House passes bipartisan resolution opposing Biden on ANWR moratorium

1002 Area of ANWR is marked in red

The Alaska House on Monday passed a resolution calling out the Biden Administration’s moratorium on all oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). HJR 12 passed the House 35-3, “reflecting a united effort by Alaskans to defend their state’s energy rights against a hostile federal administration,” according to a statement from House Republicans.

Those opposing it were House Democrat Rep. Liz Snyder, Sara Hannan, and Geran Tarr. Democrat Reps. Zack Fields and Grier Hopkins were not present.

Sponsored by Rep. Rauscher of Sutton and co-sponsored by 23 members, the resolution also asks the Biden Administration to enforce the law as written. Federal law explicitly calls for “leasing development, production and transportation of oil and gas” in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“With this resolution, the Alaska House of Representatives have joined our voice with the majority of Alaskans and North Slope residents,” Rep. Rauscher said. “We send a unified message to the Federal Government, asking them to work with us, rather than against us, in developing our resources and empowering our communities.”

All House Republican caucus members voted in favor of the resolution and were joined by 16 members of the Democrat-led coalition.

“As representatives, we have a duty to stand up for Alaskan industry and jobs,” Republican Caucus Leader Cathy Tilton (R-Chugiak/MatSu) said. “That’s why our caucus will continue fighting for an Alaska open for business.” 


  1. Zack Fields is revealing himself to be a non-Alaska advocate and a shill for outside interests.

  2. Might be too late – the oil companies are demobilizing the North Slope. I’ve observed many truck loads on the Dalton Highway moving south that should have been going the opposite. We’re in for some really tough times.

    • “They may have arrived late to the shale soiree, but the super-majors have shown up with overflowing wallets, lofty production targets, and they’re setting the tone for the next wave of development in the transcendent Permian basin.” 2019-World Oil
      Permian Basin is SE New Mexico/NW Texas.

  3. Don’t send the resolution to Loser Dan or Lisa.
    They are not for Alaska. They don’t care.

  4. Thankfully there are some who understand that state governments protest to prevent a prescriptive case being built up against them.
    Absence of any protest from Alaska’s delegation about our subsurface rights, per the statehood act, being a sovereign right, could result in our right being denied.
    This is government 101, Dan and Lisa.

  5. I don’t have so lofty dreams as our legislators having any affect DC, or even our own delegation, whatsoever…I’m a little more modest; I’m just hoping Xi doesn’t send us all to the camps after Biden sells us to China this week…

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