Holland for Senate Seat N



One of the most important races in Alaska this primary season is Senate Seat N — South Anchorage.

Roger Holland, a Coast Guard veteran, is on a mission to retire Sen. Cathy Giessel, who has formed dysfunctional alliances with Democrats, while abandoning the conservative principles that she ran on. 

Her tack to the left has many of us shaking our heads. What happened to the Cathy Giessel that was once a reliable fiscal conservative?

Roger Holland rose to the challenge after he had seen enough of the antics in Juneau. Under the leadership of Giessel as Senate president, the pettiness and mean-spiritedness in politics had reached new lows in the Legislature. The only thing she could be counted on doing was lining up with the likes of Democrat Tom Begich. She punished any Republican who wanted to cut the budget, and put a Democrat in as majority leader. It was her way or the highway.

Giessel immediately drove a wedge between herself and the governor, and she built her strongest alliance with Democratic House Speaker Bryce Edgmon. Together, they were a disaster during the last two years.
Now, Giessel is so tied in with Democrats that they actually want her to win. She’s endorsed by the AFL-CIO, which leads the charge for more government spending. AFL-CIO Boss Vince Beltrami ran against her four years ago, but now she’s doing his bidding, and he’s supporting her.

That’s not what is right for Alaska, and certainly not in sync with District N.
Voters in Senate District N deserve better.  Roger Holland doesn’t have the entrenched perspective of a professional politician. He’s bringing fresh eyes to the problems this state faces, and will not cave on his conservative principles.

Unlike Giessel, Roger Holland is running for the right reasons, to represent District N with honor.

“I will put constituents first,” Holland said. “I will be true to my word, whether here in the District or when I go to Juneau. That’s what all of us expect, and what District N deserves.”

Paid for by Holland for Alaska, P.O.Box 111852, Anchorage, AK, 99511.


  1. So thankful for you Roger! It is not an easy thing to do what you are doing. But there isn’t a more important calling for our community right now. As one of Cathy’s constituents, I could have written this piece for you. It is exactly representative of what happened the last two years. Cathy has been on a downward spiral for longer, but the senate presidency went to her head almost immediately and she became the worst kind of political hack. Those of us paying attention couldn’t be more disgusted with her backstabbing and mean-spiritedness. A vote for Cathy is a vote for the engineer of the swamp that devoured our state senate for the last two years. We can do better.

  2. I wish I could vote in that District just shove Lying Giessel out the door but with Holland in there my Senator Shelly Hughes can finally have our voices heard.

  3. The Primary is on August 18th. This is one seat that we, as conservatives, must win ! It’s good to see this in Must Read ! Roger Holland is the real deal !

  4. Roger, you get my vote, Julia’s, Marcus, and maybe even Ruth’s that is, if Cathy doesn’t get to her first at the PH. Believe us, retirement for the despot queen is long overdue. Where can we send you large campaign contributions with our full names?

  5. Please vote Roger Holland , Remove Giessel and all Senators that replaced rule of law representation with the absolute slander Binding Caucus. Including my State Senator Bert Stedman,,, They went to far and abused we the peoples trust, They made their own beds,,, Now sleep in them.

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