A federal agency that many American believe should be dismantled will have a new leader come January. Linda McMahon, one of the leaders of the Trump transition team, will become Secretary of Education.
McMahon headed up the Small Business Administration during Trump’s first term. Now 76 years old, she is best known for making World Wrestling Entertainment a multibillion-dollar business.
McMahon is the chairwoman of the board of the America First Policy Institute, a conservative think tank. She also is chairwoman of the Center for the American Worker for the institute, and was chairwoman of the America First Action SuperPAC, and America First Policy, LLC.
She will replace Miguel Cardona, who has been the Secretary of Education during the Biden Administration and who has pushed the woke and gender-bending agenda into classrooms and gyms across America’s schools.
In April, he published a new rule that changed the meaning of Title IV to ban “all forms of sex discrimination,” which would include forcing schools to allow boys into girls’ locker rooms and to compete on girls’ teams.
Trump says he will end that transgender crusade pushed by the Biden Administration.
The Department of Education, created by President Jimmy Carter in 1980, now has 4,400 employees and a $68 billion budget that uses taxpayer dollars. The federal government disseminates a portion of the money to the states, but much of it is used to support a growing bureaucracy.
So the woman who made billions by selling into to the basest instincts of Americans is now in charge of national education policy. What a sick joke. Another FU by Trump to show just how audacious he can be. Neil Postman was right back in 1985.
If you want to see a clear picture of just how debased culture has become in the US, don’t look at the liberal agenda, look at WWE, and the “entertainment” they feed to their viewers. Deplorable.
I can think of baser instincts than wrestling, but nice try.
What exactly has the Dept of Education been pushing the last four years other than sexual drpavity?
It’s pretty clear by now that Trump is a Russian asset, and he will lead this nation into ruin. Mark my words, a year from now we’ll be paying more for gas, more for groceries, and our money won’t go very far at all – but he’ll blame the Democrats. But at least billionaires will get some more tax breaks. Russia is gonna love what Trump does to this country.
Yeah Bill…just like He did the last four years He was in office.
Thats exactly why we voted for him and not the kackling hyena that said she would continue on the hiway to hell same as the last four years.
Stay tuned to “The View” and CNN for your next update.
I’m surprised there is gonna be a secretary of education. I thought Trump was going to do away with the post. I remember seeing that he said the department of education wasn’t needed.
The Department of Education has a 68 billion dollar budget? What do we get for that? Apparently, not much as the quality of public education in the United States has been steadily declining since the inception of this bloated bureaucracy.
I agree that is a lot of money but if that is what it takes to keep boys and men out of my daughters and granddaughters locker rooms and bathrooms then its all worth a lot more than money.
Well, counties across the country (and disproportionately large, rural areas) receive a tremendous amount of Title I funding, which helps children with disabilities. But they’re disabled, so why should we be paying to make them able. That’s what their church is supposed to help with.
Today she named her chief advisors: Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and The Rock.
At least put someone in that knows SOMETHING about education…?
Maybe a homeschooler????
And the crazy appointments keep coming. Trump is out to destroy the federal government. Just remember all of you who voted for him when the buyer’s remorse sets in. Let the grifting begin for the billionaires, the rest of us are SOL.
Blah, blah, blah, …, blah
There is always the option of moving to Canada with teacher’s that sports the “Guy” with giant boobs that hang down nearly touching the table saw blade teaching shop class if you need an escape from the madness coming our way.
I for one think this is a tremendous hire. It takes a special lady to be able to take a tombstone piledriver from the mayor of Knoxville, TN and come back even stronger! The resilience this lady can demonstrate and teach to our children is exactly what we need to get America back on track with the generation of the future.
Wow. Why does Trump keep doing it? Appoints people that haven’t been vetted? Now, it appears that this chick is included in a sexual assult lawsuit. That charge is no stranger to trump as he himself awaits sentencing. Plus, this woman has no experience ever teaching at all. She lied about having a teaching degree in the past. Trump continues to embarrass America. I wonder if he is fit to lead?
Certainly not! Amongst other things, Trump is the World’s most egregious liar. But lies have never damaged him; they reinforce his Alpha male-dominance by forcing subordinates to agree that the person in charge gets to determine what reality is. Victims must surrender either their integrity or their ownership of their own perceptions; in either case, once they have agreed to a deliberate lie, it becomes harder to challenge later ones since that means acknowledging the other times they caved.
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