A pair of pro-Kamala Harris political action committees have a new ad featuring a man masturbating under a blanket while watching porn. He is interrupted by an older man, who is the campaign’s idea of a fascist.
The ad, titled “Republicans Rubbing You the Wrong Way,” is running in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. It’s the product of political action committees Progress Action Fund and Defend the Vote.
Defend the Vote, one of the funders of the ad, endorses Mary Peltola for Congress in Alaska’s only congressional seat. It’s shock-jock advertising that has moved into shock-politics, and it is clearly not a pro-family message.
The concept is that fascists will come into your bedroom and stop you from masturbating if Donald Trump wins on Nov. 5.
While Kamala Harris’ campaign continues to attack Trump for not being presidential, voters have a decision to make: Do they want four years of this? Is America going to normalize these kinds of campaign ads?
Everything about Democrat policies and way-of-thinking is disgusting.
??TRUMP 2024??
TDS is truly pervasive mental illness. Or the lying is so deeply ingrained that reality cannot even be conceptualized. Add also the Harris campaign is clearly desperate. Good grief.
“Or the lying is so deeply ingrained that reality cannot even be conceptualized.” Whoa! Nailed it!
Wait, are we talking about MAGA or whatever Harris represents? DJT spews more lies in a day than the Dems do in a month (which is a lot of lies). 95% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie or gross exaggeration. Though I do expect his admiration for Arnold Palmer’s nine iron was a true story.
Well done demonstrating TDS there Bill. I could not have done it better.
You do have a mistake there. What you wrote is:
“95% of what comes out of his mouth is a lie or gross exaggeration.”.
Reality, and what I expect you meant is:
95% of what comes out of his mouth is a gross exaggeration or a lie.”
Because you see, President Trump is doing this thing called “campaigning.” In non-election years, we call that advertising and marketing, but during an election we use the term campaign. And, when a politician campaigns, they exaggerate. A lot. Grossly.
Well, I am sure in your world, the democrats do not. I have no doubt you actually believe, fully and with all your heart, that Mary Peltola was the key to getting Willow approved, and she did all these fantastic things for the military. No exaggeration (gross or otherwise) there.
The fact Peltolia would associate herself with such mental illness should tell any rational voter why this candidate is so wrong for Alaska.
The party of death, decay, and degeneracy.
Bill Clinton set the bar pretty high when He started using the pool table in the oval office for things other than playing “pool” and using his Cohiba’s instead of the pool cues.
Why are democrats so weird?
Really weird.
400 economists including 16 Nobel Prize Laureates endorsed Kamala Harris stating Trump’s tariff proposals would destroy the economy. Trump is cultural heroin to blue collars that vote against their economic interests
Your side just released (no pun intended) that ad, do you really think that 400 economists including 16 Nobel Prize Laureates who are wrong means anything to anyone except for those pleasuring themselves to the thoughts of 400 economists including 16 Nobel Prize Laureates?
The whole leftists talking point about voting against your interests just shows how selfish leftists are, conservatives can and do vote for the greater good while leftist policies are always designed for the good of the selected few. It takes a special kind of person to think that voting for the greater good and against your own personal interests is a bad thing.
The economy is the #1 issue on voters minds. Trump went bankrupt 6 times and will bankrupt our economy if he is elected. Economists are educated geeks who are not left, or right. I am a registered Republican and do not hide behind pseudonyms. ‘https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/nobel-prize-economists-harris-economic-plan/index.html
We are almost $36,000,000,000,000.00 (36 TRILLION) in debt. Trump spent a lot, Biden has spent more, Kamala would spend more than either. Economists are demonstrably left, center, and right leaning they run the political gambit…getting left leaning economists to support left leaning candidates is nothing new, right leaning candidates do the same with right leaning economists. Keynesian economics is a left leaning model, Hayekian economics are right leaning. I’m glad to hear you are a registered voter, which party you are registered with means absolutely nothing. I knew a died in the wool Marxist who was a registered Republican so he could vote in the primary, I guess he didn’t know that he didn’t have to be a registered Republican to vote in the primary. I’m also glad you don’t hide behind pseudonyms, do you think that somehow gives any credibility whatsoever to your incorrect opinions?
Since we’ve already had 4 years of Trump, how was the economy under his administration?
I am not a Trump supporter, for many reasons; however, there are two things I think his administration got correct:
1. Go after high profile pedophiles and sex traffickers
2. The economy
I had about the same amount of money that went farther.
Get real Frank. Whenever someone endorses the D party’s un-nominated candidate, it only reveals their own character. Anyone at this point endorsing Kamala only shows they have no credibility. Not the other way around.
And anyone endorsing Trump shows they have no brain.
Rather dumb witted to think that people are voting FOR Harris and NOT against Trump. BTW, could have totally replaced that actor with Trump doing his weird dancing with both fists thing. But who needs online porn when you sleep with porn stars to start with – while your wife is pregnant with your child – am i right or am I right?
You are wrong about Harris not being nominated.
When primary voters cast their ballots for Biden, they did so with the expectation that he would not change the ticket from Harris.
The VP is always the next in line to take over for a president should something happen. So when those primary voters cast their ballots endorsing Biden, they also cast their ballots endorsing Harris.
Document Frank – oh never mind, you’ll either invent or quote another fabricator.
Oh “Frank”…
Lol. I was waiting for it…
Frank, I can still remember four years ago, six, seven even, our economy under Trump’s direction was superior at every metric.
Marx was clear in his theories. In order for a society to be ripe for his revolution, it had to become totally profane. That we are profane is no accident, brother. Its sad to see so many so thoroughly duped, pathetic really.
Well Frank we know what he did last time with a booming economy and virtually no inflation up until covid. We know how inflation soared and real wages fell under Biden and Harris. Harris claiming to be an integral part of every decision and now stating she wouldn’t do anything differently from Biden.
Prior to the passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913, the United States government funded its operations mainly through excise taxes, tariffs, customs duties and public land sales. The federal government had relatively few expenses compared to today and did not have as much need to raise large amounts of money.
1. What has changed is since we tax the citizens is. The government ment locked up a great deal of land for government.
2. Government grew to the point that citizens work to support agencies to micro manager the citizens. While justifying the need to fund persons who the government assist to move here to replace the citizen.
Growing up in major farm area children work from elementary on family farms. There are lots of education that comes from working on a family farm or the family business.
Math is learned early when your counting the chickens when you have to get every chicken in the barn and you are 5 years old and that is you family job.
Like a virus government is too big and not ruled by the citizens. Why are we supporting other nations while our true citizens go without? We see how tax money flows out to other countries to aid when there is a destructive earthquake or storm. Yet, when it happens here in the USA there are no funds to help. Many of our government elected come in and quickly become millionaires. That is a clue that points out that there is corruption! Now, Trump did not take a paycheck and he did not leave office financially better then when he came in. America did not enter any new wars but instead he ended wars.
Go back to your bedroom and get back to rubbing one out, Frank. That has nothing to do with this story.
I can’t believe you just said that.
Trump’s targeted tariffs didn’t destroy the economy when he was president the first time. Why do these “Nobel Laureates” and “economists” think the tariffs will have a drastically different effect when Trump returns to office? It’s illogical.
Well, everything will go up in price by 20%, and everything at Walmart goes up 60%. Is that good for America?
Walmart is, in effect, Communist China doing business as Walmart. 95% of everything in the store is manufactured in China. Its what Americans want.
Always good for a laugh Frank.
Let’s see, this ad reduces young men to porn obsessed lay-abouts, who, if democrat propaganda is to be believed, must have not voted and got dumped by the woman in their life. Since again according to democrats they can’t get a woman(because they did not vote), now their only other potential gratification is supposedly in danger from Trump….
I get why you try to distract. Idiocy likes this is simply indefensible and really gross to boot!
Way to stay on topic frank. Always a lefties action to their bewildered ideology.
The Democrats are the party of perversion. They have the lowest of moral standards. Pornography. That, and abortion are their highest sought out constitutional freedoms. A very mixed-up bunch of people who don’t know truth between right from wrong. They hate guns and free speech. And maybe they should, because they’re about to get a lot of both.
Free speech belongs to everyone, not just those who hold the same beliefs as you. I believe that people should have to prove they’re old enough to consume pornography, just like you have to prove you are old enough to buy liqour, beer, cigarettes or cannabis. When I bought beer online to be delivered to a hotel room in Florida, I had to scan in my picture ID to prove who I was and my age. Porn sites don’t make billions of dollars a year because no one uses them. But no one has the balls to make them truly verify someone’s age – one click that you’re over 18 and you’re in to the world of gratuitous f***ing without human connection. And parents aren’t teaching our kids about sex – porn sites are. Don’t believe me? Read up on the prevalence of choking during intercourse with kids under 18. Or the ‘poophole loophole’ which allows women to “save themselves” for their future husband – but how many parents talk to their kids about anal sex? Pretty sure this isnt what fathers had in mind when chastity rings for their daughters were all the rage in rhe 90s. Get a reality check, start reading actual studies and stop being angry about things you saw on Facebook or the Chinese run Tik Tok that aren’t actually real and don’t affect anybody you actually for real know in any way at all.
That’s not true. None of it.
This is seriously strange. Too many mushrooms for the Harris campaign?
Want more votes from men? Quit demonizing and denigrating them. Oh, yeah, that would irritate the base. Never mind.
Happy Endings for Democrats. Let them masturbate themselves into blindness and insanity. It’s the only therapy that seems to work for them.
Seems like most of them have already done that.
That’s why they are supporting Harris. Blind and wacked-out.
Is that Tom Cruise or Keanu Reeves? If so, the Democrats are paying out about $10 million a pop.
Intended to look like Cruise, for best ratings. Cruise could sue for being cast in a bad light. But wait, maybe Cruise is a Democrat.
The democrat party is the party of the mentally insane, pedophiles, deviants and constitution haters. This shouldn’t shock anyone, unfortunately.
I saw what you did there!
Seriously. They wonder why they have to cheat so hard.
That’s my party! Long live CNN. – Jeff Toobin
Not accepting pornography as normal and a privileged part of life is antisemitic. Just look at who ran the brothels and peep shows in weimar germany.
It’s absolutely unbelievable. Low life degenerates. This same group is ok with murdering babies. Absolutely deranged. Hopefully a bunch of them jump off roof tops the moment trump wins .
The democrat party has become a party that sets no limits on anything. If asked what limits they may place on abortion, they will not say. The trans insanity seemingly has no limits either. Just ask Tampon Tim. They place no limits on the number of people invading this country. So this advertisement comes as no surprise. The coarsening of our language and what is deemed to be acceptable behavior inexorably establishes frightening new norms. This is the modern democrat party. We are dangerously close to continuing this nightmare by electing their appointed leader, Kamala Harris.
Ewww…super gross. Not surprised coming from the pinko party of degenerates. These people are so lost it’s sad.
Those of low IQ think shocking is the equivalent of clever.
I’m pretty disheartened that this kind of material is being reshared/ published on mustread. It belongs in the trash not here.
No it is aimed to make you aware nothing more nothing less. I hope you are upset to see this crap being broadcast.
Democrats belong in the trash.
Hmm. Second comment recently that has not posted. Let’s try again.
This ad was paid for by Reid Hoffman. And you can be confident that Reid wishes that it would include boys. Think about that next time you use LikedIn.
The democrat party. Party of abortion. Party of mutilating children. Party of d.e.i. racism. Party pushing weed on young black men and masturbation to all young men. Party of war, crime and open borders. They are the party of death.
It figures……and makes more sense than they realize……
The young “adult” apparently is still living in his parents’ home, taking advantage of everything at their expense, including their WiFi for porn, because he can’t afford his own apartment or house, or live independently on the Biden/Harris Democrat economy.
How dare daddy interrupt his porn session to tell his lazy ass to get a job and stop voting for politicians who have squashed his opportunities to be free of the oppression of his obliging parents.
So how thick is the monkey spanking demographic?
Oh, ok. Just checking.
Interesting how things have gone from Old Bill being castigated for firing a shot over Monica’s bow yet the current administration has made transvestites and uh, giving yourself a hand acceptable dinner table conversation.
Do not forget the buggering in Senate chambers. That was just a “whoopsie.”
Oh-ho man. I worked hard to get that image out of my head.
Guess what’s back?
i don’t like the ad. But to the point of the add. You have people like Tim Barto who thinks NBC should of censored the olympics because he was offended. Give people like him power and who knows how far they will go to force their vision of morality on others.
Give people like that power, and they will be sidelined.
Seriously, if a single politician has that kind of power, AOC would have turned the US into a socialist state already, LBJ would have re-instituted slavery, and Kerry would have already destroyed the energy grid.
Seriously. The problem with politics in the USA today is that too many people think nutjobs like Barto represent the whole of a political party.
The unburdening wasterels should not be allowed anywhere near the public trust funds.
Actually, Project 2025 outlines making online pornography illegal. Read it to see for yourself. The porn industry is appealing to purveyors of their product and couching this as a free speech issue. It seems reasonable to me that people should have to prove they are over the legal age to consume porn by scanning in their ID, but I’m sure there are many who would balk at that. And there are even more who lie about whether or not they use online porn. So pornography and the gun lobbies can now run the same campaign – hands off my gun (an attempt at levity). I’m so tired of everyone telling me who I should hate. And the implication that there are winners and losers in the political arena when there should just be ideas. Get off social media, go to your public library and read up on all sides of an issue so you can think critically, be informed with facts, and give the finger to the algorithms that have learned how to manipulate your brain. And for those of you who think Donald Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ and feel holier than thou in your hate, DJT is a man who does reprehensible things and hates his neighbors, in direct contradiction to Jesus’ teachings. I will pray that God may have mercy on your souls. It’s not my place to judge, that is left to God – but I’m pretty damn sure one of the Ten Commandments was to love thy neighbor. Practice what Jesus preached and this would be a better community for all of us.
We are all “in direct contradiction to Jesus’ teachings” at least some of the time. We pray for His mercy and patience.
And as far as hate- you don’t mask yours as much as you think you do.
That’s fair. It comes from screaming in to the void. Kinda the pot calling the kettle black, though, eh?
It is, Kathy. Under “powers and principalities” I do, without a doubt.
All this nonsense is coming to an end regardless of the democrats cheating during the election. The fact that both the Amish and Muslims endorse Trump shows the majority are motivated against the tyrannical government. Trump already won. How desperate the left gets will determine the fate of our nation. Three states are poised to succeed from the union if this tyrannical government continues, then game over. The left continues to promote violence and division. There only plan is more of the same crap They are pushing for violence if Trump wins.
Where is the evidence that Trump will seek to limit some guy’s ability to watch porn?
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