Linda Boyle: Will Fauci face justice?



Literally, minutes before President Donald Trump was sworn in on Jan. 20, President Joe Biden issued a “preemptive” pardon to Dr. Anthony Fauci along with Gen. Mark Milley, former Rep. Liz Cheney, and the entire House Jan. 6 Committee.  

Upon hearing the news, Dr. Fauci stated, “I really truly appreciate the action President Biden has taken today on my behalf.” Fauci went on to state he had committed no crimes, nor did he believe there were any “possible grounds” for criminal investigation.

Even more interesting is Biden’s pardon “covers” Fauci for any offense he  may have committed or taken part in” beginning in January 2014.”

That aligns to the period in which  former President Barack Obama “placed a three-year moratorium on the type of risky pathogen research that could have sparked a global pandemic.”  

This far-reaching pardon precludes Fauci from being able to claim Fifth Amendment protection against incriminating himself. He could still claim the Fifth Amendment protection, however, if he is called to appear before state legal systems.  

Now, there are 18 state attorneys general who are requesting more information from Congress to look at possible avenues to hold Fauci legally culpable at the state level. 

Attorney General Alan Wilson of South Carolina is leading the coalition, which is demanding accountability for Fauci’s role in the Covid-19 pandemic response.  

Read the letter to congressional leaders here.

This letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader John Thune is asking Congress for cooperation to uncover misconduct and the rooting out of any violation of state laws. 

AG Wilson cited key findings from the Congressional Report that the coalition is concerned about. 

Key Findings from the Congressional Report: 

  • Origins of COVID-19 – Evidence suggests Fauci worked to discredit the “lab leak” theory despite mounting evidence supporting it. 
  • Misleading Congress on NIH Funding – Fauci allegedly provided false testimony regarding NIH-funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 
  • NIH Oversight Failures – The NIH reportedly mismanaged taxpayer funds by failing to properly oversee grants to EcoHealth Alliance, which funneled funding to the Wuhan lab. 
  • Suppression of Scientific Dissent – Prominent scientists who raised concerns about vaccine risks were allegedly silenced, limiting public awareness of potential side effects. 

The 18 state attorneys general were listed in AG Wilson’s press release.

Note that Alaska’s attorney general was not one of them.    

Sen. Rand Paul promised he will use his leadership position in the Senate to hold Fauci accountable for “the start of the pandemic or alleged subsequent cover-up.”  This would include perhaps subpoenaing Fauci again to appear before a Senate panel.

We can only hope accountability will start to happen.  

People lost jobs.

Children lost years of education.

Small businesses were closed,.

Economic decline was huge.

Many Americans died, some alone without family. 

More people are looking into what happened and why.  We need to do this so we can prevent the same from occurring in the future. 

What the federal government failed to do, the states can do by exercising their power and bring people to justice.

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.


  1. Trump and DOGE/Musk have begun to dismantle the Federal Government, and the following will happen as a result:

    People will lose jobs.

    Children will lose nutrition and education.

    Small businesses will close.

    Economic decline will be huge.

    Many Americans will die, some alone without family.

    Billionaires will become Trillionaires.

    Will they face justice for these crimes? Musk, maybe. Trump, at least not in the conventional sense since SCOTUS made him King. But he still needs to live with himself.

    • Whidbey, like every other mindless statist and radical leftist extremist, you make the fundamental mistake of thinking that government is not only a net societal positive, but that it has resources independent of those that it extracts in taxes from the productive economy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

      Government can ONLY spend that which it first takes by force from others via taxation, or else prints up out of thin air, thereby creating so-called “inflation”, which is really a misnomer for what is more honestly recognized as currency depreciation, which is effectively just another form of taxation.

      “Government is not eloquence, it is not reason, it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.”

      – George Washington

      “That government is best which governs least.”

      – Thomas Jefferson

      “Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.”

      – Robert LeFevre

      • Good response. There is big thing going on in our society where some people have been educated, indeed totally brought up, with the idea that the government will take care of them. The Left is very happy to promote this idea as it creates dependency. The government just prints money and hands it out to address “human needs”. This is obscene and perverse. We have somehow brought the country back of the brink of full socialism. Eventually, the Left will succeed, I fear.

      • Jefferson
        Remember dog chases cars and has no useful knowledge of government except what his masters the democrats tell him.
        Dog knows who feeds him.

    • 1. People will lose government jobs? Yes

      2. Children will lose fat and be educated and not woke indoctrinated? Yes

      3. Small businesses will be opening? Yes

      4. Economic growth will be huge? Yes

      5. Many/Most Americans will be healthier and live longer? Yes

      6. Middle/Lower income folks will prosper if they want to work? Yes

      Who will face accolades for items 1 through 6? Musk and Trump, at least in the historic sense. SCOTUS found that liberal pontificator’s politicians don’t have the power to obstruct the will of American people!

    • Sure is a beautiful sight to behold! When its over, its going to be impossible to put it back together in any sort of rapid fashion that will reconstitute the level of corruption that it has attained supporting your ‘government is our savior’ thesis.

      What we are looking at here is a frame off restoration. Its going to be glorious!! Might smoke the tires on this thing, just for fun, after it gets running smooth again.

      Fauci’s crimes are international in scale. He will face justice.

    • Huh???
      First what does DOGE have to do with investigating Fauci and his connections to various entities (unless you are upset that Eco Health Alliance has been cut off)
      Second, by saving TRILLIONS of tax dollars from either going out of the country for progressive subversion of other nations or into nebulous holes, now we can pay down the deficit and actually use tax money to improve the lives of all those you bemoan by for example saving medicare.
      You are just upset that the gravy train for liberals has been discovered and will come to an end…..

  2. Government of some form has existed since mankind first coalesced into groups and communities. It’s here to stay whether you like it or not. Anarchy sounds like fun, until you try it.

    • Blah blah blah

      Government is, at its core, nothing but institutionalized coercion.

      Do you really feel that coercion should be the foundational value and basis of a society?
      I do not.

    • “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.

      Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise. For were the impulses of conscience clear, uniform, and irresistibly obeyed, man would need no other lawgiver; but that not being the case, he finds it necessary to surrender up a part of his property to furnish means for the protection of the rest; and this he is induced to do by the same prudence which in every other case advises him out of two evils to choose the least. Wherefore, security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expence and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.” – Thomas Paine

  3. Fauci’s actions concerning the pandemic would be just like Auschwitz and Hitler. How many innocent people died or will die due to his actions regarding the shots when he actually knew the truth? He also was compensated by the drug companies for his actions and I would call it a kickback scheme on testing that we, the taxpayers were funding. He was the fox guarding the hen house and complicit through the whole process. If he is not prosecuted, then he should at least lose his government retirement since we should not have to pay for his incompetence any longer that occurred during his time in government. He ruined so many good scientists’ lives with his granting/no granting program if you went against any of his untested thoughts.

  4. Whidbey – Every scenario you mentioned happened under the Covid Scamdemic -courtesy in large measure by the little Fauci . This is the definition of gaslighting, which we see every day now that Trumps actions are causing the progressive ( communist )
    politicians, actors, musicians, teachers, foreign bad actors etc etc to screech ” end of democracy, facism, on and on”

    Thanks for making this so crystal clear.

  5. What really bothers me here is all the wailing and hand-wringing by democrats. Progressive lawmakers lament about the procedure, that people will lose their jobs…..etc. Yet not a one has stopped to say: “Wow the taxpayer is spending $6 million to promote tourism in Egypt? That’s ridiculous and why are we doing that?” Not a one has anything to say about all the funds that simply slip away, as if it were monopoly money. People worked hard for those funds and that is a slap in their face.

  6. I am very concerned that we re missing the entire point with this obsession with administering justice to Fauci – he is just a scapegoat. Our government worked a deal with evil. Both the Chinese and the U.S. want the knowledge of how to create the ultimate biological weapon, and perhaps how to defend against it. Experimenting to obtain this knowledge is contrary to U.S. and international law – BUT WE DID IT ANYWAY, “for national security purposes”. The release of the disease, COVID-19, was deliberate – to show the effectiveness of our evil work. All the layers of agencies to spread blame simply look like money-laundering. No crisis will go to waste, thus housing infected people in nursing homes to kill off the residents to save money for the state. Fauci is guilty, and o’biden pardoned him as part of a likely pre-arranged deal. This is evil – and WE did it.

  7. Fauci’s evil deeds extend decades back. He IS evil.

    Justice has been weak, and entirely absent in many worthy cases. Evil grows unabated, and that needs to change. He must, and will face justice. Many others need to as well.

    • Fauci must be held accountable for being bought & paid for by the Pharma’s and the ongoing impairments & deaths of those who took the kill-shot(s).

  8. Dr Fauci’s protective actions in the COVID 19 Pandemic saved the lives of millions of Americans, and by default, many fellow citizens of the world.

    • Your ‘protective actions’ too, right? How many did YOU inject?

      Being as how you have the same credentials as a doctor, it was a knowingly sort of thing.

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