Kevin McCabe: Taking back town halls and why Republicans must stand firm against disruption

Rep. Kevin McCabe

Town halls and public speeches are a cornerstone of American democracy — a direct, unfiltered connection between elected officials and the people they serve. For Republicans, these meetings aren’t just a tradition — they’re essential. They cut through media distortion, allow constituents to be heard, and let leaders speak plainly.

But today, these events are under attack, hijacked by outside agitators and twisted by the media into political theater. Despite the chaos and the risks, Republicans must keep showing up — because leadership demands it, and voters deserve it.

The challenges are undeniable. The recent Eagle River town hall with Reps. Jamie Allard, Dan Saddler, and Sen. Kelly Merrick was supposed to be an open dialogue with local residents. Instead, it was overrun by activists from Anchorage and beyond — people who don’t even live in the district — who shouted down actual constituents to push their own agenda. This wasn’t civic engagement.

It was a staged spectacle designed to grab headlines, and the media played right along.

President Donald Trump called this tactic out on TruthSocial, saying, “Paid ‘troublemakers’ are attending Republican Town Hall Meetings… It’s not going to work for them!” 

House Speaker Mike Johnson backed him up, calling them “professional protesters” and questioning why Republicans should hand them a platform. This isn’t about debate or dialogue — it’s about silencing Republicans and controlling the narrative in the public venue.

Alaskans know this playbook all too well.

In 2020, Senator Dan Sullivan hosted a meet-and-greet in Anchorage. Protesters stormed the stage, and one even threw a bloody caribou heart onto the platform — a grotesque stunt meant to attack his environmental policies. His staff had to step in, worried for his safety. But instead of condemning the behavior, the media zeroed in on the spectacle, framing it as an anti-Sullivan protest and ignoring the intimidation.

Democrat protester shoved a bloody, raw caribou heart at Sen. Dan Sullivan at a campaign event in 2020, seen here as she is stopped from taking over the stage by a campaign aide.

Last week, Sullivan faced the same circus again while addressing the Alaska Legislature. During his question-and-answer session, he was repeatedly harassed by lawmakers pushing their own narrative, turning what should have been a serious policy discussion into a sideshow.

This isn’t just an Alaska problem. Nationally, we saw it when Congressman Al Green interrupted President Trump’s latest speech, hijacking the event for his own political grandstanding before being ejected by Speaker Johnson.

The marxists and progressives are not subtle about encouraging this behavior. One of the most blatant examples came during Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on live television, dramatically tore up her copy of the speech for the cameras. It wasn’t a spontaneous act — it was deliberate, a signal to her party that disrespect and defiance weren’t just acceptable but encouraged.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi rips up a copy of President Trump’s State of the Union Address in 2020.

Pelosi wasn’t just tearing up a speech — she was tearing up any remaining sense of decorum, giving activists and lawmakers alike a green light to interrupt, disrupt, and humiliate Republicans at every opportunity. And, of course, the liberal media cheered her on.

But it’s not just about disruption — sometimes, it turns violent. In 2017, US Rep. Steve Scalise was shot and nearly killed by a Democrat activist during a congressional baseball practice. The shooter specifically targeted Republicans, driven by anti-GOP rhetoric and media-fueled rage. It was a chilling reminder that words have consequences — and unchecked political hostility can lead to bloodshed.

In 2023, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was repeatedly “swatted” — a dangerous hoax where false emergency calls send armed police to someone’s home, putting lives at risk. The media brushed it off as just another “controversy” surrounding her. But the truth is simple: She wasn’t targeted for being controversial. She was targeted for being a Republican. This tactic isn’t limited to politicians — conservative talk show hosts and influencers have recently faced the same dangerous harassment.

So why do we keep holding town halls and public speeches? After all, Democrats avoid them. They prefer staged events surrounded by friendly reporters. They rely on protests and media spin to push their message.

Republicans could take the easy route too — stick to press releases and social media posts from the safety of an office. But that’s not leadership. Leadership means showing up. It means standing tall and answering tough questions, even from those who disagree with us. Hiding behind a screen or in the basement isn’t leadership — it’s cowardice.

Town halls and public speeches should be our chance to cut through the noise — even in Democrat-heavy areas. The media loves to twist our words and distort our message. But when we speak directly to the people — face to face — we remind them exactly who we’re fighting for: Them. Not the elites in DC, not the Juneau insiders, and certainly not the activists screaming from the back of the room or on the capital steps of Juneau.

Republicans are built for resilience. In the era of President Trump’s bold, unapologetic leadership, standing your ground matters more than ever. A disrupted event doesn’t make us weak — it proves we’re tough enough to take the heat and stay in the fight.

But voters have a role to play too. Town halls and public speeches belong to you — not the loudest hecklers in the room. The Eagle River town hall was taken over because activists from outside the district were brought in and packed the room. If constituents want real dialogue — if they want their voices to rise above the noise — they need to show up. They need to take control of these events, push back against the agitators, [USA, USA, USA] and demand that their elected officials have the chance to speak and listen. 

And we do have a perfect example of a better way. Friday night, in Fairbanks, at the Lincoln Day Dinner, 200 protesters rallied outside against Trump. Republicans didn’t retreat or escalate—they put up a sign: “Welcome Peaceful Protesters, We Respect Your First Amendment Rights.” Inside, they raised funds and kept the focus, showing strength through constitutional kindness. That’s how we turn the tables—stand firm, respect rights, keep fighting, and keep serving our people.

Don’t expect the liberal media to help. They thrive on, and sometimes even create chaos. They won’t cover honest conversations because they find those boring and not in line with their liberal progressive ideas — yet they will always cover the shouting and the spectacle. That’s why it’s up to you to reclaim your town halls and public speeches and make sure they serve their true purpose: connecting you with your representatives.

Republicans hold town halls and public speeches because it’s our duty — to serve, to fight, and to lead. We’re not afraid of hostile crowds or media hit jobs. We’re here for our constituents and our values. The only question left is this: Will you stand with us?

In the end, Senator Sullivan’s Q&A session in the Alaska House last week was hijacked by angry liberals in the majority because they knew they wouldn’t be stopped. There was no risk for them. If we want a Republican majority in the future, Republicans must show up. We must take control. Let’s take back our town halls, our public speeches, and our government — together.

Rep. Kevin McCabe is a legislator from Big Lake, Alaska.


  1. This is the reaction that we absolutely expect from frightened Qonservative ameriQans. The clapback has begun and THST is what frightens you Mr. McCabe.

    • Typical of the Left that you applaud childish tantrum throwing and screaming incoherently.
      Nobody is “scared” of you, that’s just your childish self delusion…

    • E. Larson, so shouting down speakers and behaving badly is what you call “democracy”? Aren’t you supposed to be “inclusive and tolerant”???
      Behaving like anarchists and perpetual petulant children, who can’t have a reasonable factual conversation, isn’t frightening. It is ANNOYING and un-American!

    • Get real. We don’t live our lives in fear. You should because you are losing in the public arena. You have NO leader. Oh yeah, forgot Old Biden Guy will save you. Good luck with that. Harris? Can’t put a word salad together to make sense to save her soul. Good luck with that too. I will pray for you because you obviously need it.

  2. You can only poke the bear so long. Unfortunately it could escalate to violence. Thats a lose-lose for everyone. We have a catch & release justice system when protesters do break the law that needs to change.
    I sure dont have the answers, but I will continue going to town halls, but just keep my head on a swivel.

  3. There are a lot of people out here who are not happy with what is going on with this administration and it’s impossible to get through to our federal representatives. Murkowski is the only one who can be bothered to respond to letters and no one answers the phone in anyone’s office, so what do you expect? I’m watching my country be taken over by billionaires and you’re telling me to be a good little girl and stay quiet? Really? Violence, threats of violence, and vandalism are not okay. Doxing – not okay. Being passionate about clawing our democracy back from the oligarchs is the work of true patriots.

  4. For an event like the town hall in Eagle River, organizers could require ID for entry, and only let constituents in. For more open events, they could hire enough private security to simply physically remove agitators. These disruptors are mostly low life types who have nothing riding on the ball, or those who work for organizations that encourage political violence, like the NEA. We should start keeping tabs on exactly who these people are, and call them out publicly whenever possible.

  5. The false narrative that it is paid liberal members of society that are attacking the GOP. It is in fact constituents that are showing up and are tired of the MAGA movements BS. When Trump started his campaign for the POTUS the first time he started spewing hate filled attacks on everyone. Now the the left has followed suit it is disrespectful. The truth is citizens of the USA are now waking and seeing exactly what MAGA wants to accomplish and they are pissed, both conservatives and liberals.

  6. Public officials need to be quick on the 911. Threatening a public official is not smart it comes with severe penalties. The clown waving the caribou heart should have been grabbed by the troopers. Any body fluids waved around should be a full trooper throw down.. you don’t know what’s in that blood. Or spit.

  7. Disruption at town halls is the only play the (D)ems have locally. It will and does work. It intimidates those who actually attend to learn or respectfully share their opinions. It makes the legislators who invited people to the town halls look like fools. They’ll not lose votes over this. The middle-ground voters don’t care. The conservative voters won’t change their votes. And leftist base will continue to participate and vote for their heroes. It’s ugly. And it’s only going to get uglier.

  8. Or perhaps people are just sick of Republicans cult like love of a twice divorced failed businessman Russian loving President.

  9. The Republicans in Congress who refuse to meet with constituents are cowards. The People deserve answers and the TRUTH! The Crowds are Angry Voters Not the Supposed Paid protester! These ARE REAL VOTERS Who Are FURIOUS & who are watching Republicans and the Trump Administration & an Unelected Billionaire -Musk through the FARCE of DOGE;
    Destroy Govt Infrastructure, Destroy Jobs, Destroy Needed Public Services/Benefits For GIANT TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES! More Damage; Destroy our Economy and Hack into ALL Govt Databases in order to Destroy Democracy and replace it with a Wannabe Dictator (Trump) and Oligarchy (Musk & Billionaire buddies)!! On top of that, Trump Alienating our Allies & Siding with PUTIN, Destroy Dept of Education! And that’s just for starters!

  10. Rep. McCabe: Thanks for your article. When is your next town hall? I looked for a calendar on your website, but could not find a date.


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