Juneau to host first inaugural ball of 2023


From sequins and tuxes to Carhartts and Xtratufs, Juneau will celebrate the inauguration of Gov. Mike Dunleavy and Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom Alaska style during the first-in-state 2023 inaugural celebration, which will be held on Friday, Jan. 20, from 7-10 pm at Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall.

Get tickets at this link.

To kick off the party, Juneau’s own Taylor Vidic assembled the Southeast Swingers, a mix of the best jazz musicians Southeast has to offer, with a rhythm section out of Ketchikan, lead guitar from Sitka, and keys, sax and vocals from the Capital City. The group includes educators, full time performers, recording artists, Rasmuson Foundation awardees, state and federal employees, and born-and-raised Alaskans.

“This is what Alaskan Music looks like – hardworking, multi-talented and community-minded. With songs that stretch from the 1920s to the 2020s, they’ll keep the energy high, your toe tappin’, and the room swingin’ all night long. Enjoy a selection of tantalizing appetizers provided by Smokehouse Catering, complimentary non-alcoholic punch and a no-host bar,” the Juneau Inaugural Committee said.


    • And if the governor is not wearing a rainbow tuxedo, that will only prove how racist, white patriarchal eurocentric, and anti-non-cis-gendered-phobic he really is.

  1. Let them celebrate before the political cut-throats begin trying to carve up his second term and defeat everything he and Dahlstrom will be trying to do to help Alaskans help themselves, including achieving food security. Two more years of the gang that can’t shoot straight in DC will bring down a lot of things Alaska and the Lower 48 take for granted, like food and fuel. The sooner Alaskans learn to fend for themselves, the better. Only full support can help Governor Mike and Lt. Governor Nancy accomplish their objectives. With groups like the new 907 Initiative joining the fight for the Left with unlimited dark funds, it is now up to all who can think critically for themselves to stand up and keep fighting before it is too late. Anything less will mean the loss of Alaska.

  2. AND JUST WHO is paying for all this frivolity??. I definitely hope our taxes and legislature’s decisions in this new upcoming session doesn’t make this decision.

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