LeDoux felony hearing moved to October 8


The pre-indictment hearing for Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux has been moved to Oct. 8 at 2 p.m. Before yesterday, the hearing was scheduled for Aug. 20, two days after the Primary Election.

LeDoux is being charged with one felony and two misdemeanors for mishandling of ballots during her 2018 campaign. Many court hearings on criminal matters have been postponed due to the Court system’s policies regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

[Read: LeDoux faces charges over voter fraud]

[Read: LeDoux’s felony problem]


  1. Do not understand why they need to put off an indictment hearing because of the Corona19. We are having to deal with the system against the people that stole and trashed our vehicle last August. All of the hearings have been telephonic and we as the victims have testified that way. But we aren’t as important as Ms LeDoux and we certainly wouldn’t want to embarrass her while she is campaigning.

  2. We can all thank her for providing a clear illustration of the ballot fraud that comes through mail in voting.

  3. Isn’t it interesting they put off LeDoux’s hearing but treated the Kriner’s situation with a short order of a judge’s orders in a few days? Sure one is related to public health, but the other is related to ethical voting, still very important and the timing of the election, the courts couldn’t get this done???

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