ACLU paying for 100 Alaska women to protest Kavanaugh



According to an attorney on the payroll of the State of Alaska, the ACLU is paying for 100 Alaska women from Alaska to travel to the nation’s capital to lobby against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The attorney for the Alaska Department of Law says she’s taking three days of personal leave to make the trek to DC to take part in the effort. She runs a popular liberal blog called OneHotMessAlaska, and normally it’s not for family enjoyment because its language is pretty raw.

The blog posted the letter that she is encouraging Alaska attorneys to sign opposing Kavanaugh’s appointment.

While her action is not prohibited by State law, because citizens may exercise their free speech rights during their off hours,  it’s problematic for the Law Department, which has the occasion to join cases appearing before the Supreme Court. That means her actions are problematic for all Alaskans, who need the Department of Law to be trustworthily working on their behalf. Her advocacy may call that into question.

Two weeks ago, Alaska Natives traveled to DC, most of them sponsored by advocacy organizations, and they staged a sit-in to get themselves arrested in front of Sen. Dan Sullivan’s office.


Also weighing in to protest the nomination of Kavanaugh is the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, which receives the majority of its money from government — taxpayer funded — grants. It posted this on social media today, compliments of your tax dollar:

It’s not the first time the ANDVSA organization has gotten overtly political. Just over a year ago, the group posted on social media that the phrase “Make America Great Again” is overtly racist.

That phrase was used widely in the campaign of President Donald Trump and is still used extensively today by conservatives supporting Trump.

‘Make America Great Again’ is racist, Alaska women’s group says



  1. Being accused equals being guilty? Since when? This is still America where innocent until proven guilty is at the core of our judicial system. If not our country is doomed. There are more holes in the accusers stories than Swiss cheese. I hoped Alaska women were smarter than to take these stories at face valve, but of course this is not about these women, it’s totally about the liberals not wanting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Pure and simple.

  2. The Left has demonstrated that they can secure Senator Murkowski’s vote on anything with this method. I would now expect that Mr. Soros and the ACLU will now run twice a month charter flights to Washington, DC to flip the Senator’s vote. I fear that if you put Senator Murkowski in a room with a hundred women lawyers she might vote to send the rest of us to concentration camps.

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