Kenai man arrested for strange threat to senator


A Kenai man who was distraught about his life situation and his fear of being homeless now has a warm place to live and food served to him three times a day — in jail.

Arther Graham, 46, threatened a senator believed by many to be Sen. Lisa Murkowski, writing to her in an email: “Until I get new information [redacted United States Senator], my plan is ima’ hunt you down, cut the flesh off your body and wear your skin like clothes. I’ll live inside of YOU [United States Senator 1].”

Threatening anyone in this manner is a crime, but threatening a U.S. senator in this manner is a federal felony.

Graham continued in his email to the senator, explaining his predicament, “I may as well because I ain’t got nowhere else to live. The bank is taking my parents’ house. When I inherit my mom’s municipal bonds, I’m going to use them as kindling to start my homeless-person campfire, when I inevitably become a homeless person like I was when I was a little boy.”

The FBI came calling after tracking down his computer’s IP address, and arrested Graham, who admitted he had written the email.

“He admitted that he had stated in his email to United States Senator 1 that he would take her flesh off, use it as a coat, and live inside of her.” the document stated.

Graham made his first court appearance on Friday, has a detention hearing set for Thursday, could face five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He is currently housed at the Anchorage Correctional Complex, charged with using interstate communications with a threat to kidnap and injure in violation of 18 U.S.C. §875(c). If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

Graham has a history of mental health disorders, as evidenced on his court records with the State of Alaska. He had a 2008 conviction for Assault in the 3rd and 4th Degree, and was required to get mental health help by the court, and to submit proof he had complied. In March of 2023, he was arrested for criminal mischief and pleaded guilty.


  1. Mental Health help in Alaska is non existent. Telling someone with mental health issue to seek help is telling someone wheelchair bound ‘get up and walk, you can do it! Get up, go, what’s the matter with you!? You just discouraged. Snap out of it! Get up and walk! Will you!?’
    Poor man. And his poor deceased mother, she as other aging loving family members caring for an adult mentally ill adult child I bet she felt overwhelmed, alone, and isolated. I wonder how Alaskan parents of mentally retarded adult children care for them up until the parent departs? I saw a report of this man threatening four other women and one woman is mentioned telling him he needs to seek mental health help. He can’t do that on his own when he is the one sick.

    When my child was two I seen a man bringing his mentally retarded adult son to the playground before he had an episode and turned into a brute of man needing his dad control him wrapping his whole body around him pushing him back to their family car. Dad looked exhausted to me. But also he loves his son, his big little boy. Make me sad how Alaska would take Everything from the father and if he had a wife leave her a penniless widow To improve mental health care for residents like their son so they can have breaks. I think for those more educated employees such as Drs, psychologists, counselors, Nurses, Pharmacists, CNAs, health administrators to think of themselves deserving a higher compensation just because of they feel their eduction makes them more valuable is a sign of a narcissistic trait that families if its not eye, dental, or surgeries will forgo mental health help and do everything themselves to offset the cost.

    • “…….I wonder how Alaskan parents of mentally retarded adult children care for them up until the parent departs?…….”
      There is a big difference, both psychologically and legally, between a mental disability and a mental illness. A mental illness is treatable. A mental disability is not.
      The biggest problem with our mental health crisis is the lack of or poor allocation of resources to deal with it. The substance abuse crisis is a part of the overall problem.

  2. Mental Health help in Alaska is non existent. Telling someone with mental health issue to seek help is telling someone wheelchair bound ‘get up and walk, you can do it! Get up, go, what’s the matter with you!? You just discouraged. Snap out of it! Get up and walk! Will you!?’
    Poor man. And his poor deceased mother, she as other aging loving family members caring for an adult mentally ill adult child I bet she felt overwhelmed, alone, and isolated. I wonder how Alaskan parents of mentally retarded adult children care for them up until the parent departs? I saw a report of this man threatening four other women and one woman is mentioned telling him he needs to seek mental health help. He can’t do that on his own when he is the one sick.

    When my child was two I seen a man bringing his mentally retarded adult son to the playground before he had an episode and turned into a brute of man needing his dad control him wrapping his whole body around him pushing him back to their family car. Dad looked exhausted to me. Started out the son watch my two year old blowing bubbles. His episode he aggressively grabbed the wand before dad rushed him off for being “disrespectful” and forgetting his manners but I look back dad was protecting my little two year old. he loves his son that was evident, he was his big little boy. Make me sad how Alaska would take Everything from the father and if he had a wife leave her a penniless widow. To improve mental health care as well as try to get those health care and mental health employees be reasonable about the cost of their wages and benefits. So for residents like their son so they can have breaks. I think for those more educated employees such as Drs, psychologists, counselors, Nurses, Pharmacists, CNAs, health administrators to think of themselves deserving a higher compensation just because of they feel their eduction makes them more valuable is a sign of a narcissistic trait that families if its not eye, dental, or surgeries will forgo mental health help and do everything themselves to offset the cost.

  3. Well, the prediction is that as the days continue, those reps who do not really represent their constituents are not going to be able to walk down the streets anymore because people will be so angry at them for the things that the RINOs and lefties have done to the people. Looks like it is starting.

    • The streets of ANC are overrun with people like this. They are free to threaten and assault us only to be deemed mentally unfit to stand trial. His mistake was threatening the Rat Queen, for that he will rot in prison. Mental illness doesn’t matter suddenly.

      • The streets of ANC, especially Downtown, are dangerous and it’s not getting any better! And, it’s quite evident the Assembly has no desire to work with the Mayor at solving this issue.
        As for the “Rat Queen” (I presume this is in reference to Daddy’s Little Princess?), if only she acted as Republican, she might garner more support?
        In either case, both the Assembly and the “Rat Queen” surely deserve to be voted out of office, allowing for true leadership to take action to resolve this issue.

        • Rob, calling her the “Rat Queen” doesn’t help get rid of her. As you say, she should be “voted out of office.” Accordingly, the only ones to be criticized are the voters who have failed to do so for the last 21-years. The reason, leftist Alaska wants no interruption in the flow of free stuff from the federal government. Same logic applies to Marxist assembly members in Anchorage. The problem is our Marxist friends and neighbors who elect Marxist politicians.

    • They represent their constituents regardless if you voted for them or not. The idea that elected officials only represent people that voted for them is patently false. You might be mistaken to have voted for the the losing candidate however.

  4. Homelessness solved! And that easy, who knew?
    We should build a big “psychiatric” prison and fill it up, plenty of customers up here.
    If we don’t call it an “institution” (bug house) it might work (libs might allow it)

    • hopefully you’ll realize the ignorance and historical mischaracterization of the above comments. Nixon depopulated the existing federal assistance to “the states” in 1969, resorting to block grants. this was an attempt to lower costs per patient in population at the state level. states “rights” allowed the states to divert into general budgets which became a national nightmare.

      like so many “good” conservative ideas the implementation got lost in the weeds, ie like smoking the weed. lack of education in history means todays population is quick with a twitter retort, lacking in premise or conclusion based in fact or reality.

  5. When a mentally ill or criminal person harms one of us they get pass after pass after pass. When it’s a criminal grifter like Dan or Lisa, they get the book thrown at them. For a threat. If they threaten you or me? Nothing. Two tier system, straight up.

    • INDEED(!!!) … Vote the “useless” and “worthless” out of office, replaced by true representation, emblematic of true Conservative Values.

  6. Jen, It’s there if you have the desire to find it or the friends or relatives who will require you to seek it. Many mental health providers thru the VA, community , state, profit and nonprofit health organizations!! Any hospital has mental health professionals available and any hospital with an ER dept has the ability to provide some level of mental health care during a crisis. The problem is you can’t force mental health care on
    A person just like you can’t force regular health care on them except by a court order and it is not easy to get a judge to sign this !!

    • No doubt, Chuck!

      Plus, HER skin can barely cover her bony skeletal frame as it is — I suspect that trying to remove it would be like handling wet crepe paper.

  7. What’s causing all these mental health issues? Has anyone bothered to look into that? I guess it’s a felony to threaten a so-called public employee serving foreign interests via corporations pretending to be our governments, but not a felony if they threaten us, their employers, like taking our homes and lands and property away when they have no lawful authority to do that. Theft is theft no matter how legally dressed up it is. Governments were created to protect us and our assets, not steal every thing under color of law we and our families have labored for. No wonder people are going crazy.

    • Thank you for the truth.

      It’s not until you’re living the devastation of losing everything that you realize how much it takes a toll on your spirit let alone physical, mental and emotional well-being.

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