Linda Boyle: Hear from courageous doctors at next Alaska health freedom conference



It’s that time of year again, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is pushing that new Covid jab into your arm and into everyone’s arm who is six months or older.

The CDC no longer calls it a booster shot — it now marketed as an annual shot, much like your annual flu vaccine. But a rose by any other name is still a rose.

It doesn’t matter if children have an extremely low death rate from Covid or that no child under the age of 18 In Alaska has died from Covid. And it doesn’t matter that deaths from Covid are more common among people who have co-morbidities. It also doesn’t seem to matter there have been serious side-effects from the shot itself.

The Public Service Announcements are running nonstop, to include the need to protect grandma from this disease.  

What should be pushed in Alaska is not the jab. What should be pushed in Alaska is people becoming intensely aware of their Vitamin D levels. 

Last November in Must Read Alaska, I stated Vitamin D is critical to a robust immune system. Additionally, I pointed to a study done in Israel that demonstrated the Covid mortality rate for those with insufficient vitamin D levels was 25.6%, compared to 2.3% among those with sufficient vitamin D levels.  

I know it’s no surprise to you we are losing sunlight daily. Winter is upon us, and you aren’t going to get much vitamin D from the sun.   

Alaskans should be informed by their public health system that Vitamin D levels are critical for fighting infection and viruses.  Instead, public health is once again pushing a Covid jab for all ages.

With the number of potential side effects from the mRNA vaccines, one should think twice about rolling up one’s sleeve and instead head to the nearest store to get some Vitamin D.  

It is important to stay up to date with Covid, the government’s involvement, and what else is being planned for you in the future. I know you are tired of hearing about Covid.

Yet the masks mandates are starting back up again in parts of our country. 

And doctors are still losing their board certifications because of their stance that covid jabs have too many side-effects. A German medical board recently fined a doctor $2,799 for warning people about dying from the Covid mRNA injections in 2021.

Yes, the beat goes on. I feel like this is Groundhog’s Day 4.0. The rhetoric is the same, the rules are the same, and they are once again gearing up to constrain your freedom. 

What can you do about it?  Be knowledgeable. Keep informed.  

Join us for our next Covid Alliance Event on Oct. 26: “Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.”  Our speakers include:

  • Dr Meryl Nass, speaking on the World Health Organization and its threat to our national sovereignty. She will also delve into details on the newest “plandemic” in the making and discuss how the global elites plan to disrupt your food supply.
  • Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, a whistleblower who testified before Congress, will address military vaccine issues and injury.
  • Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, cofounder of “DoNoHarm,” will speak on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in medical schools, and how this policy has affected what new doctors are learning or not learning in their educational process.
  • Dr. Pam Popper will address “Using the Courts to Restore Our Right,”  in which she will discuss vaccine lawsuits that have been filed and what success we have had in this area.
  • Dr. Joel Wallskog, co-founder of React19, will recount his own vaccine injury, and unpack what avenues are open to others who were injured by this vaccine.
  • Dr. Ryan Cole, who had his medical license restricted in the state of Washington for prescribing Ivermectin to Covid patients via telemedicine, will speak about turbo cancers that have occurred since the start of the Covid pandemic.
  • Dr. James Lindsay will speak about culture wars and their effect on our children. 
  • Dr. Peter Breggin will speak on “Thinning the Herd. The pandemic as a global Milgram experiment.”
  • Our own Dr. Ilona Farr will speak on “Finding Solutions To Treat Health Problems Caused by Covid-19.”

For just $55, you can stay ahead of the fake news and decide for yourself what’s best for you and your family. The price for the conference includes a hot plated lunch at the Egan Center, Anchorage.

Go to this link to purchase tickets and we’ll see you there. 

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance.


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