Juneau’s new superintendent makes move from Sitka, was prior finalist for Anchorage and Fairbanks posts


Alaska’s 2019 Principal of the Year Frank Hauser is the incoming superintendent for the Juneau School District, replacing retiring Bridget Weiss, who is leaving after five years.

Hauser, who had also been on the short list for the top spot at the Fairbanks schools this year and Anchorage schools last year, has been superintendent of the Sitka School District since 2019.

Hauser graduated from Mat-Su schools and the University of Alaska, was a music teacher and principal at Service High School, assistant principal at Dimond High School, assistant principal at Wendler Middle School, and assistant principal at Polaris K-12 in Anchorage. He has been a public school educator for 25 years and taught orchestra to Anchorage young musicians grades 6-8 from 1998-2004.

Hauser has a three-year contract beginning in July to lead the 4,200-student district in Alaska’s Capital City.


  1. Sitkans not making enough babies? I see it! These small alaskan communities oneday will go extinct! He’ll be moving again as juneau declines too.

  2. What a contrast to what our Anchorage school board selected. Frank has been in education as long as our present ASD boy has been tying his shoes! It makes one wonder what the Board’s agenda was to pick a guy barely 30 who, while serving on a few diverse committees, hardly saw kids during his previous employment! And rejected Frank with over 25 years seeing kids. Yet, our boy will “lead” the teachers as they see the kids he rarely saw.
    Perhaps the Board needed someone who shared their ideas of literature and instruction. Or maybe someone they could push around. Either way, we’ll see if the paycheck is justified soon enough. Who knows. Maybe ASD’s youthful decison will pay off.

  3. One Hopes that JSD did something approximating a background investigation prior to making that guy an offer.

  4. Bozo the clown would have been a better choice than a high dollar Texan implant. Frank was just way over qualified for ASD standards! Reject Hollerman voters!

  5. I wish Mr. Hauser the very best. The left wing school board here could not be bothered to have one of its own great leaders. Why? Mr.Hauser is interested in Educating students not Indoctrinating
    them Wow and then they found Mr Diversity from the failed Houston Texas school district.. They think outside is always better, but I can tell you it is not. When they got somebody like Dr. Coates who had both business and education background. the good old boys club ran him out.

    • I disagree. During Frank’s time superintendent of Sitka schools, (by the way he resided in Anchorage and commuted to Sitka from time to time) he did nothing to promote education. Many parents permanently pulled their kids from public schools during his Covid reign of terror. That’s not to say that he wouldn’t have been a better choice for ASD than what you currently have.

  6. ‘with intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission
    thereof, made and caused a false entry in the business records’

    This phrase is used in each of the 34 counts listed. But no where does this document list the fraud perpetrated or the crimes that were aided and concealed.

    In effect, Trump has been charged with being the get away driver for a robbery that never took place.

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