House passes first bill, begs President Trump to change the name of Mount McKinley back to Denali

Photo credit: National Park Service

Rep. Maxine Dibert of Fairbanks got the first piece of legislation out of the House. On a vote of 28-10, the lawmakers agreed to ask, or rather to beg, President Donald Trump to change the name of Mount McKinley back to Denali.

One of Trump’s first acts last week after being sworn in was to reverse an executive order made by President Barack Obama in 2015 that renamed the mountain “Denali,” which is a native-derived word to describe a big mountain.

The vote came after Republicans tried but failed to amend House Joint Resolution 4. The resolution states that it should be up to the people of Alaska what the name of the mountain — and apparently all geographic places in the state — should be.

But while the bill moves to the Alaska Senate, even Google Maps said it will change the name of the peak back to Mount McKinley, and the Associated Press has adopted the former name. The U.S. Board on Geographic Names is already in the process of handling the mechanics on federal maps and documents.

The mountain has been called by other names besides Denali and Mount McKinley. Even the name “Denali” is bastardized from the Koyukon word “deenaalee,” in the language that was spoken by people on the north side of the mountain.

Athabaskans called it some version of “Tenada,” which also means “great mountain.” Russian explorers called the mountain Bulshaia Gora, which means “big one.” It was named McKinley by American prospectors, particularly William Dickey, who wrote about it in an 1897 article in the New York Sun. The name stuck after President McKinley was assassinated in 1901.


  1. The 28 members of the Alaska House of Representatives do not speak for me. I support President Trump’s decision to revoke President Obama’s kowtow to the publicity seeking wing of the body politic of Alaska tribes.

    • carl, ?. You would likely enjoy reading Daniel Greenfield’s recent article “The Myth Of Mount Denali.” You can find it on Greenfield’s website or X page since I am not sure if MRAK allows links to be posted in comments.

  2. It has been Mt. McKinley for over 100 years. I will never call it Denali. That’s another Democrat wet dream, to change our geographic landmarks with names that have no meaning except for a few people we are supposed to feel sorry for. When liberal Whites try and placate the Natives, the Natives spit in their faces for being weak and cowards. But White guilt is strong medicine for Democrats.

    • And the ironic thing about all this self-loathing, guilty white radical leftist ‘virtue-signaling’, is that invariably there is no actual virtue involved.

  3. How about if they do something for the people of Alaska and fix our damn elections? Oh, that’s right….they wouldn’t be in office if that happened.

  4. Only the Lord can call final inning. In all things done by man we need remember that all is temporary. Like the great song by Kansas, we are but dust in the wind.

  5. The 34th Alaska Legislature is off to a whimper with Rep. Dibert’s monumental waste of time resolution to get President Trump to reverse his EO which rescinded Obama’s EO that attempted to change national law that named McKinley. Suggestion: how about Rep. Dibert ansking Alaska’s senior Senator to intercede with President Trump about his EO? After all it is widely known Senator Murkowski has a lot of clout with President Trump and his administration. Oh wait…

  6. The Name is and has always been MT Mckinely, Obama chose to try to change it for reasons nobody realy knows. Obama was just a rabble rousing trouble making Community Organizer before he became president , and continued the only thing he ever knew as president, the guy has never held a job that was not entirely reliant on tax payers money in his life , and him
    And big Mike became mega wealthy for basicly hoodwinking a bunch of brainless idiots into voting for him
    2 times, Barry as he was known on the streets of Chicago was the biggest Grifter and con artist in American history, the Obamas only pretend to care about anything as long as their cashing in on it. That’s what we get when we allow stupid naive and dumb people to vote. Barry Obama was the biggest Race baiting divider this country has ever seen. Just like Al Sharpton and several others , that’s exactly how they all become wealthy. They use the dumb people to bring in money by creating strife where there is none. Mount McKinley it will always be FOREVER!! Case closed !!

  7. Washington Commaders are the Washington Redskins in my book. There is no offense to anyone, but an honor that a football team would choose such an honorable name as Redskin. I think it honors the bravery of our native Americans. What has that to do with a mountain in Alaska. Probably not much.

  8. Denali was re-named by know-nothing gold inspectors in 1897 who probably never even knew anything different about it. They renamed it because McKinley’s name was the first one they saw when they returned to civilization since he was running for President then. This whole whop-la about Mt. McKinley is just the last stand against the natives who have lived in the Great Land for thousands of years. It has nothing to do with democrats infringing on the rights of Alaskans. The very appearance of democrats VS republicans as if every issue decided by one has to be contested by the other is just plain stupid. In a republic or a democracy people talk things out and then come to a consensus. Obviously, most people have forgotten this.

    • Between 300 and 600 years ago, Europeans invaded and took over North America. This series of events was consistent with human behavior since the very beginning of human existence. The United States congress officially named the mountain Mckinley in 1917. They talked things out and came to a concensus.

    • The prospectors named it McKinley in honor of a candidate that was a proponent of remaining on the gold standard.

  9. Sh*t I never learned about william mckinley while growing up. Just leave it as Denali. We already have enough colonized landmark names. mckinley was most likely a freemason anyway. I’m calling it Denali.

  10. Yes People, mountain names are much more important than your God-given rights being furthered reduced. Is this all another distraction from something else that is happening or being passed?

  11. Remarkable lack of understanding by the House majority, but what else do you expect from democrats?

    It’s not up to Trump to change the name. It is up to congress. They ought to be talking to the Alaska congressional delegation about proposing legislation that will amend ANILCA. Should be right up Lisa’s alley, as she has little time these days for anything other than bashing Trump. Should legislation make its way thru congress, I expect he will sign it. Cheers –

    • Alex, it wasn’t up to Obama to change the name. Congress oficially named the mountain Mckinley in 1917. Trump simply seeks to change it back to the official, congressionally approved name.

  12. Get over it. All the DEI crap changing names of military bases, mountains, buildings streets, etc. is just idiocy on parade. You want to name a new road or building or sports tea, or whatever, go for it. Leave everything else alone. McKinley Park still exist, as near as I know, within Denali Park and Preserve. Let the mountain be Mt McKinley. It was McKinley a lot longer than it was Denali, and it was McKinley in a congressional act. Presidents cannot reverse congressional acts.

  13. Got my New Mt McKinley license plates today in Honor of a Great President and Huge Mountain.

    Starting to Feel Great Again. Rock on You Felon you.

  14. Oh wow, what a crucial priority for the House to focus on. Glad to see our elected officials hard at work on the big issues while energy costs skyrocket, education lags, and the economy stumbles. Really, top-tier leadership.

    Why do we even bother sending half of them down there? Watch a Finance Committee meeting sometime—it’s a masterclass in disengagement. They’re too busy crafting the perfect Facebook post to actually, you know, do their jobs. Some of them are so painfully unqualified, it’s almost impressive. But hey, it’s not about representing us—it’s about power, money, and keeping the political swamp nice and murky. Lovely.

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