From Juneau to Fairbanks, a grassroots network of activists, with help from the Occupy movement and national Democrat community organizers, are burning the midnight oil to take down President Trump, with a tactic of “Resist All Things Trump.”
Alaska is Donald Trump country, but it’s also Bernie Sanders country, and there are many socialist-leaning Alaska Democrats who went with Bernie, rather than Hillary.
They are horrified. Appalled. They are in a fit of pique. They’ve got their own version of the Tea Party, but it’s a big, sloppy complicated version that lurches from one faux rage-against-the-machine topic to the next.
These groups are populated mainly with government employees and nonprofit sector organizers, and they use social media to foment ever more rage. They’re getting guidance from a national playbook, which you can download here in English or in Spanish.
Several of these clusters in Alaska have private groups on Facebook where only members can see what’s posted. They are building private list-serve email groups with their focus on how to disrupt Republican events, harass speakers, stalk senators and representatives, and generally employ tactics of fear and intimidation.
In Alaska, groups are using the “resist” playbook to “Reclaim Recess” and disrupt our DC delegation while they are here at home for recess. Read all about it here.
It’s a free country, so Must Read Alaska takes a circumspect view, supporting everyone’s right to organize. Here are some of the organized Alaska groups in the Indivisible movement:
49 MOONS. The group takes its name from the concept that there are 49 “new moons” in the Trump presidency. They’re doing events on the new moons. It’s “not about just surviving,” they plead. “Politics has taken a dark turn.” Alaskans who oppose Trump are invited to their event on Feb. 24 at the Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, starting at 5:30 pm.
INDIVISIBLE ALASKA, is part of the national network to create civil disobedience against Trump. Their Facebook group has many well-known Alaska names attached to it, including Dermot Cole, columnist for the Alaska Dispatch News, Howard Weaver, former editor of the Anchorage Daily News, Amy Coffman and Felix Rivera, political appointees of Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, Tam Agosti-Gisler, president of the Anchorage School Board, Casey Steinau, chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, and dozens upon dozens of government workers and employees of NGO (non-governmental organizations aka nonprofits), and environmental groups.
ALASKANS STRONGER TOGETHER, with Sen. Berta Gardner, Rep. Ivy Spohnholz, Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar, Rep. Geran Tarr, Juneau Assemblyman (and legislative aide to Sen. Dennis Egan) Jesse Kiehl, Rep. Harriet Drummond, Anchorage School Board candidate Andy Holleman, Sheila Selkregg, and the Our Alaska organizer Ian Laing, whose group skewered Alaska conservatives in this “Reasonable Militia” video just one year ago.
Rise Up Kodiak. About 20 people are signed on, but the group hasn’t announced plans.
FAIRBANKS: STOP THE BOY KING, describes itself as “A Local Group of Indivisible Resistance to the Trump Agenda Fairbanks, Alaska.” They are few and mostly they gnash their teeth on Twitter. Or perhaps their teeth are simply chattering due to the seasonably cold weather in Fairbanks (-5 this morning).
SKAGWAY: TAKE ACTION SKAGWAY, has its organizational meeting this week to plan resistance…to whatever there is in Skagway to resist…wind is the only thing that comes to mind. They’ve also written a letter asking their assembly to make Skagway a welcoming city. Wait, we thought Skagway was nearly all owned by the Park Service, which is all about welcoming.
JUNEAU: INDIVISIBLE JUNEAU, where civil protests are planned for this week, with Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan as the targets. “Welcome to the resistance,” says one of their pages.
The group plans to meet on the Capitol steps in Juneau at noon on Friday for a protest, and to take other action against our U.S. senators, per their memo:
“That’s why we’re declaring this congressional recess “Resistance Recess: Save Our Healthcare, Our Communities, and Our Democracy. We will show up at our elected officials’ events, town halls, and other public appearances to make it clear to those who represent us in Congress, as well as to the media, that tolerance of the Trump Administration’s hurtful policies is intolerable, that indifference or idleness is not acceptable, that complacency is politically toxic.”
HOMER OVER THE EDGE: The city council of Homer may go into “full resist” mode next week. It’s considering a resolution that rebukes President Donald Trump and his entire cabinet. We’ve printed it in full here.
INDIVISIBLE VIOLENCE AND INTIMIDATION TACTICS ELSEWHERE: In Utah, of all places, the Republican Party has asked congressional leaders to delay events because of acts of intimidation and violence. Republicans cited a recent event where Sen. Jason Chaffetz’s car was surrounded by protesters who prevented the congressman from leaving. “Resisters” posted Congresswoman Mia Love’s home address on Facebook (she has three young children). In California, Indivisible Orange County knocked a 71-year-old staff member for Congressman Dana Rohrabacher unconscious. And then there’s Berkeley, where anarchy is the new norm.
You can get updates from the national parent group of the Trump resistance movement. Keep tabs on where to avoid contact with them by signing up at https://www.indivisibleguide.com.
Thank you for your support! – SD
Thanks for the comprehensive list of groups I need to join!
Ms. Downing,
I find it unfair that you are communicating incorrect information about the indivisible Alaska group. The group only wishes to express their 1st amendment rights to free speech and free opinions. They are made up of non-violent law biding citizens. You should not be fanning the flames that have no fuel.
Not so! You only want to cause upheaval and unrest
IndivisibleAlaska and Stronger Together are not violent or disruptive organizations as you imply. They are simply organizations to communicate to concerned citizens how they can exercise their civic duty of contacting the people who REPRESENT them and making sure their voices are heard. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it is simply being a patriotic American.
Fake news at its best – there is no violence but you can keep pretending
Violent? Intimidating? Come on. How irresponsible of you.
Re: Chaffitz attacked. Fox did the Sweden report that proved to be an international embarrassment. Check out YouTube video collection going under group name of United States Department of Education. I reference one documenting a call-in show featuring Chaffitz and Massie bragging about sponsoring a bil to terminate the the Department of Education by December 31, 2018. (Video published by RonPaul.com)
Oh and by the way, many of you will find your Facebook account has been disabled.
This was a great list of ways to get involved. Thanks!
Disinformation. I understand Yianopolus just lost his book deal and speaking engagement with conservative group. Please reference accurate reports. Otherwise you look like click bait!
Swung by to see if I needed to correct some facts. This “article” doesn’t have any. I have been to three indivisible meetings in Oklahoma. Feel free to ask me anything. I will answer any questions absolutely honestly.
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