The national Democrats are running ads against Congressman Nick Begich III in the Alaska media market. The ads are all over digital sites and now even on television, instructing Alaskans to tell Congressman Begich to not support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services.
It’s an odd pitch because Begich is not in the Senate, which is the legislative body that has the confirmation duty for President Donald Trump’s nominees. The ads are not targeting Alaska’s Senators Lisa Murkowski or Dan Sullivan, just the congressman who has no role in RFK’s nomination and hasn’t even met with the nominee.
The ads tell Alaskans to tell Begich to “stand down” on RFK Jr. because it will lead to a sales tax.
The irony is that locally in Anchorage, it’s the Democrats who are trying to figure out how to enact a sales tax.
The Anchorage Assembly worked much of 2024 to get a sales tax on this April’s municipal ballot, but the feedback from the public was so bad that now the Democrats in charge in Anchorage want to get one passed in a special election later this year. During special elections, it’s the government workers who are the most likely voters, and they will be more likely to vote for another tax.
Further irony is that RFK Jr. is a former Democrat now being attacked by Democrats and some partisan members of his own stories Democrat dynasty family.
Kennedy’s needs 50 Republican senators to vote to confirm him. On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee will vote on whether to recommend him to the Senate for a confirmation vote.
Meanwhile, rather than pressuring Murkowski (Sullivan has already said he is a yes on RFK Jr.), U.S. House Democrats political committee, “House Majority Forward,” has set aside $10 million aside to attack Congressman Begich and 9 other Republican representatives, including:
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, IA-01
Rep. Zach Nunn, IA-03
Rep. Tom Kean Jr., NJ-07
Rep. Nick LaLota, NY-01
Rep. Mike Lawler, NY-17
Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, PA-07
Rep. Rob Bresnahan, PA-08
Rep. Scott Perry, PA-10
The great (D)emocrat head fake: always accuse the other side of the very thing that you are doing.
The dark money Dem operatives are just putting more proof out there what incredible idiots they are with this ad. Locally, the Anchorage assembly, as well as the idiots in Juneau, are seeking to further impoverish the common working man in order to maintain the cycle of extracting largess in the form of more taxes for distribution to the hacks that are stealing from us.
Lefty’s just can’t stop with the negative nastiness, it is all they know!
Well, now you are definitely the pot calling the kettle black!! Lol
Let’s not forget the gas tax the Anchorage Assembly has already enacted and even hiked up once. They’re on a roll……..
The DNC is dying. Did you see who they elected and how that election went? What a farce!
Sometimes you wonder if they’re idiots or if they think we are.
That’s easy–They definitely think we’re the idiots. We get the last laugh, right?
Sales Tax ie. a consumption tax is the best tax.
Sales tax is the most fair tax system. A 10% sales tax would cost close to $100K to buy a Ferrari or $2-3K to buy a used vehicle. You could also help lower incomes by excluding groceries, utilities, and gasoline.
Income taxes, property taxes, inheritance taxes are all at their core repressive.
BTW Nick Begich is doing an outstanding job thus far!
No new taxes government employees are already paid too much and government already waste too much money.
They help themselves to PFD without even asking and they use as much as they want every year, which goes up.
I would like to see what your relatives of the politicians are working on what projects that the state is paying for we need an audit on state and who’s getting the money in the end.
No new taxes, cut wasteful spinning in government.
“……..Sales tax is the most fair tax system………You could also help lower incomes by excluding groceries, utilities, and gasoline………”
That is all true, but they never offer to eliminate or reduce already existing taxes. These new tax proposals are always just additional taxation.
Tim I’m
All in on sales tax. Generally the government caps the tax at the first $5000 to $10000 on hi end items. Sales tax is the only fair tax. Nick is doing great. You democrats can all go pound sand.
I was for a state sales tax. I certainly didn’t want to pay an income tax.
When the democrats stop talking about Representative Nick Begich … that’s the time to start worrying.
Proud of you Nick.
I do not disagree, however, a complete removal of all other taxes (income, real estate, and personal property) must happen simultaneously.
I am opposed to new taxes, especially a sales tax because the politicians always seem to raise the other taxes whenever they want to. And, they always want to.
Absolutely. New taxes should reduce old taxes dollar for dollar.
I would prefer a 2:1 ratio, or even a 1.1:1 would be better.
Two ways to balance a budget, get more revenue, or cut expenses. There is always, ALWAYS a lot of expenses any government at any level could cut without impacting the taxpayers. But, they never seem to realize that.
One can only come to the conclusion that although nick isn’t involved in the confirmation, it is arguably true that he’s doing a pretty good job so far and possibly they are wanting to hitch their wagon to that popularity and use some of his support against kennedy. It’s probably a wise move for Nick to stay as far away from this as possible because he may get dirty if he supports Kennedy, but it’s a sticky wicket. The party demands support, even though you may or may not personally agree with it. You could never voice an opinion against it …to do so would be suicide. I think in this case, it’s best to quote donald trump from may of twenty twenty four, and like trump did, use every word in the book against kennedy voicing the real reasons why he should not be appointed.
I’m for a sales tax to eliminate property tax. Property tax in its entirely will be challenged as unlawful and the remedy will have to be a sales tax.
If they eliminate the real estate tax, with no possibility of reviving it, I am perfectly OK with a sales tax. But, the plan is to “reduce” real estate taxes by the amount the sales taxes raise.
That reduction will last for a nanosecond if history is any indicator.
It would be interesting to know how many people contact him over this. It would certainly give an idea of how effective it was.
It would also tell you how many are ignorant on the government system. What would be called Low Information Voters.
Democrats objecting to a tax?
No problem. This gives Begich good practice when he runs against Democrat Lisa Murkowski
in 2028.
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