Kelly Tshibaka: Beyond politics to post-partisan solutions with Seneca Scott



This Black History Month, we reflect on how polarized America has become, whether racially, politically, religiously, or otherwise divided. In such divisive times, is unity even possible? Thought leaders are emerging to answer this question and forge a path of new unity.

One such leader is Seneca Scott, a cousin of the late Coretta Scott King, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s wife. Following his family’s legacy of service, Seneca is the founder of a non-profit called Neighbors Together Oakland, a member of NAACP Oakland, a former candidate for mayor of Oakland, California, and a successful community organizer. 

Scott describes himself as a “post-partisan solutionary,” envisioning an America where politicians pursue policies that result in thriving neighborhoods and empowered citizens, regardless of which party promotes them.

“When you look at our two parties, they are coalescing into a very dangerous uniparty of sorts where they’re completely aligned when it comes to any interest of the elite and they’re leaving behind the masses of Americans … solutionaries means that we’re here to have a solution,” Scott said. “Leadership is action, not position.”

However, Scott did not always hold his views of a post-partisan America. Formerly a union leader, Scott describes his transition to becoming a grassroots organizer on Kelly Tshibaka’s podcast STAND.

In his interview, Scott states the post-partisan solution to many problems communities across the country face lies in how local residents choose to live and engage in their respective neighborhoods and communities. 

For example, Scott revealed that one tactic of the uniparty elite to maintain control is by disempowering voters through an intentional lack of education. He said liberal cities “like low information voters,” and went on to describe several tactics they use. “There’s very little education… but a direct move to emotion,” Scott said. “That’s what you saw with the Black Lives Matter and Antifa Uprising in 2020.” 

Scott’s experiences as both a community advocate and candidate for Oakland mayor provide a rare, dual perspective on the trials and tribulations of America’s communities.

He offered an analysis of the Defund the Police movement as it relates to his city: “Defund the Police in Oakland–when you have no rule of law, when 9-1-1 doesn’t work, and you don’t even have a cop to drive the street–it’s absolutely idiotic! …[Defund the Police] is the luxury politics of the elite.”

Scott calls for a move towards a post-partisan society, where integrity and results take priority over political affiliation, and can empower citizens to engage in community problem-solving. One solution he prioritized was addressing the root causes of homelessness. Scott attributed the rise in homelessness in Oakland to “drug tourism” rather than the cost of living. 

“Oakland had the longest standing eviction moratory in the United States of America. …Three-year eviction mortuary… We have over $100 million owed to small property owners … So if you didn’t have to pay rent and no one could be evicted, how does your homeless population skyrocket by 28%?” 

If you’re looking for inspiration from an effective community-change agent, you won’t want to miss Scott’s interview on STAND. You can also view the episode on YouTube, Rumble, and your podcast streaming platform. Seneca Scott is a former Democrat with thoughtful and innovative ideas, spearheading solutions that lead communities forward. 

Kelly Tshibaka is the host of the podcast, TV, and radio show STAND, and the 2022 Alaska Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. She co-hosts the show with her husband, Niki Tshibaka.


  1. So “post-partisan solutionary” Seneca Scott has come up with a nice soft-shoe, street routine, eh? If lucky enough to see him perform on 4th Avenue, I’d willingly toss loose change into his hat just to watch him flash his teeth! Street shows of this type in front of the old federal building would add a touch of class to the area, thus making hot dog eating more pleasurable–you know, a multicultural thing that even the tourists can take in!

  2. “Moratory,Three-year eviction mortuary “??? Scott describes himself as a “post-partisan solutionary,” envisioning an America where politicians pursue policies that result in thriving neighborhoods and empowered citizens, regardless of which party promotes them.” Oh ya bring it on Brother of LOVE ! But first if “Seneca Scott is a former Democrat with thoughtful and innovative ideas, spearheading solutions that lead communities forward. ” then what is he another cult political entity??? If Mr. & Mrs.Tshibaka have something more then please pray for them!!! SA yes “a temporary prohibition of an activity” is not new or visionary! It could be labeled a new cult though…..Anything to get attention…. Does the Man have a Man Bun?

  3. “So if you didn’t have to pay rent and no one could be evicted, how does your homeless population skyrocket by 28%?”

    Surely this can’t be a real question. The reward for coddling bums is more of them. Oakland is a dumpster fire and looking in that direction for any solution is a strikingly poor choice. Oakland is California’s Liberia.

  4. Me: “What’s that word when you turn words inside out so you don’t understand things?”
    Wife: “Politics”
    I don’t know which I have, “politics” or “dyslexia”.

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