House passes bill that would stop Biden from his war on American LNG exports


The U.S. House passed legislation on Thursday that would limit President Joe Biden’s ability to stop liquefied natural gas export permits. The bill, H.R. 7176, passed 224-200.

Nine Democrats, including Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola, joined all Republicans in approving “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act, whose key sponsor is Texas Republican Rep. August Pfluger. The bill would give the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission the exclusive authority to approve LNG projects.

The bill is likely to die in the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, and where Vice President Kamala Harris can break a tie vote.

Since his first day in office, “President Biden has targeted our domestic energy producers and actively undermined America’s efforts to be energy independent,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement on Thursday.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce came out solidly in support of the bill: “In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ongoing weaponization of natural gas for geopolitical influence, U.S. LNG is playing a critical role in providing energy security for allies in both Europe and Asia. With Europe still relying on Russia for nearly 15 percent of its natural gas consumption, and global demand expected to increase for several decades, continued expansion of U.S. export capacity is essential to American interests. H.R. 7176 would enable this expansion while still allowing for appropriate federal reviews of potential new export facilities through the longstanding Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) process.”


  1. If (and that is a big IF) this makes it through the senate, the veto will come so fast it will break the sound barrier.
    Waste of time.

    • It’s never a waste of time to point out the absurdity and destructive nature of those who would promote foreign economies, especially those of our enemies over America. If Democrats and President Biden would prefer that Europe, Asia, and much of the developing world should burn coal instead of natural gas then it further illustrates the point that the climate crisis they keep claiming is nothing but a grift.

  2. We need to ignore Biden in the left and do what a state needs to do to maintain a decent living for its people.
    Turn off the gas for Washington please somebody.

  3. The state of Alaska, along with Texas and other states, should simply declare Alaska a “Natural Gas Sanctuary State”, and ignore the usurper’s mandates. If it’s good enough for California and all the radical leftists hellhole shities, it is good enough for us.

  4. Huh, so Mary P. actually voted for this??? Did she accidentally push the wrong button and not notice, until it was too late?
    However it happened good on her!

    • I agree, A Taxpayer! I was confused by the article, so out of character is a Peltola vote AGAINST the ruling globalist regime.

      But shouldn’t that be “Good FOR her”? I don’t understand why I am suddenly seeing people say, or write, “Good on” instead of “Good for”.

      • Jefferson, you are correct, it should be “for” not “on”. I supposed the “on” comes from the “that’s on you” phrase, as I am still not sure, if she actually intended to vote for this bill or just made a mistake which would be “on her”. 🙂

  5. Wow maybe they can write the one way ticket back to China bill! With a supplementary, press the USA first button!

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