Juneau Empire pro-JACC advertisement signed by dead people?


A full-page ad in the Juneau Empire with the names of people supporting a massive arts and cultural center that is Prop. 3 on Tuesday’s ballot contains signatures of several people who are dead, and dozens who don’t live in Juneau.

One reader noted that her mother’s name was included, although she had been dead for over a year. Others who are deceased include Harriet Botelho and Marie Darlin. But there are several more; MRAK was able to identify six signers who have been dead for some time.

Also signing the ad were non-Juneauites such as Jake Metcalfe, Jane Anvik, Vic Fischer, Pat Pitney, Mike and Merry Vediner, Gregg and Judy Erickson, Jeff Bush, and even Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tompkins — folks who can’t vote on the tax package on Tuesday and who won’t end up paying the property taxes.

Another person on the list of supporters had written an op-ed against the tax package.

Ramifications for using the names of deceased on an ad are mainly in the court of public opinion. There’s little recourse for “The Partnership” behind the tax package for the huge new arts center, which is led by former Chief Justice of the Alaska Supreme Court Walter Carpeneti  and former Alaska Attorney General  Bruce Botelho.

The ad contains no apparent disclaimer as required by law for one that is clearly attempting to sway voters by showing an overwhelming amount of support for the three-part tax measure that has confused voters from the beginning.

[Read: Why I’m voting ‘no’ on Juneau’s JACC proposal, Proposition 3]


  1. What’s the news? We already know that dead Democrats, dead Left-wingers and dead Liberals cast votes and come back to support their earthly causes.

    • You had to go there! This isn’t about Dems Or Rep! Are you a sore Republican? Watching your party crumble at the hands of cheeto boy?

      • Actually it about Demoncrats. Wherever there is graft and corruption as well as dead babies……………….you’ll find a Demoncrat.

    • Right you are, Mongo. People who claim “no party affiliation,” are usually Democrats, but have the conscious mind not to admit it and spare themselves the embarrassment. Democrats lead the charge in corruption, graft and dishonesty because that’s the Creed they live by. It rears its ugly head in local, state and national politics. And they are usually miserable people.

      • Just to ground your “Democrats lead the charge in corruption,” note that the recent guilty plea in US House is a Republican and our own “Corrupt Bastards Club” were Republicans, too.

  2. How many people are republicans through their life then they die and become registered Democrats so they can vote for the party.

  3. This is more Communist/Fascist/Nazi News. Whoever is responsible for this should be prosecuted to the Full Extent of the Law. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris.

  4. “They” (the deceased) are probably going to vote for Gabriel LeDoux in the next election as well – even if they don’t ‘live’ in her district. Good Lord. I better read the small print in these things – when I actually come across them. I haven’t bought a newspaper in years. Who knows? My name or my deceased father could be in there. He was a staunch Republican so they could have made him a dead Democrat. He actually was a Dem “way back in the day” but he told me that he didn’t leave the party, the party left him.

  5. Do you have any information that these unnamed people you’re referencing haven’t provided support for a new JACC that is unrelated to the advisory ballot question? This campaign has been going on for quite a while so it’s not too surprising that some people have died in the interim. It’s also not surprising that some people would support the new JACC but not be supportive of the CBJ proposal.

    Also, is there really a federal law that applies to an advertisement that thanks supporters without referencing the advisory ballot measure? If so, what law is it? Seems like Retired Justice Carpeneti, sho has been very involved with the New JACC, would be hip to something like that, but who knows …

  6. Such a nauseating piece of journalism, Suzanne. I know some of those folks who we have lost, and they worked tirelessly on making Juneau a better place right up until their passing. It would be shameful to toss their names and their dedication in the garbage so quickly. And do you really expect JACC promoters to call every supporter to ask if, by the way, are you still alive? Where is your decency, logic, and compassion? Susan Warner

    • Nice try Susan. I can almost taste the salt of your tears. “Call every supporter and ask if they’re alive”? Really? You’re talking Carpeneti and Botelho here. If those two can’t just look at that list and know who’s who, and whether they are still breathing, nobody can.
      Won’t even talk about the pesky “paid for by” that two lawyers forgot…

    • Susan is just another miserable Democrat, trying to shame the honest journalism of Suzanne. Ho hum!!! Lots of miserable Susan’s out there

  7. This show the extremely low level of Character of the Former Chief Justice and Former Attorney General of The State Alaska to even be involved with publishing names of people either dead or moved out of State. Has anyone ever seen the Movie “Deadwood” filmed about the politics in Deadwood, South Dakota in the 1800’s when it was against the Law for a town even being there, and the Dead People were fed to the hogs and the Liquor Bar owners were the only Law??? That sounds like current Alaska Law to me. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

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