Killer on the loose was found sitting outside Walmart



On Saturday, Anchorage police received a number of calls from shoppers at Walmart, saying killer Scott Brodine was sitting outside the store. Officers arrived and took him into custody without incident.

Brodine, 50, had walked away from his halfway house, the Clitheroe Center, early Wednesday morning. He was finishing a 90-day drug treatment program, and police said he was not a danger to the community, even on the loose.

But the public might have felt differently, knowing that Brodine had brutally beat to death his roommate in 1993 and was supposed to be serving a 50-year sentence behind bars, not in a halfway house.

The Department of Corrections places inmates into halfway houses to integrate them back into society. Brodine appears to have served 23 years of a 50-year sentence. He is in the Anchorage Correctional Complex as of Oct. 7.

[Read the story of how he killed his roommate in 1993 — and then contested the conviction.]


  1. I enjoyed this issue, especially the photo of Walker destroying the celebration of Columbus Day last year. What a piece of work he is. Robs people’s heritage and their PFDs. The “man” has no shame. I can’t wait until he is forgotten after election day and we have someone like Dunleavey come in.

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