House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer has opened an investigation into the U.S. Selective Service System, after the agency posted a message on X/Twitter that implied that under Donald Trump’s Administration, the draft would be mandatory, as it was under Nazi Germany.
The Selective Service is not denying that it posted the comparison of Trump to Nazi Germany on Nov. 6, immediately following Trump’s historic win, but after the agency was called out on it, it quickly took the message down.

In a letter to Acting Director of the Selective Service System Joel Spangenberg, Chairman Comer requested all documents and communications related to the agency’s internal investigation into the matter. He also called for Spangenberg to personally brief the committee on the incident.
“The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating the Selective Service System’s promotion of a social media post stating individuals are ‘stupid’ if ‘they still believe military service will be voluntary,’ and to ‘[r]emember Germany 1936’ mere days after Americans elected President Donald Trump to be the 47th President of the United States,” Comer wrote. “The Committee is deeply disturbed that an independent federal agency, tasked with registering and maintaining a system of individuals potentially subject to military conscription if authorized by the President and Congress, would re-post a wholly unsubstantiated, false, and contemptible claim.”
Account-holders on X reported that the post was live for more than an hour. The Selective Service has since said it has launched an investigation to determine what happened and to prevent it from occurring in the future.
“Although the Selective Service should continue to investigate this matter and ensure that this not happen again, the individual at fault for reposting such an inappropriate and disturbing message on an Agency X account should be terminated,” Comer said. “In addition, to assist the Committee in investigating this matter, we request a briefing from the Selective Service with Committee staff. Please make arrangements to schedule a briefing with Committee staff on this matter as soon as possible, but no later than December 26, 2024.”
Trump says he has never even considered mandatory conscription.
The Selective Service states on its website: “While there is currently no draft, registration with the Selective Service System is the most publicly visible program during peacetime that ensures operational readiness in a fair and equitable manner. If authorized by the President and Congress, our Agency would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. Federal Law requires nearly all male U.S. citizens and male immigrants, 18 through 25, register with Selective Service.”
Read the letter to Acting Director Spangenberg here.
Trump preparing for war.
Got news for you Skippy. Preparing for war is precisely how we avoid engaging in war (see Reagan, JFK) Meanwhile, your man Biden began launching missiles from Ukraine into Russia which is now retaliating with missile launches. I’m curious as to why you so brazenly display such naivete on this venue. Is it a subconscious compulsion?
Not sure what you mean. I mentioned that drafting is preparing for war and you go off the deep end. Perhaps seek shallower pools.
Shallower pools would undoubtedly be easier for you to attack.
Coogan, how dare you confuse this simpleton? I guess D.E.I retraining is in store.
Got news for you Skippy. Preparing for war is precisely how we avoid engaging in war (see Reagan, JFK). Meanwhile, your man Biden recently launched missiles from Ukraine into Russia which is now retaliating with missile launches. I’m curious as to why you so brazenly display such naivete. Is it a subconscious compulsion?
I’m seeing double again.
You mean like the last time he was in office?? The time period he pulled us OUT of the endless, futile conflicts?? Yup.. sounds logical.
… against the Deep State.
Lol. He IS deep state.
TDS? He is not even in office. The current administration (i.e. Barry) giving $$ to Iran, in turn sponsoring terror groups. Right… your hero’s in the current administration are responsible for all the craziness the past 3.9 years.
Not my hero.
Put the eggnog down greg, you have had enough!
How so?
“Trump preparing for war.”
I hope so. It’s a dangerous world out there.
Ok Forkner….now you’re the military service draft expert. Again, standup comedy seems to be your passion.
I wear many hats.
A war Biden has already got us in.
How much fluoride is being dumped into the drinking water in DC? I know the public sector unions here in Anchorage can’t dump enough.
The question is how much floride has greg consumed? Trump did not get us involved in any new wars, that was FJB. He also campaigned on keeping us out of any new wars. America First.
What morons…for a couple of reasons. Apparently they forgot the draft for WWI, WWII, and Vietnam.
Now, that being said, I do think that at some point, we need to institute a two-year compulsory service like other countries have…at least for training purposes.
I agree.
IDE like to see 20 million of these dead beats called for duty. They would have to move out of their parents basement. Surrender their iPhone 18+ and actually loose 50 lbs of McDonald’s waist line and learn some skills. I don’t see a loose to this.
Still beating those war drums. Maybe lead by example.
Yep. Germany tried to draft Trumps grandpa and he refused so they kicked him out of country. The apple….
Good Grief Greg!
This is NOT some Star Trek alternate universe/dimension and not everything needs a Trump comment from you! Snap out of it!
BTW Germany had compulsory military service AFTER WWII 1956-2011!
I’m just getting started. Lol.
Look!! A nice ripetargetfor DOGE steps up to be first!.
On agency volunteers to be the first fat target for DOGE
Nato says we are going to war and to start preparing.
I am sure your savior biden will pardon NATO & maybe your post too!
We are nato. Lol
I know greg. Lol
We are a member of nato. We are not nato.
Wanna bet?
Well, at least we won’t have to bother with much anti-tank warfare like we’ve planned for the past 75 years. The Russians have pretty much run out of them, thanks to the Ukrainians.
Junk anyway.
Ho hum. This is not the first time Trump has been compared to Nazis. Joe Biden has done that himself.
Holy Cow! Now, I have to add the Selective Service System to my growing list of corrupt and incompetent US government agencies.
I’ve lost count but it includes FBI, DOJ, FEMA, Secret Service, Federal DOT….
This is the way. These communists think they operate with impunity. Nab a few, put them in high-profile trials (real trials, not like this Daniel Penny tripe), send them to prison and watch these internet tough guys get passed from cell to cell to cell serving as love slave to MS13, Tren de Araqua and Ayran Nation gang members.
(Almost) funny selective service want us to believe the fault is an “individual” and not systemic democrat TDS at play here.
Someone needs their a– in a sling over this. A real business owner would start at the top and fire down.
Quite offensive being called a nazi. If you did that in Germany the government would throw you in jail. Might I suggest the same response.
Got a little thing called the 1st amendment here. Read it! Understand it!
Sure, sure for a PRIVATE citizen the 1 amendment applies (like the guy, who posted the original) HOWEVER this is an OFFICIAL government site and reserved for official information, not for some bureaucrat’s reposting incendiary and false opinions.
Doesn’t apply to defamatory speech
I wonder what all these trouble causing left wing lunatics are going to do for a job. I would not hire any of them.
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