Left’s war on women: Anchorage socialists march for couch-surfing, video-game playing young men to get free medical care

Photo credit: Party for Socialism and Liberation Anchorage

The news media was on the scene in downtown Anchorage, where a couple of dozen protesters identifying as socialists held signs denouncing Congressman Nick Begich’s vote on a budget resolution that unlocks the budget reconciliation process in the House.

The socialists, wearing expensive North Face jackets and led by leaders of the Party for Socialism and Liberation Anchorage, said that Begich took away their Medicaid.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is a communist political party in the United States that formed in 2004, when its members split from the Workers World Party. PSL calls itself a revolutionary socialist party, and believes that only a revolution can end capitalism and establish socialism. According to InfluenceWatch.org, PSL has publicly supported Communist dictators such as Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong and has been active in anti-police protests since 2020.

KTUU reported the statements made by the Party for Socialism and Liberation during the Friday protest as factual, not acknowledging that they were wholly false.

In fact, the only suggested current change to Medicaid is a work requirement for those who are able to work, which is policy supported by 70% of Americans. The word Medicaid does not appear in the bill that passed.

“Begich serves Trump’s far-right billionaire agenda and not the working people of Alaska. Begich voted to take 100k Alaskans off of Medicaid and 70k Alaskans off of SNAP. Anchorage will continue to fight back against Trump and the billionaires!” the socialists wrote on social media.

The protest was dubbed an “EMERGENCY PROTEST” by the PSL. The protesters chanted and marched to Begich’s office in downtown Anchorage at around 6 p.m.

Meanwhile Anchorage businesses are begging for employees and asking for extension of the “J-1” and related visa programs to supply Alaska’s workforce, because Socialists refuse to show up to work, but do show up to march.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is not only the far left segment of the Alaska Democratic Party’s voting base, supporting politicians like Anchorage Assemblyman Felix Rivera, the PSL is embrace by the national Democrats’ political action committee, “House Majority PAC,” which posted the news story about protest on their own social media page on X.

The chairman of House Majority PAC is Mike Smith, former senior advisor to former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The PAC has now officially aligned itself with socialists. He’s in charge of flipping seats to Democrats and the group has targeted Begich for one of its top seats to flip in 2026.

Watch the Anchorage media sympathize with the protesters in this clip posted by the House Majority PAC:


  1. These people must be from the Zelensky Clan the way they double down on stupid.
    And you know they are getting paid to march, Suzanne. So they aren’t real socialists. They like getting paid like everyone else.

  2. Cutting fraud is not cutting the budget. The people behind the demonstrations are the ones that are benefitting from the fraud. There is an onslaught of fake news out there fear mongering people.

  3. I can’t help but wonder how many of these people are even legitimate Alaska residents. Socialism is a disease that is just halfway down the path to communism.

  4. Hey!! If they want to back the communist party, I think they should go to a communist controlled country. Russia, China or North Korea. Their choice. I’d be willing to pitch in enough to cover a dozen airfare tickets. One way. No return. Bye Bye!!

  5. Can’t wait to see how our MRAK leftists try to make this change to medicaid (not Medicare, aid…) as some kind of power grab for the rich.

  6. These lazy young “men” need only one thing. Swift kick in the -|-. If they want a free ride, move to Washington, Oregon or California.

  7. More ‘useful idiots?’ Recalling the hideous purges in Viet Nam after the communist take-over, I wonder if these ‘intellectuals’ would survive if there ever was a communist revolution? Heaven forbid!!

  8. Pretty Short Linkage is always mad about something. Normally like this it is a made up something that they can not comprehend. If they can march, they can get a job and pay for their own Healthcare like everyone else! Maybe while they March they can pick up Trash at least then we would have one nice thing to say about Them,

  9. Begich voted for a tax break benefitting the wealthy and cuts in Medicaid funding for the working poor. You get what you elect

    • Maybe you should look at the bill FrankRast. It said DOGE would take a look at Medicare&Medicaid. No cuts were ever said. So many of you lefties try to get everyone riled up and most, or all of the time you don’t know what you are talking about

  10. They support Mao Zedong, he’s the dope who tried to kill all of the birds in China, causing a famine the resulted in the deaths of millions of Chinese. PSL GO TO HELL!

  11. It does not take like to figure out how evil the PSL really is. They are a bunch of mentally broken people that want to have a seat at the adult table. The PSL and their leaders a promote pro terrorist agenda’s and should be labeled as a danger to our society.

  12. Just like Elon discovered when he owned Paypal: “The fraudsters always scream the loudest!” Rooting out corruption in Medicaid is a task over 70% of Americans support! Get a job cry babies!


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