International cycling body bans transgenders from women’s races


The world governing organization for competitive cycling has announced new rules that end the participation of transgender competitors in women’s cycling events under the group’s umbrella.

The Union Cycliste Internationale, formed in 1900 in Paris and now based in Switzerland, said the rule chance went into effect July 17, following a symposium in June to consider the conditions for including of transgender athletes in women’s cycling competitions.

The June meeting brought together transgender and regular gender athletes, experts from scientific, legal, and human rights fields, as well as sporting institutions. Participants were given the opportunity to present their positions on the controversial subject. The final decision was made July 5 by the group’s management committee.

Over the past couple of year, men who take hormones and now present as women have won numerous cycling races around the world, resulting in some women leaving the sport because of the unfairness of allowing competitors with distinct biological advantages.

Under the new rules, transgender athletes who have transitioned after male puberty will no longer be permitted to participate in women’s events across all categories in the various disciplines featured on the UCI international calendar.

However, for international masters events, which include races on the UCI Cycling for All International Calendar and UCI events such as the UCI Gran Fondo World Series, UCI Gran Fondo World Championships, UCI Gravel World Series, UCI Gravel World Championships, and UCI Masters World Championships, the men’s category will be renamed “Men/Open.” Trans athletes who do not meet the criteria for participation in women’s events will be allowed to compete in this category.

In Alaska, a public comment period is now open through July 21 for those who want to weigh in on new rules that are intended to protect girl competitors in Alaska schools. The new rules are being considered by the Alaska State Board of Education and Early Development.

Not all bike races fall under the umbrella of UCI, but it is the highest governing body for bike racing, issuing racing licenses to riders and enforcing disciplinary rules, such as bans against doping and what types of bike wheels can be used in different races. The UCI also manages the classification of races and how points are awarded in road, track, mountain biking, BMX, cyclocross and others, in both the amateur and professional categories. It is the management organization for the World Championships.

The UCI Management Committee said it based its decision on the current state of scientific knowledge, acknowledging that there is no confirmation that two years of gender-affirming hormone therapy, with a target plasma testosterone concentration of 2.5 nmol/L, is sufficient to eliminate the advantages conferred by male puberty’s effects on testosterone.

The committee also said it recognizes that considerable individual variability exists in response to gender hormone therapy, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions regarding its effects. Other biomechanical factors, such as bone structure and arrangement in the limbs, may potentially provide lasting advantages to men who have undergone transgender treatments.

While recognizing the interests of transgender athletes being able to participate in competitions, the management committee concluded that it was necessary to prioritize the protection of the female category and ensure equal opportunities. The decision aims to maintain a level playing field for all competitors while considering the scientific uncertainties surrounding the effects of hormone treatment.

The FINA international swimming governing body took a different approach earlier this year, by ruling that transgenders who had already gone through male puberty may not compete in the women’s races, but the group left wiggle room for transgenders who block hormones to prevent them from going through male puberty. Doctors are increasingly giving hormones to underage youth to block puberty as the medical field embraces the ability of children to choose their gender through lifelong drugs and genital mutilation.

The UCI also announced it will initiate discussions with other international sporting bodies regarding the co-financing of a research program to study the physical performance changes in highly-trained athletes undergoing transitional hormone treatment. B

“The UCI fully respects and supports the right of individuals to choose the sex that corresponds to their gender identity, whatever sex they were assigned at birth. However, it has a duty to guarantee, above all, equal opportunities for all competitors in cycling competitions,” said UCI President David Lappartient.


  1. Well, somebody got it right. The poor left and alphabet group can cry in their safe space as they get put in their place which is their own league.

  2. Since one cannot change one’s gender, that being possible only by a radical whole-body genetic engineering process, the technology for which does not exist, it would be more accurate to call these people “gender mimics” rather than “transgendered”.

  3. All of us should still be disturbed the phrase “transitioned after male puberty.” That implies that some crazy progressives will STILL groom and encourage young children to go down this path of unnatural absurdity.

  4. “Doctors are increasingly giving hormones to underage youth to block puberty as the medical field embraces the ability of children to choose their gender through lifelong drugs and genital mutilation.” Somebody making a LOT of money while breaking their Hippocratic Oath. This is evil.

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