Joe Rogan: Red wave election on Tuesday will be like elevator doors opening in ‘The Shining’


The polling forecaster FiveThirtyEight is projecting the Republican Party will win control of the U.S. Senate comfortably.

FiveThirtyEight says the Republicans have a 55% chance of having a majority, a change from when FiveThirtyEight made a projection on Oct. 15, when it gave Democrats a 55% chance of taking the Senate. GOP is now “slightly favored” to win the majority.

In the House, the Republicans have an 84% chance of reclaiming leadership from Rep. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.

Joe Rogan, who has a pulse on the national mood, said on his podcast, “The red wave that’s coming is going to be like the elevator doors opening up in ‘The Shining,'” in reference to the 1980 Stanley Kubrick horror film scene depicting a river of blood rushing out of hotel elevator doors.

Rogan said the election could be dominated by those in the silent majority.

“There are a lot of people that are afraid of talking about it. But they’re not afraid of voting about it,” Rogan said of the more controversial topics of the election season. “Because there’s a lot of people that are afraid of the reprisal. They’re afraid of getting attacked and they’ll silently, when they’re amongst friends going, ‘What the f— is going on? Like, what is going on?’ And those people — that’s gonna be responsible for the red wave.”

“That’s what I think. I think people are just like, ‘What the f— are you saying?’ They’re making Republicans,” Rogan said.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted on Fox News that the Senate will be between +3 to +5, with Senate seat pickups in New Hampshire, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and +44 seats in the House.

As the Tuesday election nears, President Joe Biden is campaigning in typically blue strongholds like New Mexico, skipping over swing states. It’s an indication that the Democrats have given up on swing states and are now just attempting to shore up their reliably Democrat seats. Biden will be heading from New Mexico to California, but will skip Arizona and Nevada, where two close Senate seats could determine the control of the Senate.

Biden is also being deployed away from states and races where it’s feared he can do more harm than good. In his recent trip to Oregon, neither Democrat candidate in competitive congressional districts joined him at his scheduled events, which were sparsely attended by under 200 people.


  1. Republicans and Conservatives across the entire US have been talking about this for two years, and keeping it amongst themselves. Tuesday is going to be huge for us.

    • But what does any putative “Red Wave” really mean, when Congress is controlled by RINOs like Mitch McConnell? Does having insidious weasels like Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney as part of that projected Republican Senate ensure anything good or positive for this nation’s future?

  2. Yea , wave great. But what will they do w/ it?
    How about choice? School choice. Vouchers.
    Should be EVERY Republicans MAIN goal. Please.
    Stop the brain washing.

  3. The anarchist arm of the dem party I’m sure is getting ready to burn down few blue cities come nov 9…

  4. Make ‘the most dangerous place to be’, the space between a conservative and their polling place.

  5. Dominion voting systems fair and square elections. Look at Brazil dominion voting systems so help you GOD. Let me count the votes I will do it for free on tv for all to see, fair elections oath breakers.

  6. I recall Gingrich was there for the last red wave, and the arrogance displayed by the Republicans was enhanced by the media, resulting in a backlash that worked to the Democrats favor for years. I hope the party will be restrained and professional, but I’m not holding my breath. Much energy and momentum will be wasted on vindictive behavior.

    • I remember waking up after the election in 1994. The media was acting like their dog died, it was so funny. I wasn’t really into politics back then but apparently this was a surprise shock to them like Donald Trump was in 2016. This election is catching NO ONE by surprise. The only question is how big the loss is going to be.

  7. I pray he is right and have been praying for this election. There is still so much election mess out there though I am not hugely confident. The very fact it takes weeks to even get final results is just too much time to insert for all kinds of outcome. Our system is full of holes and until we close those holes the left has the advantage. I am not counting any chickens.

  8. I unfortunately think Lisa has a very good chance of winning. If she does and republicans have the senate it will be interesting to watch her try to straddle over the party lines. She’s truly stuck now being what democrats want in a Republican while not being what Republicans want. Sounds miserable. Oh poor poor Lisa. That’s what you get for having so much “integrity” that you can’t even represent the Republican Party like a real Republican. Now you will truly have the stench of Democrats all over you. And I know you think that party stinks or else you would have switched parties already.

    It will also be interesting to see how the abortion issue moves ahead and isn’t as bad as democrats want it to be so they can gain back their seats next cycle. If the red wave comes and abortion isn’t banned in many states like democrats are trying to scare everyone into believing will happen, they’ll lose even more credibility. It’s now or never for them, and they know it. That’s why they are saying “vote blue to save democracy”. Every time a democrat says democracy, what they mean is the democrat party.

    For all of those democrats out their that feel abandoned, maybe now is the time to actually listen to understand conservatives rather than listen only to figure out how to make false specious arguments about how every conservative is incompassionate racist, evil, and greedy. We are actually quite nice if you don’t treat us that way. Shocker, right? I’m

    • Only problem with the red… and the biggest problem with the red. Lack of trying anything to help the environment.

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