Kevin McKinley files for House District 5



Republican Kevin McKinley, who owns a tattoo business in Fairbanks, is going to try to unseat Democrat Adam Wool next year for House District 5, Fairbanks.

McKinley ran against Wool in 2018, but was a relatively unknown name. He lost to Wool, 3,484 to 3,057.

Raised in Kotzebue, McKinley began his career as a businessman by selling comic books when he was 9 years old. At 27, he started Body Piercing Unlimited.

He has filed a letter of intent to run in 2020 for the seat.

[Read: Who’s filed? Tatto artist]


In other news pertaining to Wool, today, the bar/nightclub that Rep. Wool sold two weeks ago burned in a fiery incident; the source of the blaze has not yet been identified. The outdoor stage, and much of the building was destroyed. The fire was under control by 5:30 pm, but over half of the business appears to be in ashes.

After the business was sold it was closed until May 10, when the new owner took over. Six days later, it was unclear if anything can be salvaged.



  1. Tatoo artist trumps a bartender and ice-cream cone vendor. Ink v. Booze and Fat. No wonder their last race was so close. I’ll go with ink.

    • Wool’s old beer parlor just burned down. Must have been all the weed tokers lighting up. Wool loves the potheads. Who’s the insurer?

  2. No more Hell’s Belles coming to Fairbanks? What are the local HAs going to do for entertainment besides what they normally do? It was getting pretty bad for music lovers in recent years when the top concert ticket in Alaska every year is at a politically-skewed festival in Ninilchik of all places and bands would play Denali but not Fairbanks because of the reputation the Loon had developed. I came across an old Times article which mentioned George Lichter and Northern Stage Company. It appeared to me that he was able to get quality acts who might not have otherwise come to Alaska because he took care of them, as opposed to some of the promoters we have today.

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