House intern arrested for posting personal info on senators



A congressional intern and Democrat was arrested on Wednesday in the nation’s Capitol for invading the privacy of senators by releasing their addresses and phone numbers to encourage harassment.

[Read the Capitol Police press release here]

Jackson Cosko, a 27-year-old  intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, was charged by Capitol Police with accessing a government computer for unlawful purposes — to post personal information of senators to the internet.

Cosko, who has described himself as a “Democratic Political Professional & Cybersecurity Graduate Student,” has also worked for Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and former Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer of California.

Jackson Cosko

He interned for Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who is the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Safety in the U.S. Capitol has become a concern as the Left becomes more and more aggressive in its opposition to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

On Thursday, a group of 100 Alaska professional women met with Sen. Lisa Murkowski to pressure her to vote no on the Kavanaugh confirmation. The women have all had their travel paid for by the ACLU and they include at least one highly paid lawyer in the Alaska Department of Law.

Athough the Alaska women traveling with the help of the ACLU didn’t take part in protests, others in the Capitol were arrested today for disorderly conduct.

Meanwhile, Alaskan conservatives using the MustReadAlaska newsletter link, have sent up to 2,000 messages to Murkowski, to request that she vote to confirm. The newsletter is published three times a week to 11,000 Alaskans, primarily conservatives and a few media and politically active Democrats.

The newsletter link has been clicked on more than 2,100 as of Thursday morning.

To send a message on the topic to Sen. Murkowski, readers may use this link:

Also on Wednesday, Kelley Paul, the wife of Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, published an open letter to Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, who has publicly encouraged the aggressive harassment of Republican senators:

An open letter to Senator Cory Booker:

It’s nine o’clock at night, and as I watch out the window, a sheriff’s car slowly drives past my home. I am grateful that they have offered to do extra patrols, as someone just posted our home address, and Rand’s cell number, on the internet — all part of a broader effort to intimidate and threaten Republican members of Congress and their families. I now keep a loaded gun by my bed. Our security systems have had to be expanded. I have never felt this way in my life.

In the last 18 months, our family has experienced violence and threats of violence at a horrifying level. I will never forget the morning of the shooting at the congressional baseball practice, the pure relief and gratitude that flooded me when I realized that Rand was okay.

He was not okay last November, when a violent and unstable man attacked him from behind while he was working in our yard, breaking six ribs and leaving him with lung damage and multiple bouts of pneumonia. Kentucky’s secretary of state, Alison Lundergan Grimes, recently joked about it in a speech. MSNBC commentator Kasie Hunt laughingly said on air that Rand’s assault was one of her “favorite stories.” Cher, Bette Midler, and others have lauded his attacker on Twitter. I hope that these women never have to watch someone they love struggle to move or even breathe for months on end.

Earlier this week, Rand was besieged in the airport by activists “getting up in his face,” as you, Senator Booker, encouraged them to do a few months ago. Preventing someone from moving forward, thrusting your middle finger in their face, screaming vitriol — is this the way to express concern or enact change? Or does it only incite unstable people to violence, making them feel that assaulting a person is somehow politically justifiable?

Senator Booker, Rand has worked with you to co-sponsor criminal justice reform bills. He respects you, and so do I. I would call on you to retract your statement. I would call on you to condemn violence, the leaking of elected officials’ personal addresses (our address was leaked from a Senate directory given only to senators), and the intimidation and threats that are being hurled at them and their families.


Kelley Paul


  1. The extremists on the left will be the demise of our republic. The problem is the extremists on the left are the democratic party. Mob rule is what they want and what they are attempting to do. We need leaders who understand the dangers of mob rule.

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