It appears the proposition to borrow money to build a new city hall in Juneau is failing, although narrowly. Proposition 1, is losing 4,593 to 4,351. There are a few remaining possible ballots that need to be “cured” due to errors,, but it’s unlikely that there will be enough to pass the measure.
Propositions 2 and 3 are passing by a wide margin: Prop. 2 is passing 6,056 to 2,923, and Prop. 3 is passing 6,192 to 2,793. Prop. 2 asked voters to authorize the city borrowing up to $6.6 million for city parks and recreation improvements. Prop. 3 renews the temporary 1% add-on sales tax, which has been temporary since 1972, but approved every five years when it comes up for a vote. The money will be used for infrastructure and special projects and will generate over $60 million over five years. Juneau’s sales tax is 5%.
The citizens initiative to repeal a mandatory real estate disclosure ordinance passed 4,649 to 4,281. That initiative repeals an ordinance passed by the Assembly in 2020 that forced property owners to share real estate prices with the city assessor’s office, which has the duty to determine the tax values of homes and businesses every year. Most Assembly members opposed the repeal, while many conservatives favored the repeal.
The Juneau Canvass Review Board meets at 10 am Monday at the city’s Ballot Processing Center to complete the count of the straggler ballots, but the ballots that have yet to be cured are not expected to change the outcome. Juneau, like Anchorage, does mail-in voting, and thus, two weeks after the Oct. 4 election, the citizens still do not have final results.

CBJ, being CBJ, will build the new city hall anyway.
This is the same bunch which routed tourism taxes to build a nice but needless whale statue. The when confronted by the cruise lines spent about $1 million fighting a losing court battle over it.
SE has some genuine issues which need confronting. We’re losing population, high prices, an incinerator for our dump, drug addiction and homelessness, housing shortage, and many of our people live in borderline poverty.
So in response CBJ wants a new city hall. That’ll fix it all.
Got news for you Skippy. Its not “our dump.” It’s owned by a multi-national corporation, Waste Management Inc. Our only relationship is as customers paying dumping fees.
“Skippy”? Really? That’s your best insult? “I know you are but what am I” in use elsewhere?
I’m not exactly sure what point you think you’re scoring, but party on.
Tell you what. Go have some soup and take a nap. Adults are discussing adult things.
Maybe if you’re lucky when you wake up there will be a Matlock marathon you can yell at.
Merely pointed out your fundamental error of fact. Skippy was not really an insult but rather addressed your “skipping” over researching for your comment. Your over-reaction is another message in its own right. May peace be upon you.
Hahahahaha Juneau.. total dump
Not a total dump. Out the road and Douglas are very nice.
Hey! Where else can a person get something really, really nice to use, like a brand spanking new assembly hall, and get everybody else to pay for it? Where else?
Nice to know Juneau still has some hope!
Masked Avenger-
Build the new City Hall on Grants Property fronting the Land Fill. Central location and a great view of Mount Stinko. I’ll bet that the Engineers can figure out how to heat the new City Hall by using a Decaying Garbage Heat Source! That will make the thing pay for itself. Perfect!
Plus the stench of the landfill will be an improvement over what comes out of city hall.
I’m down with it.
Every time we take a step forward, we take two backwards.
We did the wrong things for the right reasons which the Covid vaccine drive. The intention was good, even if the vaccine was ultimately pointless.
Then we turn around and sneak a major JACC renovation disguised as Centennial Hall repairs (which we the people clearly rejected) and want to build a new, fancy city hall.
Sometimes I gotta remind myself Anchorage is worse.
Ah- juneau. It still votes predictably same o’ same. Because its churches were go along to get along. Now, its churches ard dead as a doorknob-only opened as a hand-out distribution center.
Clearly you don’t live in Juneau.
Sorry to distract from all this arguing. You’re running a story specifically dedicated to the ballot propositions in Juneau. When it came to Fairbanks, however, you followed the lead of every other news and political entity and completely ignored their propositions. Not sure I see the logic there. For example, I’m still lacking an analysis or explanation for why conservatives thought it would be a good idea to give the city government more money to spend simply because an individual break on their tax bill was made part of the deal.
I am one person. I do my best to keep up. – sd
People in Juneau are waking up, slowly. We’re seeing increased homelessness, murders in our parks, child abuse, woke teachers, and a city assembly that likes to spend like there’s no tomorrow. I suspect some trickery from our elections as I got one of the “cure” letters even though I’ve voted for years. Got it in on time so here’s hoping for some clean up.
The murder got swept under the rainforest as fast as possible, wasn’t it?
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