‘Kriner’s Caucus’ meets at famous diner for lunch



Members of the House Republican caucus gathered at Kriner’s Diner today. Kriner’s is the rebellious restaurant that won’t close, in spite of the orders of the mayor of Anchorage, the lawsuit the Berkowitz Administration has filed, and the $600 a day fine Berkowitz has levied.

Reps. Cathy Tilton, DeLena Johnson, Laddie Shaw, and George Rauscher had lunch at the cafe on C Street, swapped stories about the campaign trail, chatted it up with Andy Kriner, who owns the establishment with his wife, and got interviewed by a KTUU news crew.

Earlier, Sen. Josh Revak had been spotted dining at the cafe.

They were there to support a small-business owner, whose plight has been noted on these pages. The community has lent its support to the popular cafe, whose owner says he cannot afford to shut down for another month, as the mayor has ordered all restaurants and bars to do.

Twenty-four cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in the Anchorage area in the past 24 hours. Several restaurants have now joined the resistance and are remaining open, as code enforcers come by with papers and fines.

The lawsuit the mayor has filed against Kriner’s Diner will be heard at 10 am Friday in the courtroom of Judge William Morse. Kriner’s Diner will be represented by attorney Blake Quackenbush.

[Read: Berkowitz fighting a war he cannot win]

[Read: Assemblyman Constant pricks at local diner]

[Read: Kriner’s War: Diner opens, code enforcers converge]

[Read: A city revolts against its mayor]


  1. Ok, so why haven’t you assisted the rebel restaurants/bars in filing a lawsuit against the Tiny Tyrant? You know what Berkowitz is doing is completely unconstitutional yet all you do is go to a diner and have some lunch. I haven’t heard one peep from any of you on ADN, KTUU, KTVA expressing your outrage against this tyrannical mayor. I am embarrassed by Laddie Shaw and his silence on this issue.As a Navy Seal he should be leading the rebellion against Berkowitz and his Brownshirts on the Anchorage Assembly. Get a grip POLITICIANS. It does not matter where you live and who you represent, your outrage against Berkowitz should be heard every single day until this weasel is stopped in his tracks.

  2. Anchorage churches defy limits on gathering size under emergency health order..Where are the muni enforcers with their stop work/cease and desist orders for these scofflaw churches? Go after Kriner’s Diner and others but not the churches violating the Mayor’s emergency order(s)? Is the mayor going to take these churches to court for said violations?

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