Why do the leaders of Alaska Gun Rights attack conservative, obviously pro-2A legislators such as Representative Mike Cronk, Speaker Cathy Tilton, Representative Kevin McCabe, and many others?
See some of their attacks on their website; similar information and memes are being boosted on social media just days before the Primary election on Aug. 20: and
Alaska Gun Rights (AGR) is a local offshoot of National Association of Gun Rights (NAGR), an organization which considers itself to be to the right of the NRA. Their board consists of L. Richard McClure, Jerad McClure, and Pat Martin.
Jerad McClure is David Eastman’s legislative secretary, and Pat Martin is Eastman’s best friend and stalwart defender of anything Eastman does, no matter how ridiculous or unethical.
AGR is particularly angry at a group of legislators who have decided they do not want to support some of the silly amendments that Representative Eastman puts forth, and they have chosen HB61 as their vehicle to beat up on these legislators. See my previous article about the tactic of punishing legislators who do not march in lockstep with the “champion:”
House Bill 61 was House Speaker Cathy Tilton’s bill, a flagship bill of the NRA, and was passed last session. Significantly, she offered it three years ago and it was supported in a big way by both Eastman and AGR. HB 61 sought to protect gun rights from government intrusion in the time of an emergency.
It was known as the anti-Berkowitz bill, and was intended to prevent mayors and officials from closing down gun stores in an emergency, such as what happened in Anchorage during the Covid pandemic in 2020. What AGR takes issue with is that this bill (now law) does allow for the closing of gun shops and ranges. However, what AGR and McClure neglect to say is that the resulting law only allows for such closures if all other businesses are closed as well. The rest of the bill put into statute that the government cannot otherwise interfere with your firearms rights.
So what happened? Why did AGR and Eastman remove their support of this bill? The apparent answer is that they didn’t care as much about the bill or, in fact, your 2A rights, but rather they seek to publicly punish Republicans that they feel do not align with Eastman in everything he does.
Their goal is to protect their “champion” at all costs, even if this gives the election to someone like Savannah Fletcher, a far left liberal, running against Rep. Mike Cronk for the Senate seat “R” vacated by Sen. Click Bishop. Interesting to note that another opponent of Rep. Cronk in the race for Senate seat is James Squyres, who is the spouse of Eastman’s former staffer, Pamela Goode, who is (also) running for House seat 36, currently occupied by Representative Cronk.
AGR and Eastman came out with their opposition to HB61, which contained verbatim language of a bill which they had previously very vocally supported, after Eastman was not included in the Majority Caucus, and after he was removed from the Judiciary Committee. The result of these decisions were a reduction of points allowed for Eastman’s staff forcing him to decide on number of positions and staff pay. Candidate Pamela Goode lost her job when Eastman excluded himself from the majority; Jerad McClure retained his position.
The opposition to Tilton’s bill, by AGR and Eastman, was pure retribution. They sought to punish her over staff and committee reductions, even though those decisions were not hers to make. Committee assignments are made by the Committee on Committees, and staff decisions are made by individual legislators based on points they are given. Those points are based on committee assignments and caucus membership. Every single legislator knew AGR’s concerted effort to destroy HB61 was punishment for decisions made with respect to Eastman. The blatant political skullduggery by the father of Eastman’s secretary may have actually helped the bill pass.
The senior McClure is active in Alaska Republican Party politics, and his son Jerad is very active in Valley politics. One cannot help but wonder how gleeful the Democrats and anti-2A legislators must be to see his attacks on conservative Republicans. When trying to understand these reprehensible attacks on fellow Republicans, it is important to know the back story; while the feud between NAGR and NRA is part of it, the “punish-those-who-disagree-with-the-champion” mentality seems to be the impetus for this latest round of excoriation of legislators who are all candidates for election or re-election.
In light of the recent decision by the NRA, to endorse Rep. Mary Peltola, candidates/legislators are reluctant to use any NRA affiliation, where it had formerly been worn as a badge of honor. AGR leadership likely feels that they can now attack pro 2A legislators for past NRA support, and especially for HB61.
However, despite the NRA support of HB 61, and despite the new opposition to anything NRA, HB 61 made sense. It makes sense now, and it also made sense to AGR and Eastman three years ago because it prohibits the singling out of gun stores, ranges, and sporting goods stores. So what is the major malfunction of AGR?
Linn McCabe is a nearly life-long Alaskan, and has been a conservative political activist since 2008. She is married to Representative Kevin McCabe of Big Lake, who is currently running for re-election in House District 30.
Well then, we should never give an inch (when all other business are closed first). When that happens we will need our shops and ranges. Secondly, it is the first step for other restriction (frog in a pot of warm water). Third, the NRA does no favors in giving a anti 2nd amendment Peltola an A rating! Lastly and most important. The Republican party should get rid of their mascot the elephant and replace it with the Lynx. Reason: Lynx don not care if they eat their own.
Keep the elephant, get rid of the snake
Absolutely correct! Get rid of the people that fail to vote for constitutional rights. There is ZERO room under the constitution to EVER close ANY legal business. That COVID scam was an exercise to find out what people would put up with, end of story.
I support many Second Amendment organization but won’t touch any parts of National Association of Gun Rights. They’re just an angry group who goes radical when they don’t get their way. IMHO they do more harm than good.
More conservative foot shooting. No shortage of that recently. Worry not: the shooters won’t ge able to hobble forward soon. They’re running out of feet. Case in point: watch them get Peltola re-elected.
What are you doing Eastman. ?? It’s bad enough we got liberals to fend off let alone (our) own conservatives. At some point you wind up falling on your own sword you keep this crap up.
“Why do the leaders of Alaska Gun Rights attack conservative, obviously pro-2A legislators such as Representative Mike Cronk, Speaker Cathy Tilton, Representative Kevin McCabe, and many others?”
I would say the more obvious question is why does the wife of a Republican Representative spend so much time attacking a conservative?
Linn, obviously Eastman has his peculiarities, but your repeated attacks wreak of personal vendetta much more than principled disagreements.
What you don’t see, Scott, is the YEARS of attacks which have been made against most of the other conservative legislators prior to my husband being elected.
The public in general has no idea because they aren’t privy to the activist’s posts and memes. They only know what they hear from Mr. Eastman; his activists do the dirty work and he gets to remain unblemished in public perception.
I’m not attacking anyone; I’m actually defending and pushing back against the bullies who have used their bully pulpits and an unsuspecting public to their benefit.
I am a kind and gentle woman and would never attack anyone. This article wasn’t written by someone who has been in the trenches for the past 4 years feeling the endless “pain” these folks are taught to cause those who don’t do their bidding. I’m sorry if I come off as attacking! I truly regret that we aren’t all united in our cause and working together.
A person who creates circumstances, or encourages circumstances, which result in them being called out, isn’t a victim. Someone who knowingly allows their activists to attack others, and does nothing to stop it, is complicit in those attacks.
You should be friends with Murkowski. She feels a lot, too.
Linn, you state in the comment above something about the public isn’t privy to the secret inner workings of politics and the resulting backstabbing of one Republican by another Republican. If true its never a good idea to refer to such actions without firstly making a full report
To your intended audience.
Failure to do so only makes you look petty. Sorry Linn.
Perhaps we need to resurrect Rodney King?
*was written
agree 100%
both McCabes are nothing more than bullies when someone reflects the light of truth on their stupidity
Women shouldn’t be involved in politics, much less political piss fights on behalf of their husbands. Your aim is off and you just can’t shoot as far, Linn.
she likes to bully people, just like her husband.
They don’t bully anyone. Good grief. Get a life
oh really….maybe you should find out first hand from those with experiences opposite your false (lies) statements.
And yet Citizen A doesn’t think you should be allowed to comment. Well played.
You are a key reason we lose so often. Republicans had the first women elected to Congress. What a genius.
Afraid of women, are you?
Alaska Gun Rights is a great organization that really pulls no punches when telling how people voted on gun bills. You know what they say, throw a stick at a pack of dogs and the one who yelps is the one who got hit.
One thing we’ve all seen this year is how the surrender caucus works in the House, not even trying to give us a full PFD or fighting the bad Senate budget. They constantly “table” conservative ordinances so they don’t have to vote on them. I’ve donated to AGR and will again in the future.
you are right on…this is just another bully piece by another McCabe….maybe they should both go to therapy!
“……..throw a stick at a pack of dogs and the one who yelps is the one who got hit………”
Did you throw the stick at the pack on your left or the pack on your right?
Yeah. Thought so………..
What famous American wrote this gun quote?
”Aim for the high mark and you will hit it, no, maybe not the first time, maybe not the second time, and maybe not even the third time, but with practice, you will hit the bullseye”
Answer; yelkaO einnA
.thgifnug a gnirud gnitoohs tegrat er’uoY
Why spell Annie’s name backwards?
oh my gosh does it never stop with the RINOS attacking the rule Conservative(s)?
Does Must Read ever acknowledge that NRA is spineless group that supported the likes of Harry Reid?
Tilton is a full blown RINO and she expects the other puppets to fall in line and they do.
Eastman uses his Brian and will not be intimidated.
“……..does it never stop with the RINOS attacking the rule Conservative(s)?…….”
Or the other way around?
No. It doesn’t. Either way.
“………Eastman uses his Brian……..”
My Brian, who has a brain, has the last name Blane.
But Bryan, who lacks a brain, is a Republican.
He lets the RINOs and Democrats have their way with him.
bad typo on my part LOL
McCabe is King of the RINOs and needs his wife tor run interference for him like the cowardly bully that he is.
Stop referencing NRA like it means something. Hasn’t for years.
To answer your question, it is the feckless AKGOP.
yup…NRA has even supported Harry Reid in the past!
follow the money.
Thank you for spelling it out for us. Eastman has played in the shadows too long working AGAINST great legislation.
Also – I’d like to point out that…2A rights are NOT infringed on in HB61 but a caveat was put in place in case of natural disaster such as a major earthquake… that a severely damaged strip mall could be shut down.
That does NOT mean ALL gun stores would be shut down but the ONE that was severely damaged along with all other industries would be shut down – for example. If they pretend they don’t understand that… then they’re choosing to not understand basic operations of business.
how desperate are to to twist the truth, otherwise known as lying!
states should never help the Feds to violate our rights, period.
David Eastman was an original co-sponsor of HB 179. What Linn says is truth.
In this world, we have two kinds of people, those that are honest, and those that are not. Alaska Gun Rights and their board are clearly of the latter persuasion. What an absolute crock they would attack any of these conservative, clearly 2A-supporting legislators. McCabe from Big Lake, Tilton from the Mat-Su and Cronk from Tok, these are literally some of our most ardent down-to-earth liberty keepers in the Alaska Legislature. Eastman clearly doesn’t understand that the legislature is a place where you are required to sit down and cordially work with others with very different view points. He’s bombing at every turn. Wasilla House District 27 voters, get your butt’s out to vote for Jubilee Underwood on Tuesday. You might has well have a liberal representing you in Juneau if you stick with your incumbent.
maybe start actually paying attention to the vote records from those you want to defend….weakness is weakness equals RINO.
@basinhunter, not that I disagree with your comment.. just some funny thoughts come to mind……
There are 3 kinds of people in this world, those that can count, and those that can’t……
Or…. there are 10 kinds of people in this world, those that know binary, and those that don’t….
How many kinds of people are there again?
Have encountered Jerad McClure at the gun shows where he tries to sell the concept that nobody in Alaska with a known mental illness should be prevented from owning a firearm. This is pure hogwash as I have neighbors and yes friends that I wouldn’t trust with a firearm in any type of crisis where clear thinking must prevail. It was like talking to a stone wall!!
forget McClure and everyone else that bully McCabes are attacking and try reading the Constitution!
NAGR is a money mill for its founders.. They’re using the
Malfeasance at The NRA to sucker in customers
Representative Eastman has been the best Democrat in Juneau for years. Hopefully this is the year that Wasilla sends an actual conservative there.
how stupid can anyone be…..look at vote records, facts matter.
he is the actual Conservative and the RINOs look bad when he shines the light of truth on their stupidity.
They look like fools compared to Eastman and that is why they keep attacking him….they want another puppet in their brigade of fools.
Well the voters keep electing the same guy who runs as a conservative but supports the left and attacks actual conservatives at virtually every chance, so some people can be pretty stupid.
It’s interesting to read the chauvinistic comments of men (?) who state that women have no place in politics, and that I am defending my husband, or some such. I am a person in my own right, with my own opinions, and have been involved heavily in conservative politics since 2008. I speak on my own behalf after watching Gavel Alaska for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours, reading and studying, and forming my own opinions. I am not some dutiful little housewife who must be given permission to speak. After over 4 years of dealing with a never-ending cascade of a “who flung the dung” real life movie, I know who the players are. I knew there would be numerous negative comments against me, because I know the MO of the activists, and have heard the training points myself. Carry on!
you are trying to defend poor judgment and are attacking God fearing men who stand up for God’s truth, number one and the Constitution, number two.
God destroys his enemies. Beware.
Go back to the kitchen and read the Constitution.
Linn, you guys have been out to get rid of Eastman and Kurka for years. You succeeded in getting Kurka to not run for the House by redistricting. Your group has no qualms in being the dirty dozen and trying to force Eastman out one way or another or another or another. People who know Eastman and all of you know the truth about who is flinging dung at who. Looking forward to the day when all this dirty politics is put to bed – hopefully, sooner than later.
I wrote an article exposing how this group of activists attacks and bullies other conservatives, and now I’m a villain? We have been in defensive mode with no voice in the rooms where the dung is flung—having been blocked from social media pages and having no access to the addresses of the numerous tabloid- style email messages sent to recipients whose addresses were obtained through “petitions” which we’ve never seen.
I wasn’t part of redistricting—our district is a prime example of how not to redistrict.
Have a nice day, “Ginny!”
Linn, you may have a point but it sure looks like you are flinging the dung here.
Again Linn, it’s never a good idea to air family arguments in public.
We Republicans are so screwed, it’s this same mentality that will again elect Mary of many names.
You wrote a piece that was in effect a circular firing squad in order to help and curate your own families political career. Is this not what you are generally accusing Eastman of doing?
Train your fire to leftists please. It is a target rich environment.
yup, hypocrite behavior 101.
McCabes are exactly guilty of that which they accuse others of doing,
I just reread the comments. You are seeing things which are not there. Especially the “ shut the woman up” bit. One person said it. Boo hoo. All of us here have been called far worse at some point or another.
Stop acting like a liberal. This is no place for the easily butthurt. In case you never noticed, the publisher is a (gasp!) woman. Many of our commentators are women.
You interjected yourself into this conversation. Nobody forced you. People have pro and con responded to YOUR comments. Not your gender, your comments. The only person beating any gender drum is you. It’s a good rule of thumb if you don’t want to be snarked, don’t throw snark. Your hands are not clean, “Linn”.
Based upon your reactions, this probably is not the place for you. Especially if you do a Hilary and hide behind your gender when pressed. Suggest you grow a thicker skin or move on.
The second amendment says
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I watched this bill with great interest. Shutting down Sportsmans Warehouse and Granny’s guns, while restuarants such as South stayed open, was just wrong. It needed to be fixed. We have to learn to repair what the progressives have done, where they have done it. In this case it was in the business world. Perhaps it would have been a better bill had it included Churches and Gyms, but that is another step. It was Eastman and his group that made this about 2A when even the NRA said it was about equality in commerce. I agree with the writer of the piece. Eastman totally used a bill that he supported during covid to hurt fellow conservatives. And he wonders why the do not want to include him? Sounds like the frog and the scorpian story to me.
No, Eastman shined the light of truth what is obvious to anyone paying attention.
Try reading the Constitution, it would be a good start.
Tileton is queen of the minos and McCabe is the King, both should be fired ASAP.
So, what’s all the fuss about? People bashing other people? Nothing new there.
Conservatives bashing conservatives is what the problem is .
The McCabes hate Eastman and Pat Martin of Alaska Right to Life. Kevin has tried real hard to destroy Eastman with frivolous ethics complaints, which were deemed unfounded. They hate Right to Life and are not prolife. Linn, as Keven’s attack dog does not miss an opportunity to malign Eastman and Martin. Linn and Kevin are both phoney conservatives. McCabe never posts how he votes. Many would be shocked at his supposedly “conservative” votes. But he does the photo ops and PR real well. Just like Murkowski does. And you can definitely see his temper on some of his social media posts.
Bashing two days before we vote. Is not that a timely hit piece by McCabe. They never give up on trying to get rid of Eastman.
Because Eastman is principled, unlike most of our politicians.
He does not act for the sake expediency or only when his cause has a chance of winning. He does the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
He reminds me of William Wilberforce. His fellows hated him too, because he was principled, and did not act out of political interest or expediency.
It must really gall the McCabes that Eastman won his primary by a LANDSLIDE. Maybe Kevin should vote conservative instead of rino.
Linn, excellent article that needed to be written. Thank you for putting yourself out there to bring this information to the public. It appears the only candidates willing to fill out the AGR survey were a former employee of Eastman and her husband. Their political minions with all their ugly and uncalled for cat-calls are out in force in comments herein. I know I’m not the only one bored with the trash talk. Sunlight truly is the best disinfectant.
I want to read Eastman’s reply. Personally, I immediately thought that Mr. McCabe is sending Mrs. McCabe out with the hit pieces. We know how much Mr. McCabe’s tolerance level is for Eastman. Not making any judgments until Eastman has shared his thoughts.
Linn McCabe and Tlton belong to one of the Republican Women’s groups out here. The Republican Women’s groups do not support Eastman. Let me remind you all of the scorecard of who votes constitutionally and who does not. Go take a look, again, and see for yourself.
Eastman has a constituency of one. Eastman.
oh really, then why do his constituents keep re-electing him?
He cares about his constituents over the tyrannical RINOs in Juneau!
also, Eastman rating is 100%. McCabe fails miserably.
This article and comments read like Exhibit A of why we can’t have nice things.
A well known offensive strategy is for an opposing group to try to divide the other group and then “conquer “. But the Alaskan Right has done it to themselves. Divide and Flounder.
The dividers are called RINOs and they are deeply seated in the Conservative party and have fooled many people into believing that they work for Alaskans. This is why Alaska is turning blue.
Perhaps if the faux conservative legislators would vote on principle and not along uniparty lines they might get some respect. Me thinks you protest too much.
you really nailed it!
I get the biggest kick out of reading the comments. Between squabbling among themselves, vying to see who can post the most witty comment (I guess), spouting the same old cliched “…isms, evils, etc.. oh, and the silly poster commenting on a different story on this site who says “this means war”– I’ve come to the conclusion that if the commenters are representative of the Republican party, this bunch couldn’t organize and facilitate a lunch line. I continue reading the comments (which are better than the actual stories being commented upon) because every now and then there is a commenter that actually makes some sense and provides thoughtful insight on the conservative perspective (no, not you Masked Avenger –you do platitudes well though).
Why does everything have to be so dang complicated and contentious?
That’s the nature of comments sections online