How safe is that marijuana? Leaked audio raises doubts


An audio recording of a detailed phone conversation between two people in the Alaska marijuana industry surfaced on YouTube this week, posted by an account that goes by the name of “Bobb Dogg.”

In the audio, a person who appears to be a manager of one of Anchorage’s largest marijuana stores admits that his company sold 100 pounds of possibly moldy marijuana, and that CBD oil that was supposed to have a low psychoactive level of THC was found to, in fact, contain high amounts.

The conversation cannot be confirmed as legitimate, and could even be business espionage, but it has raised an eyebrow over at the Alaska Marijuana Control Board, which has opened an inquiry, Must Read Alaska has learned.

In the 8-minute, 13-second audio, an astonished interviewer named “Keisha” asks “Jordan” to explain how the company got around testing of the 100 pounds of possibly contaminated pot, which according to Jordan came with the acquisition of another marijuana business on King Street. Jordan said managers knew the product was contaminated. Jordan insisted to Keisha that he followed orders to sell the product, and to sample portions of it that did not appear to be contaminated to send in for testing.

If the allegations are true, it’s a glimpse into how marijuana purveyors may cut corners to capture profit, possibly at the expense of their customers’ health.

Must Read Alaska has forwarded the audio to the Marijuana Control Board. More than 1,000 viewers have seen the video, and some commenters noted that they’ve known about the incident for a while and have chimed in on the comment section with remarkable specificity about how the moldy cannabis made its way to market.

The company in question is owned by a variety of people, a few of whom are well known in liberal politics and media, some with powerful connections to the mayor’s office.

The video can be viewed by searching for Bobb Dogg on YouTube. The audio is labeled “Weedileaks.” Whether it’s valid is certainly a question, and it is only one side of what appears to be a very serious allegation. The retail value for 100 pounds of marijuana can vary widely, but could be worth $100,000.

Such a matter would probably be taken up at the next meeting of the Alaska Marijuana Control Board, scheduled for June 10-11, but likely would be taken up in executive session, if there is indeed an investigation underway.


    • It’s against federal law because of racism, originally. But in later years, it remained illegal even after the lead scientist of a famous Senate investigation openly stated that it was harmless. Why? It had become the cash cow for our judicial system. It’s an example of yet another CASH GRAB by our government, typically from those least able to fight back. It’s the only drug on the DEA controlled substance list that has NEVER had a single fatality. Zero ODs!

  1. Thank You , for sharing to the masses, when Mayor B, said that cannabis is essential business!!! You think that it was essential to whom ??? The Majority of Alaskan ?

  2. Has there ever been a survey conducted to see what percentage of pot purchases are made by Democrats? I’m thinking in the 80’s, maybe 90 percentile?

    • I really do not know, as I do not think it is anyone’s business who buys a legal substance or their political affiliation. What is true is Deborah Williams, the former head of the Alaska Democratic Party was the spokes person and treasurer for Big Marijuana. Big Mistake. Vote No on 2 . Also most of the funding came from Chenega Corporation. A native corporation with most of the shareholders being Democrats I believe. So maybe if you have a problem with legalization you should vote Democrat.

      • Leo, get a grip buddy. I’ve never voted Democrat in my life. Never will. Never smoked pot either. The Dems claim pot is good for you. It relaxes. Just the opposite! All the carcinogens and smoke seem to stir-up more hate, vile and animosity in the Democrat’s little brains.

      • Deborah Williams was a young woman when she first got off the ferry from the Lower 48, landing in Juneau. She got her first job in our beautiful state, working as a Left-wing aide in the Legislature. See what happens when Democrats import their fellow slime into Alaska? Democrats quickly move them up the latter into important positions to fuel more toxicity.

      • Not legal. Just not enforced. No state can pass a law that is way different than the federal law it dictates. Alaska and others have made illegal laws.

  3. Smoking marijuana could have negative implications, as with all types of smoking (this is as opposed to consuming marijuana via an edible form or tincture). The smoke itself contains a similar range of harmful chemicals that could lead to respiratory disease. CBD is found in marijuana, but they’re not the same thing and are safe. If you’re interested in using CBD on its own, it can come from either a marijuana plant or from a hemp plant that is are high in CBD and low in THC.

  4. Guess what, there has been mold in pot for decades & forever years. Also, more recently, laundry detergent, human hair & dandruff, dog and cat hair, polyester and nylon fibers, residue from Mexican bag-packing plants, pesticides, herbicides, & what have you courtesy the unregulated pipeline.

    Modern testing procedures can find even miniscule amounts of mold on plant material in the regulated testing, and thats not good, but compared to the illegal stuff, it was probably still way cleaner than it used to be.

    And everyone knows the THC numbers are always gamed to some degree. The sampling only uses a small amount so producers will pick the best flowers for the tests to get big numbers on the package but the stuff inside is the bulk, mediocre product.

    • Wow! Chuck U. Must have a PhD in marijuana studies. Were you smokin when you wrote this? Have fun, and blow your smoke towards the South

  5. “The company in question is owned by a variety of people, a few of whom are well known in liberal politics and media, some with powerful connections to the mayor’s office.”
    That’s probably what got the “Recall Dunleavy” campaign started. they were high!

  6. Go after alcohol and tobacco with the same tenacity. And just for the record I do not use marijuana nor do I drink or smoke cigarettes. All of these are just as dangerous to health, but drinking is proven to be the number one reason behind domestic violence.

    • Drinking does not “cause” domestic or any other violence, though it does frequently correlate with violent acts.

      Violent people commit violence, full stop. Alcohol: A) like other drugs, is frequently abused by violent people, and, B) alcohol lowers what inhibitions a violent person might have which otherwise restrain their violent impulses most of the time.

      Stop assigning causation to “things.” It is both factually incorrect and unhelpfully denies agency, and thus responsibility, to perpetrators of crime.

  7. I’ve been here 51 years. I witnessed the blind leading the blind, in greed , during the heyday of oil money. Billions were squandered. And now, we have the rats searching for crumbs…Ie; the drug investors. They spot the weakness and go for the cash.

    FYI, millennials voted in the legalization of marijuana in this state. They have no party affiliation. It may have been the only time in their lives that they’ve voted.

    I miss downtown Anchorage. It may become a dump. Why did the main attracting businesses in Anchorage leave? I’m asking Mayor Berkowitz.

    Sorrow for Anchorage and citizens. We have a ghost town.

  8. The interesting wrinkle here is that the new board chair for the sleazy marijuana company, Andrew Halcro, has a day job as the director of the Anchorage Community Development Authority, a quasi-public entity formed by the Muni to develop projects, mostly downtown. Direct questions to Mayor Berkowitz: What role does marijuana play in decisions of the ACDA? Does Mr. Halcro light up before ACDA board meetings? At the office? Is marijuana development a component of ACDA goals?

  9. Eyeopener: Great article in the Imprimis publication from Hillsdale College.


    Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence
    January 2019 • Volume 48, Number 1 • Alex Berenson

    Don’t knock it until you’ve read it.

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