Kelly Tshibaka gets standing ovation at ‘Awake, not woke’ CPAC gathering in Orlando


The Alaska Republican challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski took to the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday in Orlando, bringing a pointed message about Murkowski to a national audience that has no love for Alaska’s senior senator.

Outside of the presidential contenders, Kelly Tshibaka is clearly one of the biggest celebrities in conservative circles at CPAC; people flocked to meet her and get their photos take with her on Thursday, and even more so on Friday at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort, where the conference is taking place.

Right after she finished speaking, reporters from the New York Times and CNN rushed up to talk to her. She spoke to the Times reporter but did not appear to give CNN an interview, because others were pulling her away for photos. Potential donors said she did well. One person commented that their son and daughter-in-law live in Alaska, and they took a selfie photo to send to them.

Tshibaka’s remarks were a shot over the bow of the Murkowski dynasty, and at the end of her five minutes, Tshibaka received a standing ovation — the only standing ovation of Day 1 of the CPAC event.

At CPAC, the talk on Friday among attendees was all about Murkowski and whether or not she will be a repeat performance with the Biden nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, announced on Friday morning. Will Murkowski vote with the socialist crowd or vote with Republicans? During the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Murkowski was the hold-out vote, and in the end simply voted “present” rather than vote with Republicans to confirm the justice who had been nominated by President Donald Trump. In 2020, Murkowski voted to confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Other speakers at the event include former President Donald Trump, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and myriad other politicos from the conservative side of the spectrum.

The conference, on the theme of “Awake, Not Woke,” ends on Sunday with a closing speech by Donald Trump Jr.


    • Pretty good line coming from a DC Insider with nearly 20 yrs of experience as a face burueacrat.
      The resume at is available.

  1. Delighted to hear Tshibaka’s message was well received. She is a bright new star on the scene, and fresh blood in the stagnated pool of Alaska politics.
    Murkowski has been a deep disappointment to me, from playing forever on her father’s name to continuing to vote counter to Alaska’s best interests, always promoting her own position in DC, rather than our needs here in Alaska. Blow this swamp duck out of the water, Kelly!

  2. Just wanted to let Terry know that he obviously knows nothing about Kelly. To compare her to Palin is ridiculous. I hope Murkowski will debate her. Kelly will leave her on the floor!

      • Frankie, looked at the campaign reports? This Kelly woman has far broader support coming from the grass roots level in Alaska than does your darling Lisa.
        As for a debate, my Springer Spaniel Lucy, could whip Lisa in that venue but that’s not really a fair comparison, after all Springers are rated as being in the upper tier of Cannine Intelligence.
        Look, any candidate that can claim ” I’m not Lisa” has my vote .
        Chew that one over Frank.

    • Judy. I think Tshibaka has a limited grasp of Alaskan issues and the process of governing. She seems to have limited intelligence as well. Like Palin, she’s flashy and bouncy, but all style and little substance.

      • Terry, last I checked you needed a plus 1300 SAT to get into Harvard, I believe that this Kelly T is a Harvard Graduate. Wanna rethink your remarks regarding her intelligence?
        As for a limited grasp of Alaskan issues, I know several advisors to Kelly’s campaign, some of her Bush advisors especially are noteworthy .
        Being Older Than Alaska I can attest to the fact that a young green horn from DC came here , got appointed to the US Senate and became quite knowledgeable about Alaskan issues. Seems he did much for fisheries too. Name was Ted Steven’s, ever hear of him?

        • And don’t forget, Lisa attended a third rate, environmental law school in Oregon. She took the bar exam and failed at least a half dozen times until her old man paid a bar prep course to help get her the answers before the last test. Kelly T. passed her bar exam the first time, without cheating. If you think the royals in Great Britain are messed up…….check out the Royals right here in Alaska. You can only undress them so far in public, before you realize how messed up the situation is.

  3. Ah… so she is like by her for right group of people as a parrot… too bad she isn’t showing any reason for Alaskans to support her

    • That’s damn close to being a defamation charge, Kellee. Anyone who compares another to Brandon, demonstrates actual, willfull malice. Of course, you are probably with lots of company.

    • Trudy, you are a smart woman. Who runs the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau papers? Who runs all the smaller dailies in Homer, Kodiak, western Alaska and Southeast? Hint: The publishers and editors all support Lisa Murkowski. Democrats support Lisa Murkowski. The newspapers generate all of the noise. That’s why you hear crickets about Kelly T. But noise isn’t everything. The mainstream VOTERS hear Kelly T. The mainstream VOTERS despise Lisa Murkowski. And Trudy, that’s why you come here to MRAK. The Truth. Thank you for that, Trudy.

  4. I’ve been able to comment to fellow Alaskans for fifty plus years now and will be telling all I continue to meet why my vote definitely will go to Kelly. Murkowski has been horrible for Alaska and definitely has to go!

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