House committee scrutinizes Sec. Deb Haaland’s extremist ties

Deb Haaland

Rep. Mary Peltola of Alaska has refused to sign a letter led by the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources and sent to U.S. Department of the Interior Sec. Deb Haaland, demanding answers about Haaland’s conflicts of interest and apparent ethical violations.

The letter by Chair Rep. Bruce Westerman of Arkansas and other committee members asks for documents from Haaland, including all relevant communications between her and her radical activist daughter, who is part of the Pueblo Action Alliance, a group based in New Mexico, and Haaland’s husband, who is also involved in anti-fossil fuel activism.

Peltola is an ally of Haaland, which explains her refusal to sign the letter.

Pueblo Action Alliance, at the heart of this probe, champions the deconstruction of America’s economic and political systems and has led numerous protests and lobbying campaigns across the nation.

The committee’s interest was piqued by the department’s recent decision about mineral withdrawal around the Chaco Culture National Historical Park.

The committee scrutinized Secretary Haaland’s interactions with PAA leaders since she became Secretary of the Interior, especially in relation to their opposition to oil and gas production on federal lands, which falls under the Interior’s management.

Attention was also directed towards Haaland’s family connections to the Pueblo Action Alliance.

Haaland’s daughter, Somah Haaland, has been employed by the group since 2020, around the same time Deb Haaland was becoming President Joe Biden’s Interior Secretary. Somah took part in a Pueblo Action Alliance’s lobbying trip to the U.S. Capitol in 2022, advocating for legislation that sought to ban lease sales for oil and gas development on federal land.

Somah has also represented Pueblo Action Alliance at several events, including a “People vs. Fossil Fuels” rally. The committee wants to see what the ongoing advocacy relationship is between Haaland and Haaland, including all documents and communications on oil, gas, minerals and leasing on federal lands, Pueblo Action Alliance, Laguna Development Corporation, the Pueblo of Laguna, the People vs. Fossil Fuels protest in Washington in 2021, the withdrawal of federal lands from oil and gas leasing, and efforts to influence members of Congress or federal officials.

The committee letter highlighted Secretary Haaland’s husband, Skip Sayre, who is a consultant for the Laguna Development Corporation, the business arm of the Pueblo of Laguna, a federally recognized tribal entity that can access funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, a branch of the Department of Interior.

The connections raise concerns about possible conflicts of interest and the degree to which Secretary Haaland’s personal and familial ties could sway her decision-making in her role as head of the department.

As of now, there has been no public response from Secretary Haaland’s office to the committee’s letter.

However, Power the Future, a pro-energy advocacy group, responded to the letter with a statement:

“For more than two years, the Biden Administration has acted without any serious congressional oversight and we have all suffered the disastrous consequences,” said Daniel Turner, founder and executive director of Power the Future.

“Secretary Haaland’s relentless crusade against American energy producers knows no limits, and the public deserves to know about any financial connections she stood to gain from her family employment. Chairman Westerman deserves great credit for this fact-finding mission into potential influence peddling driving the anti-energy agenda. We are hopeful other congressional committees will follow suit and shed more light on those pulling the strings behind the scenes of the Biden Administration,” Turner wrote.


  1. One thing that was left out was the booming oil in her home state. I get that it doesn’t fit the article, but is worthy to be mentioned, for her tribes prosperity.

    • Precisely. How many federal permits for things her tribal members were involved in were approved? How many other permits to non-tribal members were denied? Cheers-

  2. Trevor Loudon did a fairly good outline on her that was published on April 24, 2021

    From the video description:
    “Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland now holds sway over much of the policy relating to U.S. land use, including energy, mineral, and agricultural resources.

    The Chinese communists stand to gain huge advantages over this country through this arrangement.”


  3. As Paul Harvey said “ we now know the rest of story “! The attack on oil and gas in Alaska is all caused by policy in DC on both sides . Now our governor is over eating dinner and partying with Alaska’s enemies to oil and gas ! Maybe he’ll figure it out eventually !

  4. I have nothing good to say about Haaland. She has nothing going for her but that indigenous card. She is the PM in the same way as the Transportation Secretary is for the pervert community.

    But I do not recall many organizations that claim to be for Alaska resource development speaking against Haaland’s confirmation; not AFN, or NANA, or Doyon, or ASRC, or CIRI. Someone would have to remind me if the Alaska Chamber had much to say at the time. Alaska environmental groups were very vocal in supporting her.

    • I will have for respect for Haaland when, and only when, she goes and lives in a traditional pueblo, with no electricity, no running water, and no modern appliances of any kind.

      Walk the walk if you want to talk the talk, radical leftist lady.

      • You’re more generous than me. She’s gonna have to raise the dead and bring real peace to the Middle East, while doing all you mentioned.

        And I’ll still find her a contemptible wart on humanity.

  5. As I keep posting I hope the bush suffers from their poster child. Start with Bethel and water rights.

  6. I’ve had very little criticism from the liberal left in Bethel over my posts condemning what I’ve labeled as the “Gag a Maggot Tour” which brought the First Lady, Peltola and this terrorist, along with 45 Secret Service, couple White House sides, Air force Brass, Presidential Jet , couple armored limos to Bethel for what amounted to a campaign rally for Peltola.

    What the public doesn’t know is that they filled the gymnasium with kids, just like the drag shows that have drawn so much ire around Alaska. Pervert them early.

    Rumour is $20 million spent on Bethel’s Gag a Maggot Tour.

  7. We appreciate the effort, but the wheels are in motion and it’s doubtful it will be stopped. Too much foreign and dark money rolling in supporting the anti energy movement in America. Haaland is bought and paid for and her mini me Peltola is right on board.

  8. Best case scenario, this investigation may potentially show the devious crusade and unethical actions the Haaland’s pursue against O&G, undermining reasonable O&G developments, but ultimately the greatest sin of all is their efforts in undermining Energy Security, a direct conflict of the fiduciary responsibility to the American people and America.
    With regards to Mary-P, it will be discovered at some point in time in the future, her own devious crusade and unethical actions in pursuit to capitalize “economically’ upon her standing as a sitting Congress Woman, so as to benefit her and her Family and Friends.
    Accountability & Consequences??? …. Likely “none” as I would expect these types of matters to be effectively – conveniently swept under the rug and hidden from public disclosure until the legal requirements expire.

  9. Haaland is, and always has been a paegan, eco-extremist. These are anti-oil, anti-Christian people who have an unhidden agenda to destroy American values. And they hate White people. These are the very people that Biden has chosen to run, and ruin, our great country.

  10. The Wicked Witch of the North would have made a better interior secretary…Oh wait a minute She is busy occupying Don Young’s old office. They are just lucky the old trials in Salem Mass got defunded!

  11. Why should haaland admit to taking payoffs when the biden family won’t admit the same?

  12. Let’s not forget disgraceful swampy Dan voted for her.
    Then has the gall to bitch about oil production.
    I would bet he is a Wray supporter too. I will NEVER vote for that garbage again.

  13. Comments above have this thing all wrong. Haaland is half Norwegian. It’s that stingy murderous Viking Blood in her that promugates her rapacious decisions upon Western Civilization. Her NAVAJO heritage is at odds with all this.

    • Ok, but she is not Navajo. She is Pueblo. She just shut down a lot of oil and gas drilling on Navajo land and the Navajo Council condemned her action because it means a lot of Navajos will remain in poverty. She got 2 birds with one stone because the Navajos used to raid and make slaves out of the Pueblo people. Until the US Cavalry and Kit Carson put an end to it.

  14. George, I stand corrected on the better half of Haaland’s ancestry.
    Thanks for the heads up.

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