House subcommittee airs concerns about Covid vaccines mandates and VAERS data about adverse effects and deaths from shots

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia points out Covid vaccine adverse effects during a subcommittee hearing.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reopened debate last week over what constitutes “misinformation” regarding the Covid-19 virus and vaccines. The hearings were titled, “Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1.”

Chairman Brad Wenstrup, an Ohio Republican, detailed shortcomings in vaccine safety reporting and vaccine injury compensation systems, which have led to confusion about the efficacy of vaccinations. Wenstrup, who is a doctor, noted the dismissive answers from the federal government, and claims from the government that anyone not satisfied with official answers was pedaling “misinformation.”

The complex and convoluted system of overlapping injury reporting systems, such as VAERS — the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System — was not structured to handle the massive influx of injury claims caused by the Covid-19 vaccine, he said. Only 11 injury claims out of the more than 12,000 claims that have been filed in the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program have been compensated.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican member of the committee, said, “I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognizing bullshit. There have been over 1 million VAERS reports for vaccine injuries and deaths caused by the experimental COVID vaccines. As of Jan 1, 2024, only 11 victims have been compensated.”

She said that it was known early on that children were of almost no risk, and neither were healthy young people. Covid mainly was a danger to obese, elderly and health compromised, she said. And yet even Dr. Peter Marks, the lead witness in the hearing, had been recommending the vaccine for babies as young as six months, something she called “shameful.”

“Some people are trying to belittle these reports, but these reports come from people — people that died, people that got injured,” said Greene. “In 2021, there were 706,767 reports on VAERS for vaccine injuries and deaths. In 2022 it was 206,676 … it was going down because the [vaccine] mandates stopped.”

Dr. Marks, the director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, tried to defend the federal government’s response.

When asked by the committee if the Food and Drug Administration is able to process the number of VAERS reports that have been submitted on the Covid vaccines, Marks said, “the avalanche of reports was tremendous, and required re-tasking people on the fly. We had to usually staff up and had many meetings working to increase our ability to go through these reports. What the public sees on the VAERS page is a small fraction of the information we sift through.”

Wenstrup noted that “VAERS has been the source of attention and controversy since the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. However, concerns about these data are usually met with dismissive replies. They often point to the fact that VAERS is ‘unable to prove causality’ and contains reports of ‘people being hit by a car after vaccination.’ They say that VAERS is being misused by anti-vaccine advocates and that it is ‘misinformation.'”

He said that many legitimate questions have been raised by Americans and the federal government’s answers were contradictory.

“During her testimony before this committee last June, Director [Rochelle] Walensky assured us that CDC had ‘a responsibility to comb through every single [report to VAERS].’ People who have submitted reports to VAERS have told my staff they were never contacted by CDC or FDA officials. A recent British Medical Journal investigation found this too,” Wenstrup said.

Rep. Deborah Ross, a Democrat from North Carolina, disputed the criticisms of VAERS: “In listening to today’s hearing, one might be led to believe that reports submitted to VAERS are the most meaningful measure of adverse health events and should be the sole basis for evaluating whether the Covid vaccines are safe. However, my understanding is that VAERS is just one surveillance program within a multilayered vaccine system that CDC operates, and that submissions to VAERS, which are unverified, can be submitted by anyone, regardless of how likely a vaccine is to have created an adverse event, and can act as early warnings to prompt deeper investigations through these other surveillance programs.”

Recent analysis of the VAERS database on mortality from Covid-19 vaccines shows a spike in adverse effects and deaths, but the government appears to now be dismissing the accuracy of the entire VAERS database.

A pie chart showing what is purported to be all reported vaccine deaths in the VAERS database since 1988 has been making its way through social media. Its source and accuracy are unknown, but similar information is found at the nonprofit, which reports on the lack of transparency at the FDA and CDC regarding adverse effects.

Other takeaways from the hearing:

The Biden Administration mandated the Covid-19 vaccine without a sufficient system in place to compensate individuals injured by the vaccine mandate policy.

HRSA Director at the Division of Injury Compensation Programs George Reed Grimes said, “At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we had not had a direct appropriation with the CICP. We also had only four staff.”

The FDA accelerated the Covid-19 vaccine approval process to seemingly meet arbitrary mandate timelines set by the Biden Administration.

Executive branch officials from the CDC and FDA agreed in the committee that the federal government can never guarantee a vaccine is 100% safe.

Dr. Marks said, “No pharmaceutical is 100% safe.”

Shortcomings in vaccine injury reporting and vaccine compensation systems, as well as ineffective government messaging during the pandemic, deteriorated public trust in vaccine safety.

We probably have not done a good enough job of communicating sometimes the actual numbers of deaths versus what’s in VAERS, Dr. Marks said.


  1. The CDC and its conspirators lied repeatedly about Covid. Fauci worst of all.

    In a just world people would be going to jail. But this isn’t a just world.

  2. I will wait with bated breath for our resident Covidian warrior, Steve-O, to once again openly defend the experimental, ineffective and proven unsafe mRNA so-called “vaccines”, as well as the entire establishment propaganda campaign surrounding and pushing their use.

    And when you try to backtrack this time, please do it at a walk and not a run.

      • Only in my worst nightmares, Steve.

        But interacting with unthinking apologists and shills for the abuse of power, tyranny, malicious propaganda and outright evil will tend to induce nightmares in anyone who is sane and rational.

    • I’ve had the full series as has almost everyone I know. None of us have suffered any ill effects whatsoever. Meanwhile, all of this anti-vax propaganda convinces parents to not vaccinate their kids, resulting in a rise in preventable illnesses and deaths.

      Happy, Darwin would suggest that this phenomenon is self-limiting…

      • Hans
        That’s what happens when people are lied to and forced to do something they feel strongly about.
        You just keep doing what your politicians who know best tell you to do.
        Next they are going to have you jump off a bridge.

      • I’ve counted 23 people in my small neck of the woods who have died of either stroke, blood clot, Covid or heart attack in 2022/2023 shortly after taking the jab. They ranged in age from the early 40’s to early 70’s and were generally in good health. I myself am in my early 70’s and caught Covid from a fully vaccinated acquaintance. It was a terrible two weeks, but I never felt that I was in danger of losing my life even though I am diabetic. No thanks, Phizer, you have the dubious distinction of recently paying the biggest fine in FDA history for falsifying drug trial data and now we are supposed to trust you? I don’t think so.

      • Meanwhile for months after my shot my heart would wake me up nightly beating so fast I thought it was about to explode, literally vibrating. But it’s ok… everyone you know was fine so that means nobody had issues.

  3. I have or had many friends either injured or dead and the common denominator was they were vaccinated. This vaccine was barely tested which I believe was intentional. The Drs pushing this crap at the public’s expense can all go to hell, I and many others look at Drs in an entire new light. I once looked up to them not any more. They have all violated their oaths. They capitalized on this country’s misery. Anyone besides me notice the pharma up tic in advertising lately. We all know they are scum too. $2 medications that they sale for $100. Thieves.

    • Would you rather die from a foot long blood clot or on a ventilator after being denied the Nobel Prize winning “horse paste”, all caused by The Fort Detrick Flu.

  4. My brother with no history of heart problems nearly died shortly after taking the1-year booster. Pericarditis put him in the hospital for nearly a month and has left him with a pacemaker. Any discussion of a possible Covid booster link leads to absolute silence on the part of all medical personnel working on his case.

    • Coinciditis strikes again! It’s oddly been almost epidemic the last 2 1/2 years.

      Of course it has to be just a coincidence that it started striking just as the sleeve-rollers started succumbing to the fearmongering and unscientific Covidian propaganda campaign of the medical and political establishments.

  5. Prepare an affidavit Alaska, who, when, where and what. Have it notarized. Write a cover letter asking for relief, noting dates Anchorage and state police refused to process your criminal complaint (who when, where what). Send to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene with courtesy copies to the inert Alaska D.C. delegation, Governor, President and CIC Donald J. Trump and the Secret Service.

    • Is it a comedy, as cdc and fda publicly denied the VAERS responses? Is it a comedy that both of these agencies instructed coroner’s to not to ignore the odd white fibrous blood clots they encountered during their examinations? Better hope you didn’t take a Faucci ouchie, your time is limited. Look at all of the bizarre sudden deaths of people of any age.

  6. As recently as just a few months ago a doctor tried to convince me to get the Death Jab. He got it three times. I asked about his feelings on the spike protein…and he said he’d never heard of it! But, he went on to assure me that he was well read on the subject of Covid “vaccines.” I stopped talking and just politely nodded at all the appropriate junctures until he transitioned to trying to convince me to get the Shingles vaccine, even after I informed him that I’d had Shingles whereupon he told me that I had a 1.5% chance of ever getting it again…BUT that I should get the Shingles jab anyway. We discussed a few other “must have” vaccines he’d happily jab me with to which I politely said no. Nobody is ever sticking a vax needle in me again, ever.

  7. Relief. Apparently you forget WHERE this relief comes from. The American tax payer has born the brunt of this misery. $486 trillion in debt and counting. I’m sick of lawsuits against the government WE are the government so we are suing ourselves. Our government was founded using the word WE that means every last one of us. If it’s not good for the majority it’s not going to work period. The only people that profit off lawsuits against the Tax/payers are sleeze bag attorneys.

      • The clot shots neither provide meaningful immunity and hence protection against the Wuhan Virus, nor prevent infection or transmission.
        By (pre-2020) definitions they are NOT “vaccines”. Although the privately-run CDC dishonestly attempts to label them as such, via a redefinition of the word “vaccine”.

        Despite what you civilization and truth-hating radical leftist extremists like to believe, repeating a lie often enough does not make it truth.

        • Jeff,
          Has your long covid destroyed your brain that much? You’ve been provided the pre-2020 definitions for vaccine multiple times, you simply refuse to accept facts and the literal definition of words to force your covidian nonsense upon others that you disagree with, going so far as repeatedly lying about what others have said in black and white…when confronted with these facts you simply deny, deny, deny.

        • They give protection against serious illness and death, which is borne out by the data. Your continued spouting of propaganda as directed by your Q’Anon handlers has no shame. How ironic that you would paraphrase Goebbels to try and prop up your debunked and delusional view of reality.

    • That is a problem, all blood donations come from the blood bank, which is littered with vaxx non vaxxed blood. If you do not want vaxxed blood you need a donor of your type that is non vaxxed. All the naysayers, I hate to Burts your bubble, I know someone who went under the knife and that was the choice presented to them. Roll your dice on health care.

      • Folks with a Kell factor and other blood disorders are allowed to bank their blood. So I believe it could be done. Personally I will not give blood until it can be guaranteed to go only to another pureblood.
        In terms of surgery, you can claim to be Jehovahs Witness. There are ways to stretch blood volumne. But all in all you are right. If it’s a major surgery or major trauma, purebloods are SOL.

    • And you point out one more hitch in this s— show fire. Do you remember the governor of Seattle lining up the refer vans for the dead bodies or that sleaze governor of New York blabbering his lying face off about 100s of thousands about to die. and none of it true, and the media feeding the panic. What kind of creeps create panic like this? I have absolutely no doubt the vaccine is faulty and in fact dangerous. Many many friends died or damaged from this crap. And not one person held accountable in government or in media. And the damage both financial and personal for the private sector has been disastrous, and still we suffer.

    • The people who got the jabs are now shedding that bioweapon technology that is now “infecting” the people who did not get the jabs. Notice the push to get everyone jabbed has quietened down? Maybe because we are all now “jabbed” thanks to the shedding.

  8. One issue is understanding the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System).

    The person contributing the information about their reaction is voluntarily providing it to a healthcare provider, which may or may not be consistently reported, unless of course the reaction is within the first fifteen minutes of injection as per the COVID-19 vaccination protocol.

    In submitting the online form, there is the statement “Warning: Knowingly filing a false VAERS report with the intent to mislead the Department of Health and Human Services is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.” So, presumably the person submitting the form is presenting accurate, documented, and traceable information.

    Reactions can occur shortly after the vaccination or later. In the immunization clinics I participated, the only ones I saw occurring within the fifteen minutes required for observation, the issues were related to a person with diabetes who had low blood sugar and hadn’t eaten, and three people that fainted as related to actually having a shot. And, that was out of several thousand people. I did hear an anecdote from someone’s granddaughter who stated that her grandmother had what sounded quite serious, but with pre-existing conditions, as hearsay I wouldn’t be able to assess whether the grandchild knew much about the actual incident.

    The second issue is that there’s a significant number of people that treat this as a political issue, and not public health, therefore not able to provide objective clinical information, as if the concept of mass immunization clinics isn’t sound, well-founded healthcare, actually denying the efficacy of this strategy. They tend to forget that after the vaccines were made available and in effect a significant number of those that died from contracting COVID-19 had not been vaccinated at all.

  9. A PhD in bullsh*t is what the University of Alaska confers to all of their graduates. And the climate activist scientists go on to get their post-doc degrees in advanced bullsh*t. MJT needs to move the needle a bit higher to recognize UA advanced degrees such as Climate Change BS,
    Climate Change MS, Piled higher Deeper bullshit*t and advanced Post hole Digger.
    Educated idiots ………All.

  10. Everyone was a test subject for many years now … let’s see how Americans do when we lock them up, limit their toilet paper, require them to buy only 2 gallons of milk per family. While we are at it, let’s force them to wear masks and be subjected to these vaccines that have no testing history whatsoever. Let’s make them pay taxes but have no benefit in doing so. Education?! Let’s see how long it takes them to realize we want to do less with more: let’s make them educate their own kids but still charge them. While we are at it, let’s force everyone to walk around with a computer tracking device so we can always watch them, check out their buying habits, their exercise habits, listen in on their conversations about why people wear masks 3 years later still alone in their car.

    We’ve all been test subjects.

  11. Peoples bodies are changing for the worse. Those people who got the Covid shots. When before 2020 their muscle mass and bone density looked fuller and plumper, today they look older that their body is aging rapidly than those like me without any Covid shots. Even Gov Dunleavy has changed. Maybe that’s why Sen Dunbar looks the way he dies “tired and stoned”. People who took the shots their bodies thinner as what happens when we age, paler, older looking. It appearing the shots have increased its victims likelihood to experience diseases and death sooner than later.

  12. I know that in the AK villages the Native families have lost more family members after the Covid shots than before. They dying left to right. One person from work a family they know back home had three funerals in 2022 under six months. They faced a fourth funeral three months later in the winter, so four family members died in that year.

  13. Never mind the multiple peer reviewed studies proving the efficacy and safety of the vaccine. If MTG says it’s BS then it must be. A lot of willing sheep on here. You get to clap to this alleged data at the low low cost of the surrendering of your critical faculties. Congrats.

    • “Peer reviewed studies”

      Yeah, peer-reviewed by conformists who were paid, and threatened, to NOT report the truth?

      Honestly, don’t you ever get tired of being a shill and a quisling for corrupt authority, cman?
      What compels you to surrender your intellectual and moral integrity to those who exercise power? Really, I would like to know, as the mentality of cowards and bootlickers like you is so entirely alien to my own that I simply cannot fathom it.

      • Yep, your typical response. Oh, and of course, the name calling, which is the refuge of those without an actual argument. You continue to amuse me.

  14. CDC trolls are setting US citizens up for a fall! ?Are going to try to say everyone is mentally ill as a cover to take completely over! Trolls will have to be the conservatives of all citizens!?

  15. I think many of us NOW can agree with Rep MT Greene when she said ““I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognizing bullshit.” I think many of us woke up to that fact..” (sooner or later) Many of us were somewhat questionable, but knew later that something was definitely wrong in taking the shot. It was after the affect of knowing about the blot clots and heart problems…,but I didn’t take it, because I’m already dealing with Heart Arrhythmia, I certainly didn’t any help.

  16. This is probably conformist, quisling, corrupt, authoritarian, fear mongering, or whatever nonsensical repeatedly spouted rhetoric but it’s more information than those who can’t be bothered to provide any information to support the views they are given will come up with…

    Largest ever global study of COVID vaccines finds small but real link to neurological, blood, heart-related conditions ‘’

    • Just give it up already, Steve-O. Nobody here but (other) committed conformists, like Greg and cman, are buying any of your pro-establishment, pro-Covidian BS, even this so-called report (from the CCCM — Completely Corrupt Corporate Media) that effectively attempts to praise the clot shots with faint damning.

      Your dishonesty and malice simply know no bounds, do they? And your consistent shilling for a corrupt, illegitimate and discredited narrative and establishment mark you as one of the enemies of all good Americans.

      • Jeff,
        Did you read what was written in that link where it talks about the adverse effects and uses data to show that covid vaccines did in fact cause elevated levels of various conditions over what would be expected? This information proves what you’ve been saying but instead you deny, deny, deny. Is it because those who’ve given you their opinion to repeat not allow you to wander off the plantation, are you not allowed to think for yourself Jeff or are you just incapable of it? Blink once if it’s the former, twice if the latter.

        Maybe you finally have some actual information you could share instead of spending year after year doing your masters bidding and repeating the exact same tired nonsense over and over? What do you think Jeff, maybe try something new for a change.

      • Yeah Jeff, don’t bother reading the study that was posted,. Just make your typical unfounded claims followed up by a generous helping of junior high school name calling.

  17. The Red heifer didn’t get sacrificed on The Temple Mount in Israel as planned; Because of Oct 7th! Muslim Attack was to stop the sacrificial offering on the mount to usher in the supreme demon!

    The four red heifers are still in their stalls not far away from the Temple Mount: sold to Israel by a Texas rancher!

  18. Maybe if they paid a bounty on dead, vaccinated patients at the hospital and threatened staff with nullified licensure (before hanging a “Hero” banner for them), we could get to the bottom of this.

  19. $34 Trillion in debt and no immigration reform since Reagan was President. This subcommittee is a blueprint for why Democrats will win in the 2024 elections

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