Listen in: Trump takes time to speak to small business owners in Alaska


Sen. Dan Sullivan spent much of Thursday on the phone with different Alaska groups in various industries — construction, mortgage, and banking, for example.

But none of the calls was as surprising as his call with members of the Alaska chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business.

During the call, while Sullivan was describing some of the details in the federal relief package working its way to the president’s desk, who should call Sen. Sullivan but President Trump himself. Sullivan was going to take that incoming call.

Sullivan excused himself from the call with NFIB for a moment, but then came back to the telephonic meeting and put the president on the speaker.

Donald Trump spent three or four minutes addressing the participants in the meeting, which was coordinated by the NFIB Alaska State Director Thor Stacey.

One participant noted that Trump was “engaged, enthusiastic, and energetic.”

Trump spoke about the importance of the oil fields in Alaska and his determination to open up the road between King Cove and Cold Bay, so the people of King Cove can access an all-weather airport for times of crisis. He also mentioned that his dad and grandfather were both small business owners, and that his grandfather had come north to the Yukon-Alaska Gold Rush, reinforcing his ties to Alaska.

In Alaska, NFIB has about 1,400 members, and has about 300,000 members nationwide.

Trump told business owners to hold fast, and what they need, the federal government is ready to get to them. Here’s a clip of the audio:


  1. Thank you Senator Sullivan for the encouraging conversation in regards to small businesses. They are the backbone of this country and this state. We love the ingenuity of each and every one of the businesses and owners that expend ideas, energy, talent the money resources to make a life for themselves and do well by their customers and clients. We love the big businesses as well for the insight and encouragement to build a better and productive state. They give a lot in resources and talent. Thank you Senator Sullivan for the recognition to all businesses that call Alaska home.

  2. This bailout will have the next 2 generations of Americans paying off the national debt…no one is saying how much interest will be paid on the $2.2 trillion dollar loan.
    What countries are backing this debt?

    • Steve,

      You and I both know that China will be backing at least some portion of this new debt. “They” will just print more money. The Federal Reserve has said there is no end to what they can and will do, our currency is being devalued at a historic rate.

  3. ‘He also mentioned that his dad and grandfather were both small business owners, and that his grandfather had come north to the Yukon-Alaska Gold Rush, reinforcing his ties to Alaska.’
    The only ties his grandfather had to Alaska was his granddaddy opened a whore house. Yes, it was a nice whorehouse but a whorehouse none the less.
    If anyone thinks that the thing with the orangutan anus shaped mouth cares about ANYONE much less Alaskans, well, you have let a con man have your soul.
    All 3 of the AK reps KNEW small businesses were going to get screwed because they know that trump had fired the man overseeing the dispensing of the funds and was going to handle it himself. Hence trump funneling billions to HIS hotels – especially the one in D.C. because it is being shredded due to HIS mismanagement. Surprising, since he has 3500 law suits relating to his bankruptcies.
    You all can bitch until you turn blue but it is the Democrats that are the ones pulling new funding to small businesses together. Please, get on board. And, stop bitching and crying.
    Oh, and Trump had to put his name on the recovery checks and THAT is why you are NOt getting them anytime soon.
    Note: I got to this website trying to find the list of AK businesses that sullivan and the orangutan spoke to in that call. Could anyone give the info on that, please?

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