Investigation into historic child abuse leads to arrests in Metlakatla


A five-day investigation into historic child abuse cases within the Metlakatla Indian Community, Alaska’s only Indian reservation, has resulted in multiple arrests and an ongoing investigation, according to the Alaska Department of Public Safety.

The operation, which took place from Feb. 2 through 6, 2025, was conducted by the Alaska Bureau of Investigation with the assistance of several agencies.

Authorities focused on allegations of child physical and sexual abuse, as well as domestic violence against adults. During the investigation, 22 children were interviewed, leading to the arrests of three older men who are now in custody at the Ketchikan Correctional Center.

The individuals arrested include:

  • James Leif Caspersen, 68 – Charged with second- and third-degree assault, fourth-degree assault, and fourth-degree criminal mischief.
  • Byron Hayward, 60 – Charged with third- and fourth-degree assault and third-degree criminal mischief.
  • Harry Olsen, 72 – Charged with second- and third-degree sexual abuse of a minor.

Additionally, ABI’s Technical Crimes Unit, in coordination with Task Force Dawnbreaker, investigated multiple cyber tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding child pornography allegedly uploaded from the Metlakatla area between 2021 and 2024. The investigation led to the arrest of Caleb Jametski, 30, who was charged with the distribution and possession of child sexual abuse material. Jametski was remanded to KCC.

Investigators also uncovered reports of additional criminal conduct while in the community, and those investigations remain active. Separate inquiries into alleged Medicaid fraud are also ongoing.

According to the Metlakatla website, the tribe is sovereign.

“The mission of the Metlakatla Indian Community is to improve the lives of our members, and preserve our heritage and culture, through effective self-governance, a commitment to self-sufficiency, and the exercise and strengthening of our tribal sovereignty; we encourage progress while honoring our ancestors, and protecting our land and water for future generations; we promote sustainability by utilizing and respecting our natural resources, developing economic and social opportunities for our members, and implementing efficient and effective systems of governance to enhance our members’ safety, health, and welfare. The Council and tribal executives are dedicated to governing the affairs of the Annette Islands Reserve acting under the authority of our Constitution, ordinances, and policies to fulfill this mission,” the Indian community states.

“The Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Islands Reserve (AIR), exists by the authority of the Constitution and By-laws of the MIC as approved on August 23, 1944 by the Secretary of Interior and MIC, as an Indian Tribe organized under provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act. AIR is held in trust by the United States for the benefit of MIC, the Secretary of Interior has delegated responsibility to MIC to prescribe rules and regulations governing the use of Annette Island Reserve.”

Although Metlakatlans are protected category of people through a relationship with the federal government, federal agencies were not involved in the roundup of alleged perpetrators.

The Alaska Bureau of Investigation extended its gratitude to the U.S. Coast Guard for its crucial support and also acknowledged the cooperation of the Metlakatla Indian Community Executives, Council, and staff. Other agencies assisting in the operation included:

  • Alaska State Troopers
  • Alaska Wildlife Troopers
  • Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General
  • Department of Law Office of Special Prosecutions
  • Alaska Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
  • Tundra Women’s Coalition
  • The Children’s Place
  • WISH (Women in Safe Homes)
  • AWARE (Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies)
  • S.A.F.E. Child Advocacy Center

Metlakatla, population 1,460, is located on Annette Island. Founded in 1887 by Anglican missionary William Duncan, it has an economy primarily based on tens of millions of dollars in government grants. It also has fishing, tourism, and forestry industries.


  1. Very sad and unfortunate! They will not receive any punishment! They are protected by Tribal Law! From what I have seen these kinds of things are accepted and swept under the rug! ??

    • Once the FBI steps in it becomes a Federal offense, hence they have been arrested. Watch it “play” out. They will go to court and if found guilty…they will receive time. Metlakatla has no court system.

  2. If they cannot be self-sufficient, then they should not be sovreign. Since they are receiving government grants, then they are definitely not sovereign.
    Sexual abuse of a child should carry the death penalty.

  3. The article appears to demonstrate a Tribal-State-Federal cooperation that perhaps led up to an investigation-outcry/reporting, investigating and now the perpetrators are in the state corrections facilities and going through the state criminal court system.

    I hope to see justice followed through.

    I especially commend victims advocacy groups that support and never lose focus on who justice and restoration is for – the person harmed.

    God bless and God speed.

  4. The State of Alaska is failing its children. Politicians talk endlessly about funding schools, claiming that kids are the future, yet how much attention is given to the 3,000 children in state custody—or the thousands more who should be but aren’t, because the state refuses to fight for them? This isn’t just happening in one place; it’s widespread across villages and rural communities. Layer upon layer of neglect has created a crisis, and it’s no wonder so many young people in rural Alaska are struggling—or worse, taking their own lives. When so few children are being properly parented, is it any surprise that they’re falling behind in school?

  5. It’s a shame it’s taken so long for the FEDS and the State to assist Metlakatla in addressing this issue. It would be nice if people knew more about federal, state and concurrent jurisdiction before commenting. This article leaves out quite a bit of facts and context and the intent appears to be click bait.
    Prayers to the community of Metlakatla and their children as they heal and address the ongoing issues left in the wave of these acts.

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