A judge has denied election attorney Scott Kendall and his Alaskans for Better Elections group in their efforts to disqualify the repeal of ranked-choice voting from the November ballot by lawfaring the petition booklets submitted to the Division of Elections.
The decision, granted on Friday, ended up in favor of the group that worked to collect tens of thousands of signatures over the course of a year.
Alaskans for Better Elections deployed paid spies to check on the people who were circulating the repeal petitions, to make sure they were not violating statute or regulations that govern petitions. The Alaskans for Better Elections group, with a trio of plaintiffs, challenged dozens of petition booklets and produced videos showing that sometimes the booklets were left unattended, which would be a violation of regulations governing initiative petitions.
But in the end, only a couple of dozen petition books were disqualified by the judge, and enough remained to exceed the minimum required to ask voters if they really want to stick with open primaries and ranked-choice general elections — the type of voting method ushered in by 2020’s Ballot Measure 2, a product of Outside dark money playing in Alaska’s election system.
One claim made by Alaskans for Better Elections is that one of the persons who notarized over 60 booklets had allowed her notary seal to expire. The Division of Elections had decided that this was the kind of error that the petitioners — Alaskans for Honest Elections — could fix. Alaskans for Better Elections objected to the Honest Elections group being able to repair that problem.
In another example, the plaintiffs said there was no way a person could collect over 500 signatures in one day. That was ruled unfounded because Alaskans for Honest Elections was able to show video of the busy venues they went to, including the Alaska State Fair and an event at the Palmer Train Depot, where former Gov. Sarah Palin was the star attraction.
Another example was when business owners who were in charge of petition booklets left them unattended while they left the room. Some of the instances of unattended booklets were caught on video or in photographs by the paid spies of Alaskans for Better Elections; some of those spies embedded themselves into the Alaskans for Honest Elections volunteer group to build the case and the Honest Elections activists had no idea at the time that there were double agents.
Attorney Kendall bought an expert witness from California who advises people on initiative packages before they are filed. That man told the judge that many of the petition booklets were very suspicious. He said that he found one incident where a petition book sponsor had three books going at one time.
But, during deposition he was asked if that is against the law. It is not. The man’s accusations, like this one, fell apart one at a time.
The judge ended up throwing out 27 booklets for various reasons, but in the end, over 34,500 signatures in 33 House districts were acceptable to the judge — more than enough to qualify for November’s ballot.
Thank You to all the amazing Alaskans that helped us get here. We had over 400+ volunteers and 95% of our signature gatherers were volunteers.
Now let’s repeal it November 5th.
Starting a new petition to remove electronic voting statewide.
Looking forward to signing the petition to remove electronic voting! Thank you for seeing this through Phil. This gives many of us the opportunity to right the wrong that we made when we were lied to in 2020!
Scott Kendall needs to return to California or some other Marxist haven. He is an enemy of good governance.
When the courts rightly rule against Scott Kendall, they rule in favor of democracy, decency and in support of the people. This decision, along with the repeal of Kendall’s collaboration with corrupt educators to undermine parents’ right to correspondence school funding, restores a small amount of faith in the legal system. Notice I don’t call it the justice system. If there were true justice, all the people tricking the voters into trying ranked choice voting and benefitting from it would be sent away to a deserted island. If only we could vote for that…
There should be some sort of action taken against all the people that lied to voters to get RCV established! The People were sold a broken product by people intending to deceive to get that product sold.
America doesn’t have a democracy; never did. We need to get used to calling America a Republic.
Making progress, one step at a time.
Next, we need to … “Get the Vote Out!”
If you thought RCV worked in your favor, you’d be all for it. Face it: you’re afraid of it because it forces those who run to moderate, thereby reducing the influence and power of extreme parties and candidates.
No, I would not be in favor of it.
In fact, I was hoping the top four candidates in the jungle primary would be Republicans so the leftists would get rid of RCV themselves. Unfortunately, that did not pan out.
RCV is an abomination. It needs to die an early death.
Another point.
If it forced moderates, how did we get Peltola? She was, for all intents, the sole democrat on the ticket.
There is nothing moderate about Peltola, there was nothing moderate about her campaign. But, here you are, claiming it forces moderates?
This scott kendall fellow is kind of a scurrilous fellow and certainly is not in favor of what is fair and honest. He appears to be a real Marxist character.
He needs to do whatever his real profession is in some other state.
I would contribute to AMHS ferry ticket for him to go south –any other contributors?
I’d contribute to that, if we can be rid of him permanently. That would mean a trip to GTMO as an enemy combatant traitor for trying to undermine America and our constitution.
Good deal.
Sorry it didn’t work out for you Scott. Better get your moose hunting trip planned with Mary and Lisa.
Should have never been a question in the first place. Was a unconstitutional proposition hidden with a prop that was about exposing dark money. AK constitution only allows 1 subject for 1 proposition. SMH how did AK Supreme Court ignore this?
True! Everyone sweeps this point under the rug every time it comes up. For me, this example is the same as the fact that Dahlstrom is running as a candidate in an election that she oversees. Neither are acceptable and both topics are swept under the rug.
Kendall and company are desperate to keep their fists clutching ranked choice voting crammed down our throats. One can only hope that this is the glimmer of light at the end of this elections boondoggle.
Now the slime/ hysteria machine heats up.
Wonder how the radio host is gonna approach this?
I haven’t listened to ‘The Blowtorch’ in the better part of two years. Not feeling any worse for it…
Lets not forget our exalted ruler has demanded the true patriots vote for Dahlstrom. You can’t mess with the smartest, strongest, best looking president in the history of the United States can you? Trump/Dahlstrom 2024!
Sebastian, your TDS is showing again.
His TDS is getting tedious
The battle isn’t over -Kendall and Co. undoubtedly have a well-heeled media campaign in the works to fill the airwaves and tv commercials.
We need more boots on the ground to keep momentum and get the word out to those who are most likely to be swayed by their media blitz.
Where do we sign up to get involved?
One of the plaintiffs, Kevin Mcgee, was charged with embezzling from the Veterans’ Administration in Anchorage. “Federal prosecutors charged him with four counts of fraud, including submitting “to the Department of Veterans Affairs a travel voucher knowing that the form contained a false representation seeking reimbursement for costs that he had not incurred” and “to the United States Department of Labor, an LM-3 financial disclosure form” under-reporting the money he had been paid.
The union said the official charges “barely scratch the surface of the misappropriation and blatant theft.”
He was the union, AFGE, representative at the AK VA. Link: ‘https://dailycaller.com/2017/02/01/alaska-naacpers-elect-financial-fraudster-as-chapter-chief/.
Figures. Maybe some of the money he is accused of embezzling, could be used on the phone systems there. Seem to be a problem with just sort of transferring you to infinity and back again.
Thank you, David, for exposing him further.
With ranked choice voting, some ballots are counted once; other ballots are counted twice.
That a computer does it automatically does not change this.
Scott Kendall’s father in law is Luke Hopkins, the doped-up, former Fairbanks mayor. Kendall’s brother in law is Grier Hopkins, the doped-up son of the doped-up former Fairbanks mayor. David Guttenberg is the brother in law of the former doped -up mayor Luke, and uncle of the doped-up mayor candidate Grier. Guttenberg is also on the Assembly. Got all that? The political animal Hopkins tribe. All steered by Scott Kendall and the sneaky Hopkins women who stay in the background, but are more culpable than their idiot spouses. Fairbanks needs to come off the dope wagon.
The sneaky women are always in charge. Charlie Manson knew it. That’s why he put Lynnette “Sneaky” Fromme in charge of dirty deeds.
That pretty much say it all.
Got it! The sneaky women behind the scenes include two lawyers and an old wacko. All are little commies; communal moms. Behind every ultra liberal, political male, lies an ultra ambitious, witchy woman. This tribe explains it all. Dangerous brew for your kids.
But I bet the Hopkins family has really good taste in weed.
Thank you Victor.
Finally, the Soros funded dark money leftist goons lose one on stupid reasons to stop the people from securing our elections. Thank you Lord!
Vote YES to repeal RCV in November. It’s the most outrageous, perfidious abomination ever foisted upon the voters of Alaska.
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