schwartz, a strategists who, like Surabian, served as an adviser to Donald Trump Jr. and was communicating with individuals including Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle regarding the Jan. 6 Ellipse rally.

33. Jenna Ellis, an attorney who pushed various election fraud conspiracies on Trump’s behalf.

34. Sidney Powell, another attorney who pushed election fraud theories on Trump’s behalf.

Department of Justice officials subpoenaed

35. Jeffrey Clark, former Department of Justice official.

Trump campaign officials subpoenaed

36. William Stepien, Trump 2020 campaign manager

37. Jason Miller, former senior adviser to Trump 2020 campaign

38. John Eastman, an attorney who helped craft Trump’s argument that the election was stolen

39. Michael Flynn, former Trump national security adviser who was involved in meeting about how the Trump campaign wanted to promote the lie that the election was stolen

40. Angela McCallum, national executive assistant to former Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign

41. Bernard Kerik, participated in a meeting at the Willard Hotel centered around overturning election results.

42. Boris Epshteyn, a former Trump campaign adviser who was among those working with Giuliani at the post-election Willard Hotel “command center.”

Trump White House officials subpoenaed

43. Nicholas Luna, Trump’s personal assistant

44. Molly Michael, Trump’s special assistant to the President and Oval Office operations coordinator

45. Ben Williamson, Trump’s deputy assistant to the President and senior adviser to then-chief of staff Mark Meadows

46. Christopher Liddell, former Trump White House deputy chief of staff

47. John McEntee, Trump’s White House personnel director

48. Keith Kellogg, national security adviser to then-Vice President Mike Pence

49. Kayleigh McEnany, former White House press secretary under Trump

50. Stephen Miller, Trump senior adviser

51. Cassidy Hutchinson, special assistant to the President for legislative affairs

52. Kenneth Klukowski, former senior counsel to Clark, Assistant Attorney General

53. Max Miller, former White House senior adviser and current Ohio congressional candidate. The panel says Miller met with Trump in the White House on Jan. 4 to discuss the Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse and who would be speaking.

54. Robert “Bobby” Peede Jr., former deputy assistant to the president. The panel says Peede was with Miller when he met with Trump on January 4 to discuss the Jan. 6 rally. 

55. Brian Jack, former director of political affairs for Trump. The committee says Jack reached out to several members of Congress on behalf of Trump to ask them to speak at the rally on Jan. 6 at the Ellipse. Jack was a former national director for ballot access for Ben Carson for President.

56. Ross Worthington, a former White House official who helped draft Trump’s Jan. 6 speech.

57. Marc Short, a former chief of staff to Pence. Short, interviewed last week, is cooperating with the panel. 

58. Judd Deere, a former deputy White House press secretary who helped with the White House’s response to the Jan. 6 attack as it occurred, according to the committee.

Groups and individuals linked to the Capitol Hill riot on January 6 subpoenaed

59. Proud Boys International, L.L.C. At least 34 individuals affiliated with the Proud Boys have been indicted by the Department of Justice in relation to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, according to the committee. 

60. Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, chairman of the Proud Boys organization. The committee says Tarrio was prevented from entering Washington, DC on Jan. 6 but was allegedly involved in the preparation the Proud Boys did leading up to the events at the Capitol.

61. Oath Keepers, another constitutionally focused group whose members have been found to be participating in the Jan. 6 surge into the Capitol. 18 members of the group have been indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly planning a coordinated attack to storm the Capitol.

62. Elmer Stewart Rhodes, president of the Oath Keepers. The committee claims that Rhodes was in contact with several of the Oath Keepers who were indicted before, during and after the Capitol attack, meeting some of them outside the Capitol.

63. 1st Amendment Praetorian and its leader Robert Patrick Lewis, an organization that the committee says provided security at multiple rallies leading up to Jan. 6 that sought to protest the 2020 presidential election results. The committee says that tweets from Lewis on Jan. 6 and 7 that seem to incite violence.

64. Nicholas J. Fuentes, affiliated with “America First” and “Groyper.” Fuentes promoted theories about election fraud and was “present on the Capitol grounds” on Jan. 6, the committee says.

65. Patrick Casey, who is also affiliated with “America First” and “Groyper.” Casey promoted theories about election fraud and was on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, according to the committee.

Individuals tied to alternate electors subpoenaed

(The select committee subpoenaed individuals listed as chairperson and secretary of each group of alternate electors, across seven states – CNN)

66. Nancy Cottle, chairperson, Arizona, listed on the Arizona Federation of Republican Women’s website as the group’s vice president.

67. Loraine B. Pellegrino, secretary, Arizona.

68. David Shafer, chairperson, Georgia. Shafer, the chair of the Georgia GOP, a plaintiff in some of Trump’s long-shot lawsuits to overturn the election in Georgia.

69. Shawn Still, secretary, Georgia, the Georgia GOP’s finance chair who is now running for a Georgia Senate seat.

70. Kathy Berden, chairperson, Michigan, a national committeewoman at the Republican National Committee who served as a Trump delegate at the 2016 GOP convention.

71. Mayra Rodriguez, secretary, Michigan, who ran for a Michigan House seat in 2020.

72. Jewll Powdrell, chairperson, New Mexico, who recently told the Albuquerque Journal that he had signed the alternative elector certificate at the behest of former Rep. Steve Pearce, the head of the New Mexico GOP.

73. Deborah W. Maestas, secretary, New Mexico, who previously served as the chairperson of the state GOP.

74. Michael J. McDonald, chairperson, Nevada, a former police officer who serves as the Nevada GOP chairman and reportedly promoted false voter-fraud claims in 2020. 

75. James DeGraffenreid, secretary, Nevada, national committeeman from Nevada for the RNC.

76. Bill Bachenberg, chairperson, Pennsylvania. Bachenberg is a board member of the National Rifle Association and spoke at a pro-Trump fundraiser in 2020.

77. Lisa Patton, secretary, Pennsylvania.

78. Andrew Hitt, chairperson, Wisconsin, former chairman of the Wisconsin GOP and a staffer for former Gov. Scott Walker.

79. Kelly Ruh, secretary, Wisconsin, an alderperson from the city of De Pere. 

Contacted for voluntary interviews

  • Kevin McCarthy, House minority leader
  • Jim Jordan, House lawmaker 
  • Scott Perry, House lawmaker 
  • Sean Hannity, Fox host
  • Ivanka Trump, the former President’s daughter and former senior White House adviser

Sources: CNN, Newsweek, and the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the Capitol.


  1. What an absolute joke the government is making of themselves. Everyone knows this Jan. 6th “Insurrection” committee is a sham, trying to re-name a protest over a stolen PRESIDENTIAL election and its participants as “terrorists”. The U.S. government is attacking its own citizens with fake charges. The government I now a total joke. And now Biden is trying to “stand tall” against Russia so as to distract from his completely criminal fake presidency. Let’s Go, Brandon! God bless the Canadian truckers!

  2. All the people the criminal
    left and RINOs like Lisa want to destroy. This is abuse of power using OUR tax dollars.

  3. Witness the radical left’s attempted ideological purge of all freedom-loving Americans.
    They must, MUST be stopped in this neo-Bolshevik, campaign of intimidation, shaming and stigmitization of any political opinions that differ from their rigidly dogmatic own, or any semblance of liberty in this country is doomed and dead.

  4. How ironic that they have to voluntarily contact for an interview the same Congressman they refused to allow to be seated on the committee after being selected per the committee’s charter which they have since refused to follow. This committee’s bona fides are lost beyond recovery or repair.

  5. A good start. Trump lost the last election by over 7 million votes, and then tried to overturn the election. All of those who tried to help him are traitors and should be sent to prison.

    • Wrong as usual, Rick, playing the typical radical leftist ploy of turning the truth on its head, declaring up is down and black is white.

      Every honest and unbiased (i.e., non-radical-leftist) observer knows that Usurper Potatohead ‘won’ the election only through massive and coordinated election fraud, and has NO legitimacy whatsoever. It is the Bidet cabal in Washington, and the globalist totalitarian ‘elite’ such as George Soros and Klaus Schwab, who are the real traitors, not just to this country but to all of humanity.
      Rick, YOU and your radical leftist ilk are vile traitors to everything that is honest and decent, and to everything good that the USA used to stand for. But you will not prevail in your Bolshevik Cold Civil War to overturn our society and our country — when you push us normal, decent and freedom-loving Americans far enough, we ARE going to push back, just as the Canadian truckers are pushing back against Covidian Cult insanity and authoritarianism as we speak, and you are NOT going to like it.
      You are my enemy, and the enemy of freedom, and you will live to regret it.

      • Hatred corrodes the container in which it is held.

        “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31.

        Peace out, my friend.

  6. Jefferson. You make all sorts of false assumptions and unsubstantiated claims in your comments on this blog. You assume I am a leftist, but I am a Republican who wants my party to win in 2024. I don’t believe we will win unless we dump Trump and find a candidate who isn’t hated by a large majority of Americans. There is no evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. The few reported cases of fraud that I am aware of have involved Trump supporters casting multiple ballots. Audit after audit have come to the same conclusion, which is that Trump lost. And most of those audits and recounts were conducted by Republicans. Trump lost by more than 7 million votes. And while he won the electoral college in 2016, he lost the popular vote in that election by nearly 4 million votes. Since losing in 2020, Trump has just made things worse for himself. After he lost, he and his gang of traitors tried to steal the election, and when that failed, they stormed the U.S Capitol. I won’t vote for Trump, and I am a lifelong Republican. Polls show there are a lot of Republicans who have the same view. It’s time for republicans to stop backing trump and find a candidate in 2024 who can win.

    • Rick, I have consistently said NOTHING in this forum in support of Trump. From the beginning of his campaign in 2015 (as well as long before that), I found him to be an embarrassing narcissist and braggart. But I have noticed that you here, in this forum, have consistently taken positions, particularly in favor of the Covidian Cult of hysteria and anti-science, that align with those of the radical left. So excuse me for mistaking you for one. But you know what they say: if it looks like a duck, and quacks likes a duck, and walks like a duck, …

    • A voice of reason at last on MRAK!. I’m pretty liberal now (and was a Republican for most of my 65 years), but I could still vote for a moderate Republican (Romney, Cheney, maybe a few others) if given the opportunity. It’s Trump that I would never vote for even if he were the last person on Earth. He’s destroyed the GOP, brought out the worst in people, and is now trying to destroy our Democracy and start a Civil War all to satisfy his sick sense of vanity.

      Arliss Sturgulewski said it best: “I did not leave the Republican Party – the Republican Party left me”.

      • ” …. moderate Republican (Romney, Cheney) …”
        Oh, you mean neocons and RINOS, Nom? Those soulless and self-serving hacks who do NOTHING but support and defend the corrupt and rotten status-quo power structure? Those “go along to get along” apparatchiks whose only claim to fame is “I’m 1% better than the radical left!”?

  7. The title is a misnomer, these people are all Trump appointees, not a single one elected to office by voters. The correct title would be Trump Appointees subpeoneaed

  8. Did I miss the part where the FBI is issuing subpoenas for Hunter Biden and “The Big Guy” as they investigate the collusion between China and the Executive Branch?
    They have Hunter’s laptop and it’s loaded with proof.
    Maybe that’s next week? Anyone? Crickets?

  9. This seems like the long dark shadow of McCarthyism, albeit inversed. We have learned nothing, or perhaps our history is not being taught.

    • Right Terry, it was forecast long ago that fascism would come to America. So it has happened. Cancel culture advocated by old liberals and spin doctors deciding what is “disinformation.” And look, with a super long list and the amount of time that it takes for each witness to testify, this committee is guaranteed to be in existence forever. And the money they will spend will be astronomical. Oh yeah, history is now the New York Times 1619 project and critical race theory. Certainly wasn’t the country I was born into those many years ago in Washington State.

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