Juneau Empire changes: General Manager, editor quit with two weeks notice


The general manager and the managing editor of the Juneau Empire have given their two-weeks notice, according to sources close to the newspaper.

Robert Monteith, who took over as general manager 13 months ago, and Emily Russo Miller, who started as a reporter and worked her way up to managing editor, will leave this month.

Miller has already found other work in Juneau.

Last month, the newspaper downsized the newsroom, laying off sports reporter Nolan Ainsworth, who has since been hired by KINY radio‘s newsroom. Michael Penn, the photographer who had been at the capital city newspaper for 24 years, was also laid off.

The newsroom is now staffed by four employees — the managing editor, who is the newsroom’s top employee, and three reporters.

As with most newspapers, the Empire has struggled to maintain circulation and profitability, as more and more digital outlets cover news, and as a younger generation grows up without the habit of a print edition arriving in the box each morning.

Beginning June 10, 2019, the Empire ceased printing Monday editions and shuttered the Capital City Weekly.

The newspaper had been owned since 1969 by Morris Communications, and was sold to Gatehouse Communications in 2017. In 2018, Gatehouse sold the newspaper to Sound Publishing, an owner of small newspapers around the Northwest.


  1. So long to the old Empire! Those of us who were paper boys in the 1960’s recall subscribers on our route who called it the ‘Vampire” or “Scumpire”. All I know is that child labor laws were either more lax or not enforced in those days. The Circulation Manager had a “Press Gang”of toughs that forced us to “Stuff” or insert papers without pay for the whole circulation before we got handed our route to deliver. Many times the press broke down and we had to wait until after 7:30 pm before we got our bags stuffed. Character building experience, especially if your route was down South Franklin Street in the days before Industrial Tourism!
    She had her share of good editors and writers with at least two or three wonderful photojournalist. Bob Dylan wrote “the times they are a changing”, True enough, but it is sad.

    • Sounds familiar to my experiences with my afternoon newspaper in Winchester, VA. Penny a paper sold or delivered.

  2. People are reluctant to spend money for a copy of a political manifesto. Advertisers don’t take long to figure out that fewer readers means fewer customers.

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